Aztec Eternals

Chapter 654 The second exploration of the kingdom, the first encounter of the Kanur clan, Kanu Marx

The waves are layered, and the coastline stretches from north to east. The beach is wide, and the smoke of boiling salt rises from the village. This is already the most northwest part of the Yucatan Peninsula, the salt village where Kanur guards the clan territory. A small, but quite wealthy seaside village that produces sea salt.

The sea breeze is blowing warm, and the seven kingdom longships are docking on the coast of Yancun, but no one disembarks. The old militiaman Chihuaco stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the dense crowd on the beach more than a hundred paces away, and was dumbfounded when he heard their roaring shouts.

"This? This is?. What is this doing?!"

Everyone on the flagship was also at a loss, looking at the beach in silence. On the small beach outside the salt village, five groups of Mayan city-state warriors with feathers and spears on their backs were scattered and gathered. These Mayan warriors appear to have come from different villages and were led by different crested gods. The number of Mayan warriors in each team ranged from less than two hundred to more than four hundred.

At this moment, a large group of warriors from the Mayan city-state with the largest number were standing near the beach, waving their stone spear darts and shouting at the ship. The two groups of city-state warriors with the smallest number were pushed out to the two sides, watching from afar.

As for the remaining two Mayan warriors of comparable strength, they didn't even look at the boat, but confronted each other nervously. They swore at each other and approached, brandishing weapons. The god-born leaders of both sides were almost face to face, spitting and cursing for a while, and then ordered the warriors to drop their weapons and continue to move forward, fighting together naked!


Chihuaco, an old militiaman, stared wide-eyed, watching the two Mayan warriors beating each other to the flesh, and immediately felt the familiar feeling of fighting with weapons in the village. He grabbed Tikalo, pointed at the chaotic crowd opposite, and asked loudly.

"Tikalo, aren't they all the guardian clan of Kanur? Why are they still fighting each other?"

"Uh, maybe, maybe there was a feud in the first place. Now that we have met, you want to compete for the preferential right to trade with the fleet?"

The Mayan businessman Tikalo looked at it for a while, and was also a little at a loss. He listened to it for a long time, it was all insults in greeting to the common ancestor, and he was shocked and inexplicable. Then, he listened to the recent shouts, and finally figured out some tricks.

"Captain Qi, they let the fleet dock quickly! They want to trade gems with the ship!"

"Drop to the shore quickly and trade gems?"

The old militiaman Chihuaco frowned, looked at each other with the main god priest Tomat, and both shook their heads. The old militiaman pointed to the samurai on the shore and asked in a deep voice.

"Except for weapons, they didn't even bring any goods. What kind of gems are they trading? It's not clear. Do they want to steal or rob?"

"This. Go straight to the grab. It shouldn't be possible."

The Mayan merchant Tikalo listened again and relayed the words of the city-state descendant.

"The god of war, the patron saint of merchants, witness Ek Chuaj! Come to the shore quickly, we will not harm the merchant fleet coming from afar! However, this is the territory of the guardian clan of Kanur, passing merchants The fleet must pay tribute! This is the request of the God of War to protect the caravan, and it is also the criterion of the Kapok Code! Hurry up and dock!"

"What? We haven't landed yet, so we are going to pay taxes?"

Chivako narrowed his old eyes, counted the city-state teams on the shore, and said with a sneer.

"There are five teams of Mayan warriors here, are we going to be taxed five times?"

"The Lord God testifies! Greed has occupied the hearts of these people, making them malicious and deceitful."

Priest Tomat prayed and shook his head.

"However, even so, the Lord God did not give up and gave them a bright chance! Captain Puap."

Puap, the gray nobleman, had already put on his armor, picked up his big bow, and stared at the god-born nobleman by the sea. Hearing Priest Tomat's call, he turned his head, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"Let the fleet approach, and then throw a round of feather arrows to give the opponent some warning!"

Priest Tomat commanded in a deep voice, and picked up the scriptures he never left his hands, and put a few amulets around his neck.

"Then, I'll go down and meet with them once or twice."

"Huh? You still want to disembark?"

