Now, everyone understood that he meant that mom would do it.

Feng Qingxue said: "Grandpa's clothes are torn. Can mom make a new one for grandpa using the cloth everyone gave us as a gift?"

"Okay!" Xibao promised loudly, without hesitation at all, "Grandpa, Huahua, Mom, grandpa is broken, mom will do it!" The little chubby hand kept touching the patch, showing a very distressed expression. .

A big red flower and a fat face, it looks funny no matter how you look at it.

Wang Xinsheng patted his thighs and laughed so hard that he was out of breath.

The old leader touched Xibao's fat face and said, "What a lovely kid, with such a sweet mouth!"

Lan Tianming, who followed, was also stunned. Before leaving, Zhao Hanzhi told Xibao to sweeten his mouth. Is it that sweet? More than a little sweet? My mouth is literally filled with sugar, so sweet!

Secretary Tang couldn't help but ask the cook to make two delicious snacks for Xibao.

When Xibao saw the food, he did not rush forward regardless. Instead, he moved his patched hand to his watermelon-like belly and pitifully said to the old leader: "Baby is hungry! Hungry!"

The old leader gave him a piece of pea yellow and received a sweet thank you.

While Xibao was holding the pea yellow, licking and nibbling it, the old leader finally took time out and said kindly to Feng Qingxue: "This child has been taught so well by you! No wonder the new student is right in front of me after he returns from the northwest and southwest inspection. I’ll never forget it. If you are so lucky, your family’s living conditions are pretty good, right?”

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the first person I want to thank is you. Without your wise leadership, how could we have such a good life today? There is no need to hide here and there in fear. The production brigade where our hometown is located has failed every year. During the harvest, adults under the age of sixty, both men and women, can share 450 catties of rations, children under three years old can share 150 catties, children between three and seven years old can share 200 catties, and children between seven and ten can share rations of 450 catties. Two-year-old children can receive 260 kilograms of rations, and young men and women aged 12 and under 16 and seniors over 60 can receive 360 ​​kilograms of rations. Do you think life in our hometown is good? OK? Who wouldn’t say OK?”

When he heard her talking about the distribution of rations in his hometown, the old leader couldn't help but nodded and asked: "I remember the freshmen said, you are fellow villagers, are you from Huaihai City? A battle that year was really devastated. More than ten dozen people were devastated. Years ago, I remember that it was three years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I went to Huaihai City, climbed Shifo Mountain, and took photos at Zuiting.”

"Greening barren mountains and turning poor mountains into rich mountains. Our people there have never forgotten your instructions."

The old leader laughed, "It's rare, it's rare! It's been more than ten years, and you actually remember how old you were ten years ago?"

"Although I was young at the time, I couldn't resist word of mouth among my fellow villagers!" In fact, they have been running around for a meal all these years. Except for government staff who plant trees every spring, the people in the countryside have never mentioned this matter at all.

Feng Qingxue also felt that she would come into contact with upper-level leaders in the future, so she inquired about all these things and kept them in mind.

Wang Xinsheng was very pleasantly surprised. He had never expected that Feng Qingxue and Xibao would perform so well. He gave them the opportunity, but whether they could win the favor of the old leader or not depended entirely on the abilities of Feng Qingxue and Xibao.

Obviously, Xibao pleased the old leader, and Feng Qingxue also made the old leader very satisfied.

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