I know that the strong laborers in the cellar were all carefully selected after secret discussions between Wang Zhengguo and Lu's father, and they were relatively prestigious people with various surnames. There were also Wang Zhengguo's brothers, nephews and sons, who were strict in speech and honest in heart, and knew how to be grateful.

Every year, Wang Zhengguo would arrange for them to store the remaining grain in the cellar as a reserve grain.

The country has regulations, and Wang Zhengguo appears to be following them, which means he is violating them in both positive and negative ways.

There is no other way. If they eat too much and don’t make more preparations, who will help them in the event of natural or man-made disasters? What's enough food reserve to do? 1%, it takes 1 million jins of grain to keep 10,000 jins of grain in reserve.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on heaven and earth. There is no harm in leaving a way out.

There is an acute shortage of food all over the country. No one can guarantee that the weather will be smooth every year in the future. Didn’t production decrease in the past two years? If natural and man-made disasters occurred one after another, it would not lead to three years of famine.

As soon as the front leg cleaned each granary, four production brigades came to borrow grain from the back leg.

None of them are from Shuguang Commune.

There are four production brigades under Shuguang Commune, Wanglou Brigade, Caohu Brigade, Huoguang Brigade and Red Star Brigade. The Red Star Brigade is Liujia Village where Liu Jinhua is located.

Moreover, the four production brigades belong to three communes.

Faced with their request, Wang Zhengguo took them directly into the granary without saying a word and looked at each granary.

"First come, first served. Who told you to come late? How could our brigade have so much reserve grain to lend to you? We handed over the public rations, divided the rations, and asked the Huoguang Brigade to borrow the reserve grains that we had saved for several years. Oh, it’s not a loan, we’re exchanging it for equal value. Our brigade will plant two thousand acres of land for their brigade, as our commune cadres can testify.”

Wang Zhengguo was chatting eloquently, but the visitors were dejected and returned empty-handed.

"People always take it for granted that others must help them. Little do they know that everyone has too much time to take care of themselves, so how can they have so much leisure." Wang Zhengguo shook his head, locked the granary, and walked slowly home with his hands behind his back.

After settling the matter with the Huoguang Brigade and leaving no further trouble for the time being, Wang Zhengguo went to find Father Lu.

There were only Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu in the bullpen, "Brother Lu went to see his grandson."

In the past, there was no one else in the bullpen, so Father Lu had to keep watch. Now that Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu are here, Father Lu goes to his son's house much more frequently, especially after Xibao was born.

After Wang Zhengguo heard this, he turned around and went to his niece's house.

Father Lu was standing under the eaves with Xibao in his arms. Xibao reached out to grab the hanging ice edge.

It has been warm these two days, and the snow has melted. The snow on the roof has not been cleared very clean. After the remaining snow melts, it drips down. At night, it instantly turns into ice, forming the current ice edges.

The ice edges are crystal clear, dripping water under the sunlight.

"Xibao!" Wang Zhengguo shouted.

Xibao was already very familiar with his name. He turned to look at him and immediately turned back to continue grabbing. He grabbed and grabbed but couldn't catch it. He was so anxious that he straightened up in Father Lu's arms in an attempt to lift himself up. Sure enough, he caught it. He held the longest ice edge, and the cold feeling suddenly made him let go. He looked at his little hands and looked at Father Lu, "Yeah..."

Father Lu smiled and said, "The ice is too cold and it can easily break your hands. Let's go find dad to warm ourselves by the fire."

Before the grandfather and grandson entered the kitchen, Feng Qingxue came out, holding a gourd and gourd in one hand, "Uncle came just in time. He will have dinner at our house at noon. After a while, Ajiang went to call the second uncle, the third uncle, the uncle, the aunt, and the concubine. Ajiang is at home, let’s get together.”

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