Without the foreshadowing just now, the group of second-generation people with high eyesight would not even bother to look at it. Who would care about what a transparent little person chooses?

But now, even if no one said it, Lin Yi's weight in their eyes seemed to be completely different.

Lin Yi glanced around and then said: "No. 13."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they came to their senses, they all showed mocking looks.

"If nothing else, this guy's eyesight is really bad."

"He actually chose No. 13? If I remember correctly, No. 13 was the one who was abused the most in the warm-up match a few days ago, right?"

"Fortunately, it's a warm-up match. If there was a death match like this today, the graves would be covered with grass. This Lin Yi looks at five people and six people. He is really discerning, haha."

"Did he choose randomly on purpose? Just to find an opportunity to bring good luck to Mr. Qi and be his dog by the way?"

"I also think that even if you randomly choose from a few people standing around, your chances of winning will be much greater. Look at that silly No. 13, who has the character of a weakling and a good-for-nothing. He was just stunned and is still not crawling. Get up."

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Lin Yi didn't take it seriously.

No matter from the appearance point of view or the hard power point of view, the number 13 he chose is indeed not a good choice.

Among the fifty death row inmates present, this one was the most timid and cowardly in demeanor. He gave the impression that he didn't even dare to look at others, and he was born with a cowardly temperament.

He was one of the last ones to get up among the stunned group, and his first reaction after getting up was to hide in the corner, not daring to have any eye contact with other death row inmates.

Choose one from fifty.

Can someone like this be the last one to survive?

Any normal person would probably not make this choice, even Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Lin Yi.

"What is this? Do you want to admit defeat to me in disguise? Then you might as well just kneel down and kowtow."

Mr. Qi laughed endlessly.

He personally selected these fifty death row inmates from the sky prison, and he knew every one of them clearly, including the coward No. 13.

It is true that No. 13 is not as weak as he appears on the surface, but standing with the other forty-nine death row inmates present, he is just a cannon fodder.

Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?

There is no such possibility.

No need to think about it, Lin Yi's blind choice was for nothing.

Lin Yi responded calmly: "It's still too early to say who will kowtow to whom. Mr. Qi can tell you your choice."

"Okay, let's see how you learn to bark like a dog later."

Mr. Qi snorted: "No. 4, I have chosen you today. If you don't work hard later, I guarantee that your life will be worse than death."

No. 4 raised his eyelids but did not respond.

There was another discussion in the surrounding stands.

No. 4 is a skinny old man. Although he is not close to death, in terms of appearance, he is actually not much better than No. 13, whom Lin Yi chose.

But one thing is that he is one of the few people who was not stunned by Lin Yi's aura just now.

This alone is enough to prove that this person is not as simple as he looks on the outside.

Lin Yi glanced at No. 4 meaningfully, then flashed back to Zhao Feng's box No. 10.

At the same time, other second-generation people in the stands also began to place bets.

For today's death match, they all did a lot of homework in advance. Although the information they obtained was not as complete as Mr. Qi's, they still had their own methods.

Today's handicap is not small, and if they bet correctly, it will be enough for them to make a fortune.

"Is that number 13 really reliable?"

Seeing Lin Yi's determination, Zhao Feng couldn't help but ask.

Lin Yi smiled back: "If you are interested, you can bet on him. You won't be disappointed."

"But no matter how I look at him, he doesn't look like a fierce man who can survive?"

Zhao Feng was doubtful. After all, it was King Zhao who brought her up. She was relatively confident in her own vision. However, seeing what Lin Yi said, she still bet 10,000 on No. 13.

Lin Yi himself secretly regretted it.

If he can bet, he can definitely squeeze out the handicap here tonight, but it's a pity that he can't end it in person.

As soon as he started gambling with Mr. Qi, he was already the target of public criticism. His every move attracted attention, and his target was too big.

Secondly, even if he can suppress these additional risks, he still cannot end the game personally.

This was what Jiang Xiaoshang reminded him a few days ago.

"The future that comes from Si Nan's ring is indeed a destined future, but it's hard to say if it's not the one you see."

"Si Nanjie is good at using his eyes, but your eyes may not be so good at using them."

"Especially if a lot of luck interests are involved, it's easy to get carried away."

"The huge luck itself will become a layer of blindness that cannot be seen through, preventing you from seeing Si Nanjie's true instructions, and thus brainwashing yourself."

The reason why Lin Yi chose No. 13, who was born to look like a coward, was because he had taken the hint from Si Nanjie.

The 10,000 fortune he had bet against Mr. Qi was basically the limit.

If there was more luck, it would be hard to say whether Si Nan Jie would still be effective.

As he spoke, amid cheers from the audience, the death match below had officially begun.

All of a sudden, the fifty death row prisoners were all tense, like wild beasts that preyed on others, ready to launch a death attack on others at any time.

After all, the rules are very clear: fifty to one.

If they want to survive, they must kill all the other forty-nine people present. No one can be left out!


Accompanied by a burst of exclamations, Death Row Prisoner No. 37 was torn in half. The surrounding Death Row Prisoners and the spectators in the stands did not even know who was responsible.

These prisoners on death row have their strength strictly sealed and cannot mobilize any regular power. It is even difficult to mobilize their true energy. They can only use the most primitive physical skills to fight for their lives.

What's happening here?

Mr. Qi, however, looked like an old man and snapped his fingers: "It's too boring to fight like this. Someone, come and give them some luck."

As he finished speaking, five treasure chests appeared out of thin air in the battlefield, randomly located.

All the prisoners on death row cheered up.

The nearest death row prisoner immediately opened it first, and there were all kinds of weapons inside, including cold weapons such as knives and guns. What was outrageous was that there were also modern hot weapons, including a grenade.

"Opening a blind box, right?"

Lin Yi looked at Mr. Qi in box No. 10 opposite and said, "I really like to play."

Without these randomly appearing blind boxes, this would basically be a pure battle of hard power. Whoever is the strongest will be most likely to survive to the end.

But now a blind box link has been added, and the uncertainty has suddenly increased greatly.

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