Layden's proposal is an effective solution, but it is not realistic to put it into practice right now.

The Mogu'shan Palace is located in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and the Valley of Eternal Blossoms has been sealed by the four gods. Only when they are present together can the seal be lifted.

Not long after Yulong's reincarnation ended, her condition was still unstable, and she was not suitable for such delicate work with heavy burdens. Layden's proposal could only be postponed temporarily.

Regarding Nozdormu's whereabouts, Andrea had a guess.

The Time Dragon King, who lacks power, should have been tracing the source of the Eternal Dragon for so many years, and probably has found some clues about the end of time, and he should be able to find him along this clue.

It's a pity that before taking back the power absorbed by the dragon soul and restoring his peak state, everything Nozdormu did was useless, and he couldn't really catch the opponent's tell.

After all, the leader of the Eternal Dragon is a dragonlord who has reclaimed his power at his peak in a future timeline of Azeroth.

When Raiden recuperated and was ready to accept the power of the guardian again, the monks scattered in Kun-Lai Mountains finally found Thor's real tomb.

During this period, Andrea contacted the outside world many times.

It has been eight years since the Black Gate, and the Dark Portal was forced to open again from Draenor's side.

The orc clans that did not enter Azeroth in the last war appeared in the cursed land, including war song, broken hand, thunder king and bone eater and other clans that are good at fighting.

The effects of Demon Blood are slowly fading over time.

The brave orcs who drank the most blood of demons gradually regained their sanity. According to the stories of tribe survivors such as Talon Gorefiend and Zuluhed who fled back to Draenor, the clan that stayed behind in Draenor obtained the Horde of the Horde Aize Sad news for Russ.

Talon Gorefiend is a white-eyed wolf cultivated by Gul'dan. He always considers his own interests.

After being defeated in Azeroth, Talon Gorefiend fled back without hesitation, but he didn't want to stay in this dying world waiting to die, so he had to find a way to find a new way out.

For example, travel to other habitable new worlds.

The strength of the death knight alone cannot open up the brand new space portal, Talon Gorefiend intends to find a respected orc to rebuild the tribe's organization - Ner'zhul.

Although he has fatal personality flaws, Ner'zhul's ability and charisma are not bad. He saw through Talon Gorefiend's other thoughts at a glance, but the death knight's idea of ​​looking for other planets is indeed the orc's idea today. The only way out.

Ner'zhul, who was deceived and humiliated by Gul'dan, was heartbroken. He believed that it was because he mistrusted Kil'jaeden's persuasion of using his dead wife as an illusion, which led to the orcs getting to where they are today, so they have been decadent for a long time.

Talon Gorefiend is the most valued confidant under Gul'dan's command. He is very familiar with the deal between Gul'dan and the Burning Legion, and he is very good at talking.

The leader of the death knights spent a lot of time convincing Ner'zhul that, even without his missteps, it was only a matter of time before the Burning Legion set their sights on the orcs.

Although the concept was changed somewhat secretly, Talon Gorefiend's statement still had certain credibility. Ner'zhul, who wanted to atone for his sins, finally believed his statement, and stood up again to call on the orc clans staying in Draenor to unite.

With the support of chieftains such as Grom Hellscream, Kargath and Fenris, Ner'zhul became the third warchief of the orcs.

He used the head of Gul'dan brought back from Azeroth by Talon Gorefiend as a medium, and spent more than a year with a large number of warlocks to restore the energy pipeline that was cut off by the Dark Portal, and once again connected Draenor and Ai. A teleportation channel between Xerath.

The abnormality of the Dark Portal has long aroused the vigilance of Fort Watch, and Turalyon ordered to build an outpost in front of the Dark Portal to monitor the latest status of the gate at any time.

The mighty orcs invaded again and immediately triggered a chain reaction of the alliance.

Although the northern countries are still fighting each other in full swing, the Kingdom of Stormwind, which sits in the south, immediately sent troops to support.

How could others be allowed to snore on the side of the couch. The Stormwind Kingdom, which is the closest to the Dark Portal, has already suffered a loss, and it is impossible for the orcs to wreak havoc in their own land.

When Warsong and Thunder King and other clans entangled the alliance army led by Turalyon, Talon Gorefiend's death knight team, under the bridge of the subspecies black dragon that joined the Dragonmaw clan, had a relationship with someone buried deep in the A dark being at the bottom of Azeroth has made contact.

The last time Andrea received news from the Eastern Continent from Niyana, Lordaeron was already showing signs of being bankrupt under the joint siege of the four nations.

Terenas was trying to find a way to step down, he never expected that Lordaeron, the strongest human kingdom in his mind, would be forced to this extent.

Beating the dog in the water is a good opportunity that intelligent creatures will not let go. Before Lordaeron spits out enough benefits, the four human nations that jointly send troops have no plans to stop their troops.

But at this time, news of the death knight's invasion of Dalaran came.

Antonidas was slapped severely by the elusive Talon Gorefiend, and the Book of Medivh and the Eye of Dalaran were snatched from the magic treasury not long after returning from Karazhan.

Even Antonidas, who claimed to be calm and self-sufficient, couldn't bear this kind of humiliation. He immediately called on other alliance countries to mediate and stop the civil war in the northern countries that had lasted for more than a year.

Terenas, who was at the end of his battle, just didn't want to be completely ripped off. He was just waiting for an opportunity to step down, and Antonidas's proposal was exactly what he wanted.

After Lordaeron pulled out the banner that the Horde once again invaded the human race and even the crisis of Azeroth, the four human nations headed by Alterac could only agree to a quick peace talk.

But it was obviously too late to act at this time. When Kirin Tor Councilor Kel'Thuzad used psychic magic to search for the true purpose of the tribe from the souls of the death knights captured in Dalaran, Talon Gorefiend's plan had already passed. achieved.

According to Talon Gorefiend's speculation, three powerful artifacts are needed to tear open the passage to other worlds. In order to win over the death knight with two hearts, Gul'dan once vaguely disclosed some of the artifacts of Azeroth. Tell Talon Gorefiend to know.

The Book of Medivh and the Eye of Dalaran have already been acquired, and the last artifact is extremely difficult, which is the fel artifact hidden deep in the Tomb of Sargeras—the Scepter of Sargeras.

This scepter was brought to Azeroth by the clone of Sargeras. After defeating the demon king's clone, Aegwynn sealed this highly polluting fel artifact into the tomb.

Originally, Andrea thought that the enchantment that Elisande personally led a large number of magisters to lay was strong enough, but it turned out that it was not strong enough.

A group of Naga rushed out of the deep sea without anyone noticing, and their powerful leader blew up the enchantment arranged by Elisande.

For some reason, the demons in the tomb did not attack these Naga, allowing them to successfully take away the Sargeras Scepter buried deep in the tomb, and bring it back to the Eastern Continent to give it to Talon Gorefiend.

Andrea was frowning and contacting Leticia at this time. At this time, this girl was outside the tomb of Sargeras. Elisande and others were checking the damage of the barrier and trying to repair and strengthen it .

"Are you sure Elisande said that the enchantment was destroyed by a demigod arcanist?"

"Sure." Leticia, who was always bluffing, said in a very serious tone at this time, "The great magister seems to have guessed who the killer is. Recently, she often shows undisguised worry on her face. That is Real emotions that can't be acted out."


Andrea breathed out a long breath, rubbed the center of his brows to stabilize his emotions, and then said to Leticia through the Shadow Demon, "I see, let Elisande step up his guard, but don't worry too much. "

"Since that big shot retreated immediately after breaking the barrier, it means that she doesn't plan to formally stand in front of the stage yet."

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