Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Where is the hot spring going to dispatch mines?

   It was a cylindrical metal object. For Levi’s students to look at it, they might guess it was some kind of large-scale strange can. But Levi knew very well that the dull-colored'canned food' was actually a common mine. And it is a mine jumper specifically for anti-infantry.

   This kind of mine will not explode immediately when the enemy steps on it. But after the weight pressed on it is removed, it bounces above the ground and explodes. Such mines can often jump to a position about one meter above the ground before exploding, while spraying shrapnel and steel **** filled inside. Objects within a radius of tens of meters will be destroyed, with almost no dead ends for attack.

  To tell the truth, Levi can hardly imagine that someone would arrange such a weapon in this place. He really didn't understand the reason why such a thing happened. For a student or students in your school? Levi does not think that some of the casual students are worth attacking in this way. And if the indiscriminate killing of terrorists is just to create a sensation, instead of attacking in a hotel, it is obviously too ridiculous to install mines in a location that is basically unlikely to have a student route.

  When Levi was puzzled, the man with his gun on his back nodded quickly, indicating that he could understand Levi's words without changing another language. But this man's nodding action made Levi even more puzzled. With such a clean and quick movement and a quick reaction do you feel like you should be a trained soldier?

   Levi didn't say anything. He looked away from the mine and looked carefully at the man who was under his control. With his observation power, he could naturally see that the man did not have any consciousness of becoming a captive, but the muscles all over his body were tight, ