Fortunately for Wang Cuilan, she had been marching and fighting for many years and it was extremely difficult. However, Chen Xueniang grew up in a brothel and had been living and working in the city since liberation. She was very curious about the Lu family inside and outside. After drinking the water, she followed Feng Qingxue to the private plot.

The spring leeks bloom early, and they are cut by the wind and snow and put into the basket.

"We'll have a leek box for lunch, and the leftover leeks will be taken back to the city. Sister Chen, you can also get some when the time comes."

Chen Xueniang smiled and thanked her, then pointed to the ridges on the ground, "It's covered with straw mats, what's buried underneath?"

Feng Qingxue looked back and said: "Dandouzi, also known as potatoes. Potatoes have a high yield and are hungry. Every household will plant more than half of their private land. This is the time to plant the soil."

"Hey, why do you have a whole head of garlic planted in the ground at home?" Chen Xueniang noticed the garlic seedlings that Feng Qingxue was pulling out.

Compared with the thick, fat, tall and strong garlic seedlings around her, the garlic seedlings in Feng Qingxue's hand were thin and long.

"I just planned to eat it at this time, so I planted the whole head of garlic. The garlic sprouts that came out were relatively small. The garlic sprouts that were planted in the first year were too old to be eaten, but you can see if the garlic sprouts have sprouted." Feng Qingxue explained.

Garlic sprouts have indeed grown, but not many, only twenty or thirty sprouts.

Feng Qingxue pulled them out one by one, and picked a bunch of lettuce leaves, "Sister Chen, let's go!"

The three mothers were busy choosing vegetables and making noodles for a while.

Feng Qingxue grabbed a small handful of the chosen leeks and shook them again and again to get rid of as much water as possible. He shook all the leeks in this way, then chopped them into pieces and mixed them with some fried eggs. Stirring the leek filling, he said: "Choose clean leeks, wash them, and let them dry for a day. Now that we are making leek boxes, there will definitely be a lot of water in the vegetables."

Even so, the chive box she made was praised by everyone.

There were fried garlic sprouts and lettuce leaves on the table, but no one took their chopsticks to eat the leek box.

"Sister, won't you give it to Uncle Lu and the others?"

Feng Qingxue touched her sister's head and said, "Silly girl, we all work together and eat together. Doesn't giving a box of leeks make people gossip behind their backs? Leave a few in the cupboard for them to eat when they come back at night. But, it's okay Give one to my cousin."

Wang Jiao must have stayed at home without going to work because of taking care of Goudan.

After saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao was here. Wang Jiao called the door outside. She knew that Feng Qingxue would come back every week. He had brought her delicious food before as compensation for not being able to take her to eat at a state-owned restaurant.

Lu Tianjun opened the door, and Wang Jiao came in holding Hei Buliuqiu's dog eggs. Feng Qingxue almost didn't recognize her.

Feng Qingxue exclaimed: "Cousin, you have lost a lot of weight!"

Although she has not completely returned to her wedding figure, her graceful curves are fully exposed. She is very slender, weighing more than 100 pounds at most. She is also wearing old clothes before marriage, and her appearance is outstanding.

"If you don't have meat to eat, of course you will lose weight! We only started raising piglets in the spring, and there are no live pigs in the city. Yuejin kills one or two pigs every few days, and the supply exceeds demand every day. He can only bring back four taels of meat every month, which is not enough." The boss was staring at the gap between his teeth, and a drop of water could not reach him." Wang Jiao looked at the guests in the room, saw the leek box, swallowed her saliva immediately, and accused: "Xiaoxue, you have something delicious to tell. Me, it’s so bad, I have to do the work at home and take care of the dog egg as you say!”

"Cousin, don't talk about sister. Sister just asked me to give you a leek box!" Feng Qingyun interrupted.

After Wang Jiao heard this, she immediately smiled and apologized to Feng Qingxue neatly, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, I wronged you. You are indeed the best person. You made the leek box thinking of me!"

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