Be The Main God From Naruto

Three hundred and fourteen new spells, compound execution

By the time of the final exam, the weather had become very stuffy.

In the large classroom where Hogwarts candidates were answering questions, the heat was unbearable.

Harry could even see that the air seemed to be twisted by the huge temperature difference.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, resisted the urge to light a piece of Sun Tobacco, and picked up a new quill specially used for exams.

Anti-cheating spells are engraved on it.

The theory test, for the Survival Four, is just a formality.

Even Neville Longbottom, who has the least solid knowledge, is sure to get an "O" (excellent).

After spending several hours on the parchment, the first thing Harry did when he walked out of the examination room was to wash a homemade cigarette beautifully.

After the theoretical exam, there is the practical exam.

Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher and head of Ravenclaw, took them into the classroom one by one to see if the little wizards could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk.

Harry walked out of the examination room and curled his lips: "No idea."

Draco Malfoy said the same: "No challenge, I thought there would be some difficulty."

This level of magic tricks, they can do it when the world is famine.

"It's okay, for the first grade, this level of difficulty is enough."

Hermione gave a fair evaluation.

After all, not all young wizards who have just entered school are like the four of them, having a unique growth experience.

The actual combat test is not only these.

In Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration assessment, they were asked to transform a mouse into a snuffbox.

In the transformation test, Neville performed the most brilliantly.

Perhaps because of his delicate thoughts, the snuff box he created is lifelike, gilded and molded in silver, and every watermark and logo seems to be engraved by a laser knife.

Precise and elegant.

In fact,

This is also in line with Neville's current appearance.

Now he is no longer the little fat boy when he first entered school.

Neville, who still loves food, consumes a lot of nutrients, but is unwilling to let his body accumulate too much fat, so he racked his brains and put in 12 minutes of hard work, and finally researched a brand new spell called [Metabolism Curse].

His body began to grow rapidly.

In the Survival Four, Neville is now the tallest one.

He was well-proportioned, with good features, and always wore a well-fitting little suit.

When he was with Hermione, Malfoy, and Harry, Neville was like a butler who took care of the young master and the princess, with no complaints or regrets, and a high professionalism.

Professor McGonagall added 30 points to Neville without hesitation.

Ravenclaw climbed to the top.

This time in the Academy Cup, Dumbledore doesn't need to help cheat.


Compared with the final exam, the matter of trapping and killing Voldemort seemed a lot more ordinary.

Dumbledore provided the venue and cooperated with the spread of rumors that "the Sorcerer's Stone and the infinite treasure of knowledge are hidden somewhere in the school".

In this case, the Survival Four made a play.

They pass through the portrait hole, any door, deceive the hellhound, use their knowledge and ability to break through the barriers, and finally come to the Sorcerer's Stone.

A person appeared in front of them.

Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.


"It really is you."

Harry's tone seemed regretful and annoyed.

He saw it right away.

Voldemort hiding behind Quirrell's head is just a remnant soul.

Among the seven Horcruxes, none of them could compare to the opponent.

Malfoy smoothed his platinum blonde hair, his eyes flickered with a dangerous scarlet light.

He felt that he had overestimated his opponent.

Voldemort Remnant + Quirrell.

For this level of stuff, he can deal with it with one breath of the dragon.

No need to do that preparatory work at all!

"Damn it!"

Malfoy slammed his fist on the stone pillar angrily.

Once at the opening banquet, Professor Wang Yan bounced Quirrell away, but Quirrell was not seriously injured.

Although he apologized on the spot, the group of four still overestimated the fighting power of Quirrell and Voldemort's remnant soul.

They should have known!

You shouldn't take Professor Wang Yan's extra-theoretical existence as a reference!

There is no comparison at all!

Back then, Professor Wang Yan was just teaching Quirrell and Voldemort a lesson.

The sad Quirrell, seeing the performance of Harry and Malfoy, now still shows a look of wisdom in his hands.

He even trembled with laughter.

The laughter was shrill and piercing, and it hurt the eardrums.

"That's right, it's me!"

Quirrell said sullenly: "What I hate the most is your expression that everything is expected."


Harry drew his wand expressionlessly.

Hermione, who was beside him, asked with great interest: "Is it Voldemort hiding under your hood? How did he endure this stench?"

"Be respectful, that's the Dark Lord!"

Quirrell narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous scowl appeared on his face: "I know, you all have good grades, but the gap between adult wizards and wizard apprentices is bigger than you think!"

After repeatedly confirming that there was no one else around, he felt that he had controlled the scene, so he started to wave.

"When I was traveling around the world, I met Lord Dark Lord."

"At that time, I was still a foolish young man with a set of ridiculous ideas about good and evil, right and wrong."

"It was the Dark Lord who pointed out my mistakes. He told me that there is no right and wrong in the world, only power, and those incompetent people who cannot gain power..."


A violent explosion suddenly appeared on Quirrell.

The pitch-black flames, the shadowless divine front, the life-threatening green light, the blue dragon's breath...

In the face of the compound fatal curse of the Survival Four, Quirrell didn't even have the chance to say his last words.

Draco Malfoy twirled the air with his wand.

He kissed the tip of the wand softly, and said softly, "Yes, Voldemort is that kind of incompetent person."


At the end of term banquet.

Dumbledore rushed to the venue, and the noise in the auditorium gradually died down.

"Another year has passed!"

The headmaster forced a smile.

He was still thinking about the compound spells of the four little wizards before.

Forget about Neville's Fiercefire Curse and Malfoy's Frost Dragon's Breath, those are things he has seen a long time ago.

Where did Harry Potter's [Shen Feng Wu Ying] and Hermione's [Avada Kedavra] come from?

Judging by the proficiency of the two, it doesn't seem like the first release at all.

The Ministry of Magic never issued any warnings about this.

From the looks of it, the quartet appears to have resolved the monitoring spell in the underage wizard's wand.

A banquet will end soon.

Dumbledore gave no points to Ravenclaw House.

There is no need, because of the existence of the Survival Four, Ravenclaw could have won the championship with an absolute advantage and dominated the Academy Cup.

Besides, as far as selfishness is concerned, he prefers Gryffindor, who is at the bottom of Wannian.

Looking at the immature faces of Harry and the others, Dumbledore sighed faintly.

He had a vague feeling that compared with Voldemort, these four little guys might bring more changes to the world in the future.

Dumbledore felt that in addition to the main mission of fighting Voldemort, members of the Order of the Phoenix should also take on the responsibility of "guiding underage wizards on the right track".

The banquet is over soon.

Harry, Hermione, Malfoy, and Neville got on Malfoy's private flying car.

The little wizards talked and laughed happily all the way to Malfoy Manor.

They didn't have to take off their wizarding robes for jackets and jackets and make their way through the sea of ​​people on platform nine and three quarters at King's Cross.

They have long planned vacations.

Malfoy Manor, St Mungo's Hospital, Hermione's house.

Here are three stops for the holiday.

But at this time, four "peers" from the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic in France broke the plan of the survival four.

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