Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 672 Leave a message for refund 3

It was Secretary Huang who spoke with a very serious attitude, which was unanimously recognized by everyone.

Before Cheng Baoguo and Wang Zhengguo could speak, Father Lu politely declined, "Isn't that where we live? I think the cowshed is very good. After living together for so many years, I have already developed feelings for those animals. I can't bear to leave. I don't want to leave the cowshed." Instead, I am at a loss. I know that all the comrades are thinking of me, and I am very grateful, but I am used to my current life and do not want to make changes because of a letter from the leader and let everyone think that I am too proud. "

Out of the bullpen? Just kidding, there are a lot of Lu family’s belongings down there!

Secretary Huang said awkwardly: "It's not a big deal for you to live in a cowshed all the time!"

"What's wrong? The more you accept praise from leaders, the less you can make any changes. Otherwise, how can leaders praise others? If you rely on leaders' praise to improve your living standards, isn't that a mess?" Father Lu smiled slightly, "Our team secretary and team leader are very kind. As long as you work hard, there will be no unfair treatment."

Cheng Baoguo knew that Father Lu must have deep intentions, so he said: "Okay, okay, since Comrade Lu doesn't want to leave the cowshed, then we don't have to force him. These things are our thoughts. Comrade Lu must not refuse." ”

They are some food stamps, cloth stamps, sugar stamps, egg stamps, etc. collected by cadres at all levels. Although they are more important than money, they are not money after all.

Father Lu thanked them one by one, and finally sent them off with Wang Zhengguo.

After unloading the dried sweet potatoes from the car and loading them into the granary, Wang Zhengguo and Father Lu drove back to the fields and continued their work.

When others asked what happened, a large group of people came to see Lu's father. It had already spread to everyone. Wang Zhengguo proudly told them the whole story loudly, "The leaders all praised our brigade's living standard in their letters. Keep up the good work." !" This was the content of the letter that Father Lu told him after Cheng Baoguo and others left.

As soon as the words were said, all the villagers who heard it were excited, their faces were excited, and their whole bodies were trembling with excitement.

"Did the leader praise us?"

"Is this the leader I thought you were?"

"Is it a letter written by the leader to Xibao's grandfather? No wonder so many government cadres came."

"I said before that Xibao was in the capital. Did he go to Tiananmen? I never heard that they met the leader. Brother Lu, you are really good at hiding it from us! You two are really good at twisting things. We thought they would be enough to go to the capital. He’s so famous, how could he even come to the leader? The leader must like Xibao very much, our Xibao is so fat!”

"That little fat guy Xibao is lucky at first glance."

"We have to work hard, keep working hard, and strive to keep the leaders satisfied with us!"

"Yes, yes, let's work harder and let Brother Lu draw a picture of the scene of our work. Brother Lu, when you reply to the leader, you must tell the leader the scene and joy of our bumper harvest this year. , Our Wanglou team has another good harvest this year! Don’t tell us about the heavy rain in the summer and some of the wheat sprouted in the ground. This is especially important!”

Although there was something wrong with the summer harvest this year. Some of the wheat in the fields did not have time to harvest and sprouted in the rain. But with the help of a large group of teachers and students, they still completed the summer harvest task as soon as possible without affecting their subsequent lives. .

After all the chatter, everyone became more and more passionate about it.

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