Jin Hong saves face. After the leader of the army talked to him, it finally brought some results. At least when Jin Zhaodi came out to play, there were no slap marks or shoe sole marks on her face, and she also had a little smile.

The child is very innocent, and a slight softening of attitude from her parents can make her extremely happy.

"After Mom and Dad had a fight, Mom stopped hitting me." She said to Feng Qingxue.

Feng Qingxue's answer was to touch her head.

Xibao was rolling on the grass with Ding Lanlan and others, laughing so hard that he was out of breath. Suddenly, Xiao Shitou ran over with a group of boys, "Xibao, you have no conscience!"

Xibao sat on the grass, looked up at him, and blinked his big eyes.

"Huh?" He looked confused.

Xiao Shitou put his hands on his hips with sweat on his face and accused angrily: "I'm taking you to play, why don't you give me candy and give them candy? Or high-grade milk candy. Xibao, you can't be so unfair." !” The last sentence was quite serious, a bit like Huang Xiuzhi talking about Lu Zhaodi.

Xibao's reaction was to flip through the pockets on his bib and show it to them, "No!"

Feng Qingxue almost died laughing, this little fat guy!

Xiao Shitou took a look and said, "You must be hiding."

"No, no!" The little fat man shook his head like a rattle, his expression and eyes were particularly sincere, "No, no more! No more!" The little fat man also waved his hands.

"Really?" Xiao Shitou didn't believe it.

"Yeah!" The little head nodded quickly and neatly.

Little Shitou had no choice but to run away with a group of children. If there was no candy, he would not play with Xibao.

Xibao made a face at their backs, stretched out and retracted his tongue, slid across his upper lip, and made a naughty sound. Feng Qingxue didn't know what words to use to describe it, it was the sound of sticking out his tongue.

Ding Lanlan said unhappily to a group of girls in front of her: "Didn't you say you wouldn't tell anyone? Who leaked it?"

Several girls lowered their heads. They couldn't help it. They couldn't help but tell their parents about Xibao giving them toffee. An adult must have told others, otherwise Little Shitou wouldn't know.

"Little Shitou is so mean. A boy of that age comes to ask Xibao for sweets. Don't be ashamed!"

Xibao nodded vigorously, "That's bad!"

The children had a lot of fun, but they brought a lot of trouble to the troops. Especially when the boys were not clean, they ran around everywhere. The herds of cattle, sheep and horses were always scattered by them. How could the soldiers who were responsible for herding horses and sheep drive them away? , they all found opportunities to rush into the pasture to have fun. If the soldiers hadn't been quick-sighted, a little boy would have been kicked by a cow's hoof.

After reporting it to the superiors, the army held a meeting and decided to set up a school for army children in the army, and set up two houses for playing base in the family compound, so that all the children, regardless of boys or girls, could go to school as long as they were over seven years old.

As for teachers, intellectuals are selected from family members of the military.

Lu Jiang suggested that Feng Qingxue recommend herself. With her knowledge, demeanor and knowledge, she is more than enough to be a teacher for a group of children, and it is convenient to take care of Xibao. She can take Xibao to class with her and let him sit and listen.

Feng Qingxue was puzzled, "Why should I be a teacher? I also want to be a doctor after my household registration is transferred."

She has never given up her study of medicine, and Guo Xiuying welcomed her as a member of the military doctor. She even said that a large number of medical staff were far inferior to her in medical skills.

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