Be The Main God From Naruto

279 Black hole experiments, void matter

The old king of angels, Huaye, was a bohemian man.

He has an excellent appearance, but unfortunately he is neglected to dress up, his beard is unshaven, and his hair looks very messy.

In front of Wang Yan, Hua Ye showed a considerable degree of respect.

The former king of angels did not put on much airs, but bowed slightly, his tone seemed a little humble: "A great and mysterious visitor from another time and space."

"I have something to do with you."

Wang Yan stared at Hua Ye expressionlessly.

He didn't give any reply, just looked at each other.

Time passed minute by minute.

The cynical smile on Hua Ye's face gradually subsided, and his heart rate gradually increased.

Even with his divine body, he behaved like an ordinary human being in front of Wang Yan.

His hair stood on end, his pupils dilated, his spine shrank slightly, and he subconsciously assumed an attacking posture.

Finally, Wang Yan's answer rang in his ears.

"I reject."

Hearing this, Hua Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little annoyed and unwilling.

He subconsciously asked, "Why?"

He hasn't even said his purpose and cooperation content yet!

Wang Yan curled his lips and looked at Hua Ye jokingly: "I already know your purpose."

"The boring trick of usurping power doesn't make any sense to me."

"Also, your strength is too weak."

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous expression on his face.

He murmured and repeated the words that hurt him: "Strength...too poor."

"I'm afraid you don't know, Morgana is also staying in the Super Seminary now."

Wang Yan said with a half-smile: "Her divine body,

Has evolved to the fourth generation, and you? "

The fourth generation of gods...

Hua Ye gasped.

When he was spending time, drinking, and indulging in tenderness, had the Queen of Fallen Angels left him so far?

Wang Yan, a strong man from a different time and space, has a strange, inexplicable, incomprehensible, and unobservable realm of life.

He didn't feel that such an existence would deceive himself.

Moreover, from the perspective of the general situation, Morgana was suppressed and beaten by Queen Keisha from the beginning to the end.

Doesn't this mean that the gap between Hua Ye and the current Queen of Angels is even greater?

"However, these are not the most important things."

Wang Yan added in a quiet tone: "The most critical issue is..."

Hua Ye pricked up his ears.

The old king of angels has now become a good boy who is studious and motivated.

Obviously, the level of strength of Morgana and Keisha deeply stimulated this schemer.

"You're so ugly."

Wang Yan gave these four words indifferently.

The truth hurts the most.

But that's exactly what happened.

If Hua Ye was an ordinary human being, his appearance could be said to be quite masculine.

Unfortunately, he is an angel.

Judging by angel's aesthetic standards, Hua Ye has indeed held back his racial appearance.

For Wang Yan, this is the most critical question.

"Do not be angry."

Wang Yan waved his hand.

Something weird happened.

Hua Ye, whose anger bar had accumulated to full and could erupt at any time, suddenly felt a chill running through the sky gate and through the soles of his feet.

He could no longer explode, and his whole body seemed to have entered the mode of a sage, calmly making himself feel terrified.

"Your idea, for me, has a lot of reference value."

"Don't resist..."

"Oh, if I didn't say it, it doesn't make any sense whether you struggle or not anyway."

While Wang Yan was talking to himself, Hua Ye suddenly realized that he could no longer control his body.


The young male human in a white windbreaker snapped his fingers, and the scene in front of Hua Ye changed instantly.


In the vast universe, strong invisible rays penetrated from all directions.

The cold and lonely space penetrated the chill into the flesh and blood of the old king of angels.

"The black hole engine... the idea is very good, and it gave me some inspiration."

Wang Yan raised his index finger and nodded towards Hua Ye.

In the middle of Hua Ye's chest, the orange light flickered endlessly, gradually turning into a dazzling golden vortex.

"I said……"

"There must be black holes."

Far away, a cosmic explosion was born.

The pitch-black singularity turned into a terrifying sphere.

Hua Ye swallowed his saliva.

The old king of angels could feel that the space-time curvature of this sphere was so great that light could not escape from its horizon.

It's not pure black.

It is only because the light passing around it is drawn, absorbed, and annihilated, and no longer reflects any colored light, so it appears "black".

This is not a giant black hole, only about 4 million times the mass of the sun.

However, Hua Ye calculated through the engine in his body that the heat emitted by this black hole is equivalent to 300 million times the surface temperature of the sun.

This is not a simple and empty data pile.

It means a terrible thing...

In front of the black hole created by Wang Yan, solar flare technology, corona technology, and superstring cation flow are all just like sand castles built by children, crude, rough, and meaningless.


Beside Hua Ye, with Wang Yan's backhand, the black hole instantly collapsed.

It was condensed to the extreme and exploded into six spots.

Yingying flickering, smoky, beautiful, like a dream.

"This is the [Void Matter] in your plan."

Wang Yan chuckled, raised his hand, and sent a spot of light into Hua Ye's body.


Ultra-frequency tremors occurred in every cell in the body of the former King of Angels.

The energy is overflowing, the clumsy gene fragments are eliminated, and a more excellent body is evolved...

The evolutionary process that originally required thousands of years of struggle was shortened to three breaths.

Hua Ye slowly opened his eyes, feeling the power surging in his limbs, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

This is, the fourth generation divine body!

He has become the strongest individual life in this multiverse!

The corner of his eye fell on Wang Yan, and Hua Ye's wild laughter reached his throat, and he swallowed it down again.

He put his fist on his heart and bowed respectfully: "Thank you for your help, I can't repay you..."

Wang Yan raised his hand and didn't let the other party continue talking.

Five void matter surrounded the whole body, Wang Yan's eyes were filled with pure curiosity and enthusiasm: "This experiment has just begun, what are you thanking?"


very strange.

Obviously there is no medium to transmit the sound, but the old angel Wang Huaye and Wang Yan both heard this strange voice.

"It's coming so soon. The tolerance level of this multiverse universe is much lower than I thought..."

Wang Yan lowered his head and muttered to himself.

He plundered the authority of the plane, and the destructive experiment he conducted as a "designer" caused the self-correction function of the plane system of the Super Seminary.

Legendary characters who were originally lost in the long river of history, and epic figures who were originally hidden in every corner of the universe, appeared in front of Wang Yan one after another...

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