Be The Main God From Naruto

One hundred and sixty-eight 2 devil fruits

Taking out the wanted reward notice from the latest poster, Nami rubbed her eyes and began to read.

As a naval captain, she at least needs to know who committed what crimes before she can be wanted.

Only in this way can we avoid the embarrassing situation of passing by a famous big pirate without knowing the real identity of the other party.

【Spider Demon Peter Parker】

[Bounty: 250 million Baileys. 】

[Crime: Destroy Wano Country and kill all male members of Daimyo Kozuki clan. 】


Nami gasped.

There are still such fierce and ruthless people in the world!

She only found out about the existence of the "destroying country level" in the past few days. She thought it was a character that would appear only once in decades or hundreds of years, but she didn't expect this kind of character to jump out without warning.

"Actually, this bounty was deliberately lowered."

Wang Yan's voice rang in Nami's ears.

There is no preconceived concept of the word "system", and Nami doesn't think there is any problem with her own system.

She tilted her head and asked cutely: "This is a big pirate with a bounty of over 200 million! Has his bounty been suppressed?"

Nami got an answer quickly.

"If the Wano country does not join the world government, it will naturally not be protected."

"They are closed to the country, and they only have some connection with Zowu, the country of giant elephants."

"For this kind of thing, try Alabasta instead? I'm afraid the three generals will immediately go after Peter Parker."


Nami blinked, lost in thought.

"The code name Spider Demon... Could it be that this man named Peter Parker is an animal devil fruit ability holder?"

During this period of time, she has been looking for a suitable devil fruit, and she has a deeper understanding of it, which is not as superficial as before.

Originally regarded as the "weakest" animal-type devil fruit, there is also a terrible subspecies branch of "Phantom Beast".

Phoenix, Deinocrocodile, Flame Destroyer...

There are no junk fruits, only junk users.

Even the most common leopard fruit, its ability holder Rob Lucci has become the strongest cp9!

"Report to the Colonel!"

"The two devil fruits you want have already been photographed!"

The two female lieutenants were talking, and put the two wooden boxes beside Nami.

One of them is like a purple banana; while the other is like a snow-white pineapple.

Nami threw the banana shape to the little dwarf Kebi beside him: "This is yours, eat it quickly."

The animal-type phantom beast lighthouse jellyfish devil fruit is said to have infinite potential. In the fruit illustration book, it is not inferior to the existence of the phoenix.

Coby swallowed his saliva and hesitated for a moment.

The desire to become stronger made him swallow the whole devil fruit one bite at a time.

He wasn't even skinned.

" unpalatable!"

Kebi's eyes were white, his face was ashen, and he looked like he might be choked to death at any time.

But he still resisted and swallowed the whole fruit.

Changes came quickly.

His skin became smooth and tender, and his bloated figure became slender and slim.

The face has also become an oval face, which is more neutral.

Realizing the change in his body, Kirby looked him up and down, overjoyed.

Suddenly, his complexion changed!

"I... am I still a boy now?"

Kebi faintly sensed an ominous thing.

His crotch was flat.

The place where Xiao Dingding used to exist is now empty and chilly.

"Ala... don't worry about such small things."

"The lighthouse jellyfish is a life form that reproduces asexually."

Nami patted the newly released "Third Sex Person Kebi", and smiled like a strange sister: "In the future, you can still make yourself pregnant and give birth to a child, so you don't have to worry too much about the offspring."

Kebi, who now looks like a little girl, has the expression on his face as if he has eaten three tons of xiang.

Is this consolation?

It would be better not to say it!


Nami's face was serious: "The animal is the devil fruit phantom beast, the lighthouse jellyfish fruit, it can make your cell repair times no longer limited. Do you know what this means?"

Kirby stopped mourning and listened.

Nami raised a finger: "First, you have an infinite lifespan from now on, unless you are killed, you will never die of old age."

Hearing this, Kebi's heart was pounding.

Although he is still young, he also understands the meaning of eternal life.

Before Kebi could react, Nami raised her second finger: "Endless exercise potential! Others dare not exercise hard every day, because the body's ability to recover is limited, but you can ignore the routine."

Others will be exhausted after an hour of exercising with all their strength, and it will only take four hours for those with extraordinary talents.

After all, that's "doing your best."

What about Cocoby?

He can even exercise twenty-four hours a day!

No matter how tired or tired, as long as you sleep for two hours, you will be able to revive with full blood.

"I plan to send you to cp9 for further study for a period of time, at least let me study the sixth naval style to perfection."

Nami said in a deep voice, "Did you hear that?"

Now she has quite the power of a superior.


Kebi has a straight and slim body, and his voice is like a slender little girl.


Looking at the snow-white pineapple-shaped devil fruit in her hand, Nami cut off a small piece with the saber she carried and stuffed it into her mouth.


It perfectly interprets the definition of "taste unacceptable to human beings".

Resisting the urge to spit it out, Nami made a swallowing motion.

The next moment, the remaining devil fruit drifted away with the wind.

Just take a bite...

Even a small sip is enough to gain the full power of a Devil Fruit.

Nami raised her feet, only to find that her body became transparent and even floated.

The natural devil fruit - Qi fruit.

Known as the strongest life-saving ability!

Insufficient combat power, you can hire a master with a lot of money.

There is only one life!

Nami saw clearly.

What's more, with her continuous use and development, after the Qi Qi fruit is awakened, she can also have good combat power.

She floated around like a child with a new toy.

After her physical strength was exhausted, Nami fell back to her original place.

She continued to read the reward notice.

【Straw Hat Kid——Monkey D. Luffy】

[Reward amount: 33 million Baileys. 】

[Crime: Defeating the overlord of the East China Sea, Gang Klick, and his fleet; attacking the sea restaurant Bharati. 】

[Ability: Superman, rubber fruit ability user. 】

Gang Creek is a cunning and treacherous man who likes to disguise himself as a navy or a merchant ship to attack villages and ships. He is a heinous villain.

It is said that this person was preparing to go to the great route some time ago. Unexpectedly, before the expedition began, he fell into the sand and became a stepping stone for others.

After reading the poster, Nami narrowed her eyes slightly.

"First prey."

The so-called overlord of the East China Sea is a joke.

It's just a 16 million bounty minion.

Among the other three major regions, which overlord's bounty is less than 100 million?

Luffy, a pirate with a bounty of around 30 million, can just test Nami's current comprehensive ability.

Strategy, financial resources, tactics, hard power...

( = )

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