After dinner and some conversation, before leaving, Hu Lan actually asked Feng Qingxue to have her hair permed.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Let's wait until I take off this military uniform. I can't even think about it now."

The army has strict management, including the military hospital. She can only wear skirts during non-work periods, let alone jewelry.

Although the art troupe is also affiliated with the army, they are literary and artistic workers who are engaged in performance, so they can wear skirts and have their hair permed. However, if you look carefully, you will find that you have to wear the performance uniforms prescribed by the army when you go on stage, and you need to firmly follow the path of solemnity and simplicity. , just like Feng Qingyun’s dress when she returned to China, it was really out of place.

Because Feng Qingyun slapped Captain Li, Political Commissar Liu didn't want to let her return to the Capital Art Troupe. He was worried that Captain Li would wear small shoes for her without him knowing.

No matter what he does, Captain Li is the leader of the group and has great power.

Therefore, within three or four days after the meeting between the two families, things that Feng Qingyun sent back from abroad began to arrive one after another. She took the award-winning materials, study materials, social materials from the past two years, etc. The application report was handed in together. After careful study, Political Commissar Liu and others approved her to return to the band, but she was immediately transferred to the Capital Orchestra.

Indeed, as Political Commissar Liu said, after knowing that Feng Qingyun had a conflict with Captain Li after returning to China, several literary and artistic units were vying for her. Finally, considering that Feng Qingyun was majoring in vocal music, the Capital Orchestra came out on top.

Once the work is completed, the review of the marriage report will be quick.

Originally, Feng Qingyun passed the political examination very well, but now he has re-investigated and found that there is nothing unsatisfactory. Li Jiaoyang is also upright and impeccable. The process went very quickly, and he was approved within two days.

The Rong family couple and the Lu Jiang couple immediately set their wedding date, September 18th.

September 18th in the Gregorian calendar is the sixth day of August in the lunar calendar. Hu Lan secretly asked someone to calculate the day. It is particularly auspicious. It is also a Sunday. As long as there is no unexpected work, adults and children can basically rest.

Just before the wedding, the Rong family entrusted an old leader to drive someone to deliver the betrothal gift to the Lu family.

The borrowed army military truck almost blinded the family members of the cadres who were watching the excitement when it was unloaded.

First is a Phoenix brand sewing machine, then a Forever brand Kun bicycle, which is a women's bicycle, relatively lightweight, then a 20-inch imported color TV, and a Rolex women's watch, ten spring and summer sets Autumn and winter clothes and shoes were packed in boxes, along with two thousand yuan, which was enough to show how much the two elders of the Rong family valued Feng Qingyun.

Someone immediately said: "The second oldest son of the Rong family got married and he was bleeding profusely. It can be seen that he really loves the second oldest brother. I was also present when the eldest son of the Rong family got married. How can I have these things? I didn't even get them together after three turns. Two sets of clothes, a watch, and a flying pigeon.”

Grandma Ye immediately retorted: "What do you know? The Rong family is just compensating for the second child."

The person who spoke before immediately remembered that it took twenty or thirty years for Li Jiaoyang to be found after he was lost by the Rong family. They were in the same class. They all knew about the Rong family. After all, they had been looking for him for many years.

"The Rong family has prepared a lot of things. I wonder what kind of dowry the Lu family has prepared for the bride."

Grandma Ye knew the details. After all, she and a few luckier women helped make the dowry bedding. She said casually: "Xiaoyun is capable and her sister loves her. The dowry must not be less than the betrothal gift. Let's see if you don't believe me." ”

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