With a "clang", the bowl in Zhou Guilan's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Zhou Guilan didn't realize it, she just stared at the young man delivering the letter with a pale face, "What's going on? Please speak slowly."

It was only after the words came out that I realized that my voice was trembling out of shape.

"Aunt Xu, the other side of Daying called our commune, saying that your old mother passed away, and asked you and Uncle Xu to go quickly."

When the young man saw Zhou Guilan's appearance, he knew that the old man couldn't bear the blow and was too sad, so he repeated it word by word.

Zhou Guilan swayed twice, but fortunately she was supported by Xue Xiulin and Chen Chunling beside her.

"Mom, be careful, grandma is gone, you have to hold on."

The daughters-in-law looked at their mother-in-law worriedly, and began to persuade her.

On the other side, Xu Chenghou also looked shocked, and came over to support Zhou Guilan.

"Don't cry, our mother has suffered a lot in these years, she is suffering in her heart, and now she is relieved to be gone."

Zhou Guilan didn't cry, but she looked a little numb, "Well, is there still a car in the afternoon? We have to leave quickly, we can't delay."

When her mother passed away, Zhou Guilan had to go to see her off for the last time.

Xu Chenghou didn't know if there was a car, so he turned to look at Xu Shide.

"Yes, there is another train in the afternoon, from Quanyang to Songshu Town, at three o'clock."

Xu Shide is in Daying, he has to take the train every time he comes to Donggang, he knows best.

"It's only one o'clock, I still have time to catch up, San'er, hurry up and get the car.

Jianshe, you drive the car and take you Uncle Xu, Aunt Xu, and your third brother to the station. "

On the other side, Zhao Dahai raised his wrist to see that it was just after one o'clock, so he quickly ordered his son to drive the car to the station.

Grandma's death is a major event, there is no room for delay, and everyone can understand, so they got up one after another.

Yang Chunming and Zhao Jianshe hurried to the barn and took the Xu family's horse out to the carriage.

On the other side, Xu Chenghou discussed with his sons who would go.

"Father, all six of us have to go, the daughter-in-law and children should stay at home.

The children are young, so it's not good to go to this occasion. "Xu Shixian is the eldest son, so he has to say that.

Xu Chenghou thought about it, the children in each family were not very old, and it was two generations apart, so there was no need for the children to come to this kind of occasion.

"Okay, then it's settled, old woman, go, go back and pack up, bring two changes of clothes, let's go quickly."

Zhou Guilan's mind was in a mess right now, she couldn't think at all, she would do whatever Xu Chenghou said.

So he followed Xu Chenghou back to his home, dug out some plain clothes from the closet, and put them in a pocket.

He dug out some money from the cabinet and put it in his pocket.

On the other side, when Yang Chunming, Han Limin and others saw this, they all got up and said goodbye.

"Shiyan, it happened so suddenly, we won't stay here for long.

Hurry up and go to the camp, and take care of your parents, they are old and can't stand the trouble. "

Han Wenzhong came to Xu Shiyan and told him.

"Uncle Han, I'm really sorry, I wanted to invite everyone to have a good time."

Xu Shiyan let out a long sigh. To be honest, he really forgot about it.

"Hey, do we guys still need to talk about this? No one here today is an outsider, and no one will care.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, it is human nature to mourn, and we used to make good arrangements for funerals for the elderly.

Let the old man be buried in a splendid manner, which is also your wish as a junior. "

Han Wenzhong patted Xu Shiyan on the shoulder as a comfort.

In this way, Zhao Jianshe got into the carriage, took Xu Chenghou and his wife, Xu Shixian's six brothers and sisters, and Wu Qiuyan's mother and son, and went straight to Songjianghe Railway Station.

Zhao Jianshe sent the people there, returned directly, and sent the car back to Xu Shiyan's house.

Xu Shiyan and others went to the station to buy tickets, and entered the station along the zero train at three o'clock in the afternoon.

A group of people got on the car, swayed along the zero car for more than an hour, and finally arrived at Xianren Bridge.

Get off at Xianrenqiao and walk towards Daying on foot. On the way, Wu Qiuyan led her daughter and daughter back to the Hebei Brigade.

Zhou Anping's house is in the middle of Daying Village.

After crossing the small bridge and walking west a few steps, I saw a long string of "dumped papers" raised in front of Zhou's house from a distance.

The tot-tou can be made from paper strips, or directly from burnt paper. The age of the deceased can be seen from the length of the tot-tou, and whether it is a man or a woman can be seen from the placement of the tot-tou.

On the right side of the gate of Zhou Anping’s house, there is an upside-down paper, and on the left side is a white obituary. In addition, there is a long row of red cloth with a banner written in white paint.

Write the name of the person who passed away, the year of death, etc. on it.

Although Zhou Guilan felt uncomfortable, she gritted her teeth and endured it all the way, but seeing such scenes at this moment, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Tears fell down with a splash, and the crying became a tearful person.

Xu Chenghou helped Zhou Guilan to walk into the yard, and the younger members of the Zhou family came out to greet her, "Second Aunt, Second Uncle, Cousin."

It is under such circumstances that relatives meet, and it is inevitable that they will be sad and cry.

After entering the courtyard, Zhang Luo, who was in charge of the funeral, called Zhou Guilan and the others over before they could reach the coffin, and pulled off the filial cloth.

Xu Shixian and others are grandsons and granddaughters, and they only need to wear filial piety belts around their waists.

Zhou Guilan knelt before the coffin and wept bitterly, and Xu Shiyan and his brothers also wept.

Although their grandma has been crazy for many years, she is not bad for her grandson.

Every time she came to see her, the old lady would smile and give them delicious food.

Now that the old man passed away, everyone thought of what happened to their grandmother in this life, and they couldn't help but feel sad and grieved, and the tears fell down uncontrollably.

The origin of the Zhou family is also in Qingshangou, Kuandian, belonging to the Jiangjiabaozi, not too far from the silver mine.

When Zhou Guilan's father, Zhou Huaimin, was still there, the Zhou family lived a prosperous life.

The family has a lot of land, cooking pots, weaving workshops, livestock and carts, and many long-term laborers are hired to do the work.

Zhou Huaimin has a good personality, he donates money and makes many friends.

Regardless of whether it is an official person or a bandit beard, they all have friendship.

In the past few years, the Kuandian area was occupied by devils, and the local Huzi actively responded to the call for an uprising against Japan.

One of the teams has a deep friendship with Zhou Huaimin, and Zhou Huaimin often sends food and information to this team.

In the end, he was discovered by the devils and took Zhou Huaimin away. He has never seen him again since, neither alive nor dead.

In those years, there were rumors from time to time, saying that Zhou Huaimin's body was seen in front of a certain mountain temple.

Otherwise, it is said that Zhou Huaimin's head was chopped off and hung on the wall of the county town.

Zhou Huaimin's wife, Jiang Shi, is an illiterate woman with little feet. Her husband had an accident, and the youngest daughter in the family is only three years old. What can she do?

It's just that he was worried all day long and washed his face with tears. He didn't even protect his own property, which was embezzled by others.

The only thing Jiang can do is to quickly marry the eldest daughter Zhang Luo and send the eldest daughter away.

Zhou Guizhi, the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, was married off at the age of fifteen, and later moved to Fusong.

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