"Yes! I came with His Highness's prophecy, so I must let them know!"

".This big tomato, jumping back and forth, will be eaten by wolves sooner or later."

Huitu Puap glanced at Priest Tomat with a resolute face, and cursed inwardly. Then, he gritted his teeth and ordered the Prepecha warriors on board.

"Raise the flag and call the ships! The ships are approaching, raise the bow and throw! Shout out and scare the stupid turkeys on the other side!"

"Follow orders, Captain!"

In just a moment, the kingdom's fleet approached the beach. Then, more than a hundred skilled archers raised their bows at the same time, raised their heads and shot obliquely.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sharp rain of arrows brought death howls, crossed the Mayan warriors on the beach, and plunged straight into the beach behind, sinking an inch. Then, hundreds of people in the fleet raised their weapons at the same time, shouting loudly.

"The Lord God blesses! We fight for God, fearless! Those who block will be punished by God and will surely die!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The howling rain of arrows passed over the top of the head, and the thunderous shout suddenly burst. The Mayan warriors who were yelling suddenly lost their voices. Even the two groups of Mayan warriors fighting in the rear gradually stopped. There was a moment of silence on the beach, like a pack of wolves vying to eat a teal, and suddenly found that the opposite was not a docile teal, but a ferocious jaguar!

"Blessed by the Lord God! I am Tomat, the chief god priest of the Mexica Alliance from the western plateau! I have come with the will of the Mexican God of War! Among you, who is the representative of the Kanur clan?"

Priest Tomat jumped onto the tidal flat, held up the "Ali Sutra" in his hand, and shouted loudly towards the opposite side. Beside him, with his head down, was Tikalo, who was also translating loudly. The last time he stopped at Jinshe City, he brought another Mayan translator, and he really didn't think so. Many of the profound teachings of the main gods and the implied words of the descendants of the gods were translated by the other party stutteringly, which is really because of their insufficient cultural level.

"Yeah, but Ticaro is still handy!"

Priest Tomat straightened his spine, thinking wildly in his mind, and looked around with his eyes.

The Mayan warriors on the opposite side didn't make any changes, but their god-born leaders were watching each other, hesitating. After a while, the Mayan deity who led the most warriors came out. He clenched his fists in his chest, raised the magic staff in his hand, and replied in a deep voice.

"God of War Eke blesses! A Nava priest from the western plateau, I am the governor of the salt village, the god-born leader of Maxcanú (Maxcanú), Kanu Marx! I am the third in the Kapok City Presbyterian Church, He is the most honorable descendant of the gods here. I am here to represent the Kanur clan and talk to you!"

"Max Kanu City, Kanu Max?"

Hearing this famous name, the Mayan merchant Tikalo's eyes moved, and his face showed surprise.

Only a hundred miles away from the salt village, Maxcanu City is the northern important town of the Kanur clan, the third largest city-state, second only to the central capital Karkini Kapok City, and the southern city of Hecelchakán (Hecelchakán). tree city. And the name "Kanu Marx" means "four monkeys of the gods" in Yucatan Mayan language. Marks Kanu City is the "Monkey City".

"Priest Tomat, the other party is the third person in the Kanuer Presbyterian Church. The kingdom's fleet came very quickly. It is impossible for the Kanur Presbyterian Council to reach an agreement in such a short period of time and send a recognized representative. This card Nu Marx is the most important descendant of the gods in the north!"

Hearing this, Priest Tomat frowned. He nodded, very satisfied with Ticaro's supplement. Then, he stepped forward confidently, came to Kanu Marx, and saluted cordially.

"Praise the God of War! He made the Toltec brothers on the highlands meet with the Toltec brothers on the lowlands, hundreds of years ago!"

"Eh, praise the God of War! He brought us together!"

Hearing this greeting, Kanu Marx's eyelids twitched, and he barely responded politely. Their Kanur clan is indeed of Tolteknahua blood. Five hundred years ago, they followed the Feathered Serpent King and came to Maya on the Eastern Expedition. It's just that over the past few hundred years, they have basically intermarried and assimilated with the local Mayan tribe, and they can't even speak the Nahua language. If the other party's speech is not translated, he can only understand some sporadic words.

As for the Toltec Kingdom on the plateau, it has been destroyed for hundreds of years in waves of wilderness tribes going south! These "Toltecs" who are emerging now must be descendants of barbarians in the wilderness, and they call them brothers and sisters? Well, the opponent seems to be able to fight well, and he has a boat full of expensive gems, so it seems that he can accept it.

Having figured this out, Kanu Marx bowed his head slightly and returned the salute.

".The Toltec brothers of the plateau! Your fleet has come all the way to the east, and all the coastal ministries have heard of your news. It is called the 'Jewel Fleet of the God of Wealth'. We, the Kanur clan, also a few days ago I got the news. It’s just that the Elders Council has been hesitant to make a decision, and the neighboring city-states have sent teams here first, waiting for you to trade.”

Kanu Marx raised his head and looked at the hundreds of archers, hundreds of armored warriors, hundreds of hatchet sailors on the seven long ships, and hundreds of Puton barbarians with spears, his pupils shrank. When he looked at Priest Tomat again, a kind smile appeared in his eyes.

"The God of War protects us! Priest Tomat, the price of gems in your fleet is very fair, and they are very popular in all countries! Because they were worried about missing you, the warriors from all the cities of the clan came here first, and the men who carried the goods were still there In the back, it will take one or two days to arrive. Long-distance sailing is always difficult, so why not invite the captains of the fleet to rest in the salt village. Tonight, I will host a banquet to welcome the plateau brothers who have come from afar!"

"The God of War protects us!"

Priest Tomat stared at Kanu Marx's face, and when he saw the slightly embarrassed expression and slightly avoiding eyes of the other party, he replied with a smile.

"Respected Chief Kanu Marx, our fleet shoulders the sacred mission bestowed by the God of War, and also obeys the prophecies of the prophets. We have an urgent schedule, and we are going to Snake Island in the East China Sea. We dare not delay all the way, and we cannot stay here Stay longer."

Hearing this, Kanu Marx frowned and clenched the magic staff in his hand. He looked at the four or five hundred warriors in the kingdom fleet again, and then counted the more than one thousand warriors on his side. His face sank and he was about to threaten .

"However, God of War has a will! The gems we brought on this trip are just for the brothers along the way!"

Priest Tomat observed the situation and added in time with a smile. Then, he took a deep breath, looked at the descendants of the gods in the distance, and shouted loudly.

"The god-born brothers of the Kanu clan! Please come here to talk! I have the will of the God of War to give you gems!!"

Priest Tomat yelled three times in a row, and then waved to the fleet. Dozens of Vastek warriors came down from the fleet, carrying bags of ding-dong gems in the lake, and came to Priest Tomat. Then, they piled the gems on the shore, even half the height of a person. Several bags of gems were scattered, green, bright red, golden, and blue. The light of gems of various colors shone in the sun, which immediately attracted the attention of the Mayan descendants.

Kanu Marx's eyes lit up, his face beamed with joy, and he even breathed a little more heavily. He tentatively waved his hand, and two personal guards stepped forward and took away two bags of gems from the lake. Then, he looked at Priest Tomat, who was smiling, but he really didn't try to stop him, but just said softly.

"Brother Kanu Marx, these gems are gifts from the God of War, just take them! You just need to listen to my prophecy of the Lord God at the last moment!"

"Praise the generous God of War! Haha, Priest Tomat, you plateau tribes, are truly devout and generous!"

Kanu Marx grinned. He waved his big hand repeatedly, and the guards rushed up to get the gems on the ground. Seeing this scene, the descendants of the gods behind couldn't bear it anymore, and they all rushed to fight with their personal guards. Soon, the beach was full of shouting and shouting, and there were even fists and kicks.

Priest Tomat watched calmly, evaluating the descendants of the Kanuer clan, and gradually began to think about it.

Although the descendants of these city-state gods belong to the same clan, they are not subordinate to each other, and no one is subordinate to the other. Although Kanu Marx has the highest status, he has no ability to ask the ministries to give him gems. The final distribution plan still depends on who brings more warriors, whoever gets more.

