Be The Main God From Naruto

Three hundred and nine IQ BUFF, invisibility cloak

Thirty small pills in a transparent plastic bag, called NZT48.

When Wang Yan bestowed these things on Harry Potter, he didn't tell him the function of these little things.

Without hesitation, Harry took one out and popped it into his mouth.

This action caught the eyes of the three partners around him, causing a commotion.

Malfoy subconsciously stretched out his hand, pinched Harry's throat, and shouted eagerly: "You idiot, you put everything in your mouth? Spit it out!"

Hermione was also a little worried.

The schoolmaster girl frowned: "At least, you should let me do a drug analysis first."

What Wang Yan gave must be good things, there is no doubt about it.

But are these small transparent discs that look like "pills" really edible?

What if it is a pre-production product equipped with some kind of ultimate poison?

Neville next to him took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

As an existence that can create the world and freeze time, the prophecy professor should be able to solve most of the problems they find difficult.

Harry didn't respond.

Once the tablet enters the throat, it begins to work quickly.

In an instant, Harry felt his whole being "refreshed".

Logical analysis ability, memory ability, active thinking...

All aspects have been improved dozens of times.

He can now even recall everything that happened to him when he was a baby.

Father James Potter is brave and fearless.

Mother Lily Evans's eyes are as clear and exquisite as pure emeralds.

The arrogance and stupid IQ of Voldemort and Death Eaters...

The voices of the three partners sounded in my ears at the same time, as if they had been slowed down countless times.

Harry could even think on two lines at the same time now.

While analyzing Voldemort through the memories of his infancy, he calmly told his friends about the changes in him.

"I feel good now."

"Better than ever."

A wise smile formed on the corner of Harry's mouth.

In his emerald green eyes, there was a radiance of absolute rationality that was as cold as ice.

"Professor Wang Yan is simply my benefactor, he helped me reshape myself."

"This very interesting. It not only improves my intelligence level, but even makes my mentality more positive."

"Now, my mind is full of eating, digesting, assimilating, exercising, learning, accumulating."

"Self-improvement is the true meaning of life."

"Knowledge is an important bridge to achieve this goal."

Harry's excitement made the friends feel a little weird.

After saying this, he immediately left the prophecy tower and walked towards the main castle of Hogwarts.

Harry trotted all the way up to the eighth floor.

His thinking is clear and his purpose is very clear.

Soon, Harry came to the end of the spiral staircase.

A shiny oak door appeared in front of him.

On the door, Harry noticed, was a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin. Behind the door, various funny little voices entered the ears.

"It seems that NZT48 can also improve my insight."

Harry stood in front of the door, thinking silently about Dumbledore's habits.

He slowly tested the password.

Wool socks, pumpkin soup, Yorkshire pudding...

In fact, it didn't take much time for Harry to "guess" the correct passphrase.

lemon juice.

buzz buzz...

The door is open.

Harry stepped forward and walked into the principal's office calmly.

"Harry? I don't remember telling you the passphrase."

Albus Dumbledore was a little surprised by the appearance of the little savior.

He pressed his hands on the desk with a weird look on his face.

Recently, many things have developed beyond his expectations.

The Savior was sorted into Ravenclaw, Nicole May was rejuvenated, and the prophecy professor shared information about the future...

Dumbledore's plans were disrupted.

Harry is in a strange state right now.

He was in an inexplicable joy and joy.

The sharply improved intellectual level gave him the illusion that "everything is under control".

This feeling is even more joyful than the joy brought by smoking sun grass.

"Hi principal, I'm here because I have two things to do."

"The first one, I want to get back the invisibility cloak passed down from generation to generation by the Potter family... It is said that it was passed down by the Deathly Hallows."

As he spoke, Harry noticed that there were many strange silverware on the thin-legged desk.

As if they had been cast with a "living spell", they continued to rotate on their own, and they continued to emit milky white smoke.

The walls of the office are covered with portraits of the former male and female principals.

It has to be said that from the perspective of Harry Potter's aesthetics, these principals are not very beautiful.

Dumbledore seemed stunned for a moment.

He frowned: "It is true that I keep the invisibility cloak of the Potter family, but... how do you know?"

He even secretly gave Harry a few detection spells while he was talking, which even included soul ingestion.

The weird thing is that even though Harry Potter had never practiced Occlumency, he was able to show him some unimportant memories in a way he couldn't understand.

Even so, Dumbledore was finally able to confirm that standing in front of him was the real little savior.

"How about some coconut milk first?"

As he spoke, Dumbledore waved his wand, and a glass of fresh translucent coconut water appeared in Harry's hand.

The savior picked up the cup, sniffed it, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

"Sri Lankan vulture bile, burocquat, Icelandic Juris stalactite blocks, ferret heart tendons..."

"I don't remember which drink needs to have these things in it."

"The person who brewed this veritaserum is definitely not Professor Snape, he can do it more covertly."

Harry's words made the old headmaster a little embarrassed.

Still, Harry gulped down the coconut milk.

After drinking the veritaserum, he said generously: "About ten years, nine months and three days ago, my parents discussed the matter of the invisibility cloak."

Dumbledore looked confused: "Do you remember what happened ten years ago? How old were you at that time?"

He had taught at Hogwarts for many years and had seen all kinds of geniuses, but he had never imagined that there would be a student like Harry Potter.

Even Voldemort back then was far inferior to Harry, right?

Very weird.

In his intelligence network, it was obvious that he and Harry were just ordinary miserable green boys.

Could it be that all the mediocrity before was just a disguise?

Dumbledore thought about it with horror, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

He was terrified of Harry becoming a second Voldemort.

Harry looked at him with a half-smile: "It's such a recent memory, it won't be forgotten."

After eating NZT48, he was even able to recall his time as an embryo in the placenta.

This feeling of omniscience and omnipotence is really wonderful.

Harry could feel the effects of the medicine wearing off.

Each tablet of nzt48 only keeps him that way for about 21 hours.

In other words, the "high IQ" buff provided by Professor Wang Yan can only last for one month.

This is the real reason why Harry came to Dumbledore.

The invisibility cloak was just a conversation starter.

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