Be The Main God From Naruto

251 Sunflower Collection, Miss Allen

This kick, Captain Levi Ackerman did not show mercy.

He could feel that the straw hat boy who gave a false name...

The ability is not bad.

Monkey D. Luffy.

What normal human would use "MONKEY" as a last name?

Putting aside those insignificant things, Levi wanted to test out the opponent's true combat power level at this moment.

Fran, Isabel, Oluo Bozart, Elder King, Petra Lal...

The elite fighters of Levi's class are not as good as the fools in front of them.

To fight against giants, we need to unite all forces that can be united.

Today's Levi is no longer the little gangster who wandered around the capital.

The position determines the mode of thinking.

Standing in a higher position, Levi wants to do more things.

He once made a solemn promise to his sacrificed comrades-to kill all giants.

Perhaps the straw hat boy in front of him is an opportunity.

However, Luffy, who Levi placed high hopes on, did not make any strong response when facing his attack.

Luffy was kicked and flew out, splashing dust everywhere.

"Oops! Too much force!"

Levi's pupils contracted, and he was about to run over to see the other party's injuries.

At this time, Lu Fei got up like nothing happened, and patted the dust off his body.

He looked at the captain with a smile: "You are indeed an interesting guy, become my partner!"

Facing this self-talking guy, Levi fell silent.

He unbuttoned the dust mask covering his face and looked at the other party solemnly.

With many years of experience in fighting and life-and-death battles, he can tell whether the opponent is holding on.

His full blow did not cause any injury or impact to the opponent.

"Strike nullified?"

Captain Levi frowned, he thought of the Nine Colors Team under the command of the Gendarmerie Corps Commander Wang Yan.

It is said that each of those people has special talents.

One person has the ability to transform into thousands, is absolutely lucky, freely controls the flames, and devours giants as rations...

Is the straw hat boy in front of him the same existence?


Luffy smiled friendly, pulled his cheeks away, and his tone changed: "I am a rubber man who ate rubber fruits, and blunt force blows are useless to me."

This sentence partially explained Levi's inner doubts.

Ignore the hit.

This means that Luffy is a big killer for killing giants!

Captain Levi thought about it, maybe after being equipped with a three-dimensional mobile device and black gold bamboo double blades, he could kill the opponent.

But it doesn't make sense.

The enemy of mankind is a giant!

"Devil Fruit?"

Levi took a deep breath.

The world is changing too fast.

Become, let him a little do not know.

The word devil reminded him of the origin of the ancestor giant in historical legends.

According to legend, Ymir signed a contract with the earth demon and gained the power of a giant, but at the cost of only 13 years of life left.

Does the strength of the straw hat boy in front of him also come from this?

Putting the previous unpleasantness behind him, Levi stretched out his hand to Luffy and forced a smile: "I am the commander of Levi's squad of the Survey Corps, Levi Ackerman..."

"It was a pleasure working with you."

Goodness see you.

What kind of inner struggle did he go through to say these words.


Armin Arnold walked through the streets and alleys boredly.

"I don't know where Mikasa and Allen are?"

The two friends have disappeared for a whole month.

He hasn't had an easy time of late.

Because of his weak body and soft temper, Almin is always the target of being bullied by his peers.

In the past, with the help of Mikasa and Allen, those annoying guys would not go too far.

But now, the disappearance of Mikasa and Allen makes Almin a lonely family.

"Ha! Got you!"

An ugly boy with triangular eyes held a wooden stick in his hand and blocked Almin in the alley.

Beside him, there are a few idle accomplices.


Armin looked left and right, but found that he had accidentally reached a dead end because of too much thinking.

His eyes rolled twice: "When Alan and Mikasa come back, you will pay the price!"

The unscrupulous teenagers let out a burst of laughter.

"Mikasa and Alan? Those two guys must have been eaten by giants!"

"That's right, Allen is always dreaming, going to the world outside the wall, it's easy to die..."

Armin felt a little uncomfortable, but he still insisted and said: "They were spotted by the Nine Colors team before, and they are receiving special training! They won't die!"

"Stop talking nonsense to him! Hit him!"

The unscrupulous teenagers rushed forward and beat Almin fatly.

Why bully Armin?

There is no reason and no reason is needed.

Bullying is just for the word "cool".

Another person's pain can easily become another person's source of happiness.

No matter which plane or multiverse, there are always things that bully the weak to find a sense of existence and superiority.

Armin held his head and was beaten silently, his body was covered with bruises and swelling.

At this time, a beautiful figure passed through the crowd, separating the delinquent boy and Almin.

Her fists were white but powerful.

Her jade feet seemed petite, but every blow could break a bone.

Her speed was as fast as a gust of wind, like lightning, far exceeding the limit of ordinary people's dynamic vision.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

After a crisp sound, all the unscrupulous teenagers who were being violent had their legs broken and rolled all over the ground in pain.

They howled and cried bitterly.

Many perpetrators often do not have the consciousness and courage to bear the pain. Once they are at a disadvantage, they are often weaker and weaker than the abused.

The unscrupulous teenagers show their ugly behavior.

Armin raised his head and finally saw the face of the savior clearly.

A beautiful young lady who looks like she walked out of a novel illustration.

Broken brown hair, full of heroism, pure amber eyes, smooth wheat-colored skin.

His eyes are like autumn water, he smiles cleverly, and looks bright.

A faint fragrance came to the face.


Armin covered his mouth.

This is……

Heartfelt feeling.

His ears were hot and his face was flushed.

Overheated brain, barely able to think.

"Please... May I ask Miss Fang's name."

Armin knelt down in front of the other party with a "plop", and asked humbly in a posture of prostration.

"Hey! You guy, don't you know me?"

The savior looked at Almin with a strange look, and his voice was very nice, like an oriole singing in the morning after the rain.

Armin rubbed his eyes and looked at each other again.

He slapped himself, dumbfounded: "Ai... Allen?"

The beautiful young lady lifted her fair and clean chin slightly, and nodded slightly: "Master Sauron of the Nine Colors Team, bestowed on me a super power secret book called "Sunflower Treasure".

"Because my aptitude is too poor, I can't always get started."

"Later, in the 'living debugging cabin' provided by Mr. Orochimaru, I finally succeeded in practicing."

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender hand and held a sword flower in the air.

Only then did Armin notice...

Miss Allen was holding a translucent soft sword as thin as a cicada's wing in her hand.

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