When I got up early on August 26th, it was raining heavily outside.

Seeing the rain and the gloomy weather outside, Xu Shiyan felt more and more heavy in his heart.

"Daughter-in-law, you stay at home. I'll go to Uncle Yu's house. I have something to do."

After breakfast, Xu Shiyan lost his composure, put on his raincoat and went out.

"Yuanyuan, don't go to school today, it's raining too much." Before going out, Xu Shiyan told his son.

Xu Haiyuan really wanted you to go to school with an umbrella just now, but his father said so, and he didn't hold back.

"Oh, Dad, please ask me for a leave." The little guy is very particular, and knows how to ask for leave.

"Yes, I see." Xu Shiyan responded and left the house.

First go to school and talk to the teacher, and then go to Yu Shouguang's house.

"Uncle, there's something wrong with the rain, hurry up and call people to Xiaoheihe.

Also, residents along the Hetao should move quickly, first to the homes of relatives and friends. "Xu Shiyan said loudly as soon as he entered the door.

Yu Shouguang looked at the rain outside at home and was also worried. With such a heavy rain that kept falling, how did he do the work in the field?

"Xiao Xu, it's you. What's wrong? Do you think the rain can continue?" Yu Shouguang asked Xu Shiyan in surprise.

"Uncle, now I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case, I see that the weather is not right, and the rain may not stop for a while.

Hurry up and call someone, we would rather waste our efforts than let the members lose money. "

It's not a feeling, it's a certainty.

From August 26th to 28th, 1982 in the previous life, there was heavy rain in the Fusong area, and the water levels of the Toudao Songhua River and Songjiang River rose sharply.

Xu Shiyan was still in the big house at that time. Although Xu's house was by the river, it was built on a high place and was not flooded.

But when the water level was at its highest, it was not far from his home.

Xu Shiyan watched with his own eyes the torrenting flood rushing down with poultry, livestock, furniture and clothing, and a large number of trees.

After the flood, many people went to Jiangwan to pick up things.

Among other things, just firewood can be picked up a lot.

At that time, when you picked up firewood, you didn't have to drag it back. You only needed to tie a willow root, and others would know that it belonged to the owner, and they would not move.

After that rain, Xu Shiyan picked up a large stack of firewood, which shows how severe the flood upstream was, and a large number of trees were washed down.

But Fusong City was even more terrible. I heard that the entire Erxian County was surrounded by floods, and many areas were flooded. Some places in the town and suburban communes were severely affected.

The experience of the past few years told Yu Shouguang that he was right to listen to Xu Shiyan's words.

Originally, he was worried that there would be a problem with the rain, but when he heard Xu Shiyan's words, how could he sit still?

So they quickly put on their raincoats, and the two hurried to the team headquarters, and then shouted with loudspeakers.

First, all families were notified to send young and strong laborers to gather to prepare to go up the mountain, and then the residents along the Huangni River were notified to pack up their things immediately and evacuate to higher places.

As soon as the second brigade shouted, the first and third brigades also noticed something was wrong, and the secretaries of the two brigades hurried over to inquire.

As soon as they heard that it was Xu Shiyan's suggestion, the secretaries of the two brigades immediately went back to mobilize their members to prepare for flood fighting in advance.

"Xiao Xu, don't go to Xiaoheihe, hurry up, go to the commune and tell Secretary Chen what you think.

See what Secretary Chen means, and whether you need to report to the county. "

When Yu Shouguang saw that Xu Shiyan was going to Xiaoheihe with everyone, he dragged him back and let him go to the commune.

"Oh, well, I see."

Xu Shiyan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Secretary Chen could listen to him? The secretary of the commune is not Yu Shouguang, and Xu Shiyan may not be trusted by others.

But after thinking about it, he gave advice regardless of whether you listened or not.

Once Secretary Chen adopts it? At least it can reduce the loss a little, right?

In this way, Xu Shiyan ran all the way from the headquarters of the Second Brigade to the commune.

It happened to be at work at this moment, and many people came in and out with umbrellas and raincoats.

Xu Shiyan went directly to Secretary Chen's office, knocked on the door and entered.

"Secretary Chen, well, I have something to report to you." Xu Shiyan said as soon as he entered the door.

Chen Jianzhang, Secretary of Donggang Commune, is arranging today's work. Seeing Xu Shiyan coming in, Chen Jianzhang was quite surprised.

"Xiao Xu, why are you here? What's going on in your team?"

"Secretary Chen, this rain is unusual, and I am worried that there will be floods. Look, should I ask the weather station or the county?"

Xu Shiyan didn't say that he was sure there was a storm and flood, and he didn't have that weight in the commune, so he suggested that Chen Jianzhang ask the weather station.

Walking eastward from the Martyrs' Tomb for less than 500 meters, there is a national benchmark weather station, which was newly built a few years ago.

There are various settings and instruments inside, used to detect the weather, record weather data and so on.

It's autumn at the end of August. It's not a dog day. According to the local climate, there shouldn't be too much rain.

But Chen Jianzhang looked at the rain outside the window, frowned, simply picked up the phone on the desk, and shook the handle next to it, "Hey, connect me to the Donggang Weather Station."

Not long after, the operator connected the Donggang weather station.

Chen Jianzhang asked people, will this rain continue? How long is it expected to last?

As a result, the person in charge of the weather station hesitated and couldn't say anything, and couldn't give any advice.

Annoyed, Chen Jianzhang dropped the phone and hung up, "It's nothing, I don't know what's the use of building a weather station there."

"Xiao Xu, well, what is your team Yu Shouguang doing?"

Chen Jianzhang suddenly remembered the matter of Anti-Shuang that year. At that time, the person in front of him made a suggestion, Yu Shouguang responded quickly, and the second brigade did not suffer any losses.

This time, that old boy Yu Shouguang won't work in a muffled manner again, will he?

"Oh, our team secretary led people to organize the evacuation of the residents along the Huangni River, and sent people to Xiaohei River to visit the land.

The first team and the third team should also arrange for people to evacuate along the banks of the Hetao. "There's nothing to hide about this, Xu Shiyan told the truth.

"Our secretary arranged for me to come here and report to Secretary Chen to see what the commune has planned."

What else did Chen Jianzhang not understand? After the first team and the third team suffered losses, they are now watching the second team do things.

Whatever the second brigade does, the other two brigades will follow suit, for fear of being left behind.

As for Yu Shouguang from the Second Brigade, he especially listened to Xu Shiyan's words.

Therefore, these three brigades went directly to work without passing through the commune.

"Okay, I will immediately arrange for someone to notify the Xijiang, Yanjiang, and Xinhua brigades about this matter."

These three brigades are located along the Songhua River in Toudao. In the event of an accident, these three brigades will be the most vulnerable.

While talking, Chen Jianzhang picked up the phone again and called the county.

"Hey, Secretary Guan, what's the matter? Does the county meteorological bureau have any early warning for today's rain?"

Chen Jianzhang couldn't directly give advice to his superiors, so he turned a corner and asked his superiors for their opinions.

"Well, well, it doesn't mean anything else, I just feel that the rain is not normal.

Several brigades in our commune have already started to make preparations in advance. I am not sure, so I ask the leaders for instructions. "

It started raining at 5:30 in the morning, and now it's only 8:00.

Most people didn't realize it, and just thought it was an autumn rain. After all, not everyone is like Xu Shiyan, who has previous life experience.

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