Be The Main God From Naruto

Two hundred and eighty-five Ulquiorra, the desire of the soul

"I'm not Death."

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned and said seriously.

This is the truth.

Unfortunately, Ishida Uryu didn't believe it.

He just bowed his head and smiled nervously.

Seeing Ishida Uryu's performance, Kurosaki Ichigo sighed.

The current opponent is not the best comrade-in-arms who betrayed his own class position back then, but just a person blinded by the heart of revenge.

As soon as this idea emerged, Ichigo suddenly had a strong creative urge.

Revenge, conflict, contradiction.

This is the eternal theme of literature, isn't it?

From The Count of Monte Cristo to the Chinese online novels that have been translated in large numbers recently, it seems that this is the tone.

However, those works are, after all, the imagination of the authors.

And he has experienced it, and is observing even more exciting stories.

Perhaps, he can draw a better future with the pen in his hand.

In the future, draw a more perfect rest for all the plots.

"This thing, called spirit bait, can release an attractive smell."

Ishida Uryu held a small snow-white disc between his fingers, and said in a low tone.

" want to..."

Kurosaki Ichigo was aware of the opponent's next move.

He wanted to stop the other party, but found sadly that he was just an ordinary person now, without the ability of death.

The field of Xueba has both offense and defense, but it can only kill those existences that are malicious to him and affect his studies.

Ishida Uryu, is not classified as a "disruptor".

In the judgment of the great writer's development system, the appearance of the other party is the same as that of Kuchiki Rukia.

It will make Kurosaki Ichigo feel happy and improve learning efficiency.

Besides, the current Ishida Uryu is just a simple boy, he took out the bait just to let Kurosaki Ichigo use all his strength to compete with himself.

"That's fine..."

Kurosaki Ichigo thought about it for a second, and the sadness on his face instantly dissipated.

Everything that happens is a good thing.

All experiences will become his creative material.


While Ishida Uryu was interacting with Kurosaki Ichigo, the virtual circle welcomed a new guest.

"It's desolate."

Wang Yan looked at the pale and lonely sky above his head, looking far into the distance, he could hardly see a few moving objects.

;Mundo, this is the real name of the virtual circle.

Translated, it should be "a place of death and silence".

The main resident here is Xu.

What Wang Yan wants to see is not those brainless mentally handicapped beings.

He slowly closed his eyes, and his thoughts instantly enveloped the entire virtual circle.

Killian, Yachukas, Vastord, Pomian...

All individuals with normal intelligence are under his observation.

"Got you."

Wang Yan chuckled, and his figure flickered and changed.

In an instant, he appeared in front of a tall, slender and thin boy.

The opponent wore a half-horned bone helmet, short black hair, and a pale complexion.

Emerald-like pupils, like a cat demon, dark green tear-stained facial lines...

These together outline an indifferent expression, which can be called a representative role of an ascetic male god.

Four Blades, Ulquiorra Cifer.

With a calm and cold personality, when he saw Wang Yan's appearance, he just took two steps back in an instant, and did not launch an attack immediately.

In fact, this is the real him.

He is merciless to the enemy and hates killing indiscriminately.

The essence of Ulquiorra is very similar to that of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Empty life, life course is nothingness, without purpose and ideal.

"Let's cut to the chase."

Wang Yan calculated the time, and it happened to be the Chinese New Year in his own plane.

He looked at Ulquiola with a half-smile: "I'm here to give you a present."


Ulquiola's cold expression fluctuated slightly.

In virtual circles, this kind of statement is not popular.

After all, if the vast majority of virtuals want to evolve their minds, they must engage in cannibalism and devour each other.

"No need for that kind of thing."

He declined Wang Yan's kindness, and even put his hand on the blade at his waist.

Wang Yan raised his chin slightly, his eyes were contemptuous, and his tone was uncompromising: "My gift, you can't refuse."

After finishing speaking, he nodded towards Ulquiorra.

Wang Yan's movements were not fast, and could even be considered slow.

Ulquiola made an evasive move.

But all this is meaningless.

He found sadly that no matter how fast he was, the other party's index finger seemed to be locked on him forever.

three inches...

two inches...

one inch...

An invisible force penetrated his eyebrows.


The bony horned helmet on Ulquiola's head instantly shattered!

The hole in his chest was quickly filled.


Boom! Boom!

"What's this?"

Ulquiola pressed his chest.

Inside, something is jumping.

Boom! Boom!


Ulquiola was silent for a long time, barely recalling a term.

To be precise, it should be the heart.

It seems that Wang Yan not only endowed him with an organ, but also endowed him with all the seven emotions and six desires that human beings should have.

Complicated emotions surged in Ulquiola's heart.

Greed, hatred, ignorance, love, evil desire.

All positive and negative emotions, intertwined into an invisible web.

This net, Ulquiola used to call "mind".

Now he is more like a human being, both in appearance and inwardness.

The false mask has completely disappeared.

When Ulquiola came back to his senses, he wanted to ask who Wang Yan was, but found that the other party had completely disappeared without a trace.

He put his hands in the side pockets of the hakama and closed his eyes.

All the memories of the past rolled and throbbed in his mind, as if they would never subside.

When he was first born, he was a pure white human figure with only vision among the five senses. He was excluded because his appearance and habits were different from his own kind.

Some of those of the same kind were swallowed up by other voids, while some have survived to this day.

An emotion called "displeasure" surfaced on Ulquiola's face.

He felt his thoughts froze a bit.

If you want to make your thoughts clear, you must kill those guys who have bullied you.


Five hours and three minutes.

Ulquiorra achieved his purpose.

Those of the same kind who had ridiculed, excluded, and humiliated him were picked out one by one by him and smashed into pieces.

After completing the revenge, in addition to being happy, there is also a feeling of relief.

More desires and emotions surged out.

Aizen's figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Why, should he be loyal to that god of death?

It seems that he can also ascend the throne and become the master of the Void Night Palace.

Before this, he had never considered this possibility.

The former Ulquiorra believed that "mind" is unnecessary.

It just makes people lose their minds and do things emotionally.

Now, he has changed his mind.

Desire is a good thing.

He can live a more meaningful life.

Power, status, power, fame!

To obtain these, Ulquiorra needs to make a plan and execute it step by step.

He pressed one hand on the hilt at his waist, and two existences that could be taken as assistants emerged in his heart.

Ten-bladed Yami Rialgo, Six-bladed Grimmjow Jakajack.

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