Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 775: Hate or like it? it's OK?

   Alice has these personality traits. Even if she lacks sufficient contingency experience, she can guarantee her safety better than the average person. It's just like now, when you want to use your experience to analyze the environment, you can't count on Alice to provide much useful advice.

   But this time alone, Alice was right.

   "You are right, that description is also very good, that is, the difference in "concentration"."

   Levi snapped his fingers, leaning on the railing and looking at the clear but unsparing sky.

"According to some people's customary saying, it is roughly that the city's "evil" or something is heavier than the general place. The result is that it is easier to attract some non-human and harmful to humans than other cities. thing."

   Levi's words were very mysterious, but he was not afraid that Alice would not understand. People come from a place more mysterious than this earth. Monsters, goblins, warcraft, evil spirits, gods, fairies, and witch maidens who are more godly than these. From the perspective of light, Alice in Levi is a hundred thousand miles away, it is not a level at all!

"Not only refers to monsters, warcraft, or monsters. There are also some flowing "energy", luck, etc. In short, in general, this is a city that is easy to "cause accidents." Even in this city People are very peaceful, and even those with special powers live peacefully like ordinary human beings. They are still inevitably involved in some special events from time to time. For example, monsters who come to this city inexplicably, Strange disease spreads, or just ordinary people who commit crimes, will have more crime cases than other cities in the same situation, and the methods are often more cruel and bizarre."

  Levi told Alice a few "curious cases" that she had heard of in this city. Any one of those cases can be used to add a few branches and leaves directly to create a thriller novel that can be quite frightening with a barely essay. And if those cases are made into films, I am afraid that some of them will still be classified by the agency responsible for film review and classification to those who are not allowed to watch minors, even if they skip all the **** crime scenes. Restricted level. Because the psychology of some people involved in those cases alone is enough to make people think that it should be a pervert that should not be exposed to immature minors of the Three Views.

   That is not alarmist, it is indeed the psychology and thinking of those people, or it can make ordinary people feel so terrible when they hear it.

   "Humans can indeed do things that many monsters can't imagine. They are really very smart."

  Although saying this, there was no special expression on Alice's face. I couldn't see whether she said it deliberately because she hated certain evil natures of human beings, or if she just stated a fact that she knew. In fact, this is usually the case with Alice. Although she is a girl who is very arrogant at times, except for certain things, she will not be as easily seen through her mind as other arrogant girls. No matter whether it's disguise or just like that, there is always a faint expression on that pretty face, which makes it difficult to figure out the true thoughts in her heart.

   "Do you hate humans? Or, do you dislike humans?"

   Levi is actually quite curious about this. If you just listen to what you usually say, Alice feels that she doesn't like human beings very much. But he also heard Ling Xian said that when Alice was in Fantasy Township, she often went to the human village to perform puppet shows for children, and she also went to the human village in some special events such as festivals and festivals. Go for fun.

   Sometimes even meeting people who get lost in the magic forest, Alice will secretly protect them until they get out of the forest safely. And if they meet someone who was injured by Warcraft or Little Monster, Alice will also take them back to her home and help them treat the injury until they are not in danger, and then send them to a safe place.

   From these behaviors of Alice, should she like humans, or at least not hate humans? Perhaps it was because she was an ordinary weak human before practicing to become a magician?

  At least Alice thinks so, but Hui Ye said, Alice seems to be not a normal human being at first, but has a more complicated identity.

   "Hate... don't like... Shouldn't it count?"

   Alice shook her head while holding her head, as if someone was asked a question that she had never seriously considered.

   "I never thought about it It really was never considered.

   "But it shouldn't be annoying...but can't say like it?"

  Alice seemed to be thinking seriously.

"Well, probably, I don't hate humans themselves, but I don't like some of the'traits' that humans have acquired. By comparison, many monsters that make humans feel scared and scared are simpler and easier to get along with. At least you know what the monsters want, what they want to do, and they can easily understand why they do it. But humans... I have always been confused about many human thoughts and why they do such things. ."

   No wonder, in this way, Alice's behavior makes sense. She hates the evil and hypocritical parts of human beings, but she also believes that humans do not have those inherent in evil and hypocrisy, but grow up because of the surrounding environment Factors such as these are cultivated.

   So Alice will go to the human village, but mainly to perform for the children who are still studying in school. Perform to pure children who she thinks are not contaminated with the qualities she hates. In addition to these, the ceremonial activities she occasionally attends are often relatively simple small vendors and ordinary workers who can be touched at the lively scene. Even if the merchants use some small means to make money, at least they are working hard to support themselves and their families. Alice, who is not pedantic, can understand this.

   However, those ‘upper class’ in the human village may fall into the category that Alice hates. Indeed, Levy heard Ling Xian said that although everyone often goes to human villages, Ling Xian actually hasn't met Alice in the village very much.

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