From the small to the big, the Kanur clan's legion must be composed of warriors from various states, and they obey different leaders. Even with the resolution of the so-called elders, it is difficult to form a joint force.

"Military orders come from many leaders, and the interests of each department are different. The combat effectiveness of the Kanur Legion should not be comparable to that of the Alliance's city-state legion. However, when the clan warriors fought, they always paid attention to proportion and did not use weapons, causing unnecessary casualties. It can be seen that the overall concept of the clan, the warriors all have such a legion, if they don’t go abroad to fight, but just guard the country, it’s still okay!”

Priest Tomat pondered for a long time until the descendants of the Kanur gods blushed and finally distributed the gems. With a smile on his face, he spoke loudly within the range of the fleet's bows and arrows.

"Dear Kanur gods! The Supreme God of War gave you gems through my hand. He also used my mouth to tell you the prophecy of the East China Sea! Within ten years, there will be white-skinned demons, Coming across the sea on a big ship with a high mast. Their faces are full of deceitful kindness, their eyes are full of greed of gold and silver, their hands are cruel killing, and they bring terrible plague and death on their bodies!"

The sea breeze is leisurely, blowing from the west side of the peninsula to the north shore not far away. As the sky gradually faded, the descendants of Kanuer on the beach listened for a long time, looked at each other, and all stared wide-eyed. Kanu Marx turned pale with shock, and murmured in disbelief.

"Within ten years? Will the white-skinned demon really come?"

"Witness of the God of War! They are destined to come back! Toltec brothers in the lowlands, you must stay vigilant and don't be confused by the opponent's leading team!"

Priest Tomat looked solemn and nodded heavily. As he spoke, he moved swiftly, and distributed a copy of the "Ali Sutra" to each of the descendants of the gods, and gave a sterling silver sun hummingbird amulet. Then, Priest Tomat didn't stay any longer, taking advantage of the moment when everyone lost their minds, he quickly jumped into the boat and quickly headed for the long boat.

"Ah?! Brother Tomat! Come back quickly, don't rush away, and go to the salt village to rest!"

Kanu Marx came back to his senses, clenched the magic staff in his hand, and shouted urgently. His eyes flickered, complicated and difficult to understand, and various thoughts flashed through his mind, waiting to be left behind to display them. Several other descendants of the gods looked at each other and sincerely asked to stay.

"Yes! Come back, brother from the plateau!"

"No need! Brother Kanu Marx, remember the prophecy of the Lord God! The warriors of the kingdom will continue to come from the western plateau and arrive at the front line of the Snake Island in the East China Sea! Witnessed by the God of War, we will meet again!"

The loud words, back and forth between the long boat and the shore, are full of sincerity and reluctance. With tears in their eyes, both sides stared across the coast, both wearing armor and raising weapons, reluctantly saying goodbye. The encounter was so short, only half a day was left, and they left in a hurry before even having time to snatch the gems.

".What a cunning plateau tribe! They are even more slippery than the snake-like Xiwu family!"

Kanu Marx looked at the fleet leaving by the sea, cursing in a low voice. In the salt village in the east, there was another commotion, but it was another city-state team that arrived late. All the city-states of the clan have received news of the fleet. As long as it drags on for half a day, at least two thousand city-state warriors will arrive. As for now.

"Let's go! Let's go! They came late, they didn't get anything, and they will definitely entangle with the ministries that came first!"

Kanul Marx turned around and glanced at the hundreds of warriors who had just appeared in the east and rushed over excitedly. Without hesitation, he made a decision immediately.

"Put the gems away, and we'll leave immediately! Send someone to tell them about the white-skinned prophecy to delay the time!"

The sea is wide and the night is deep. The kingdom's fleet had no time to resupply, so it went on the road again. The fresh water on the boat urgently needs to be replenished, and the next supply point is just two hundred and fifty miles away, the Wei Village of the Wei Yu Clan.

Yeah, it doubles at the end of the month, ask for a ticket! If the monthly pass can reach 1,000, Mao Mao will go all out. (_)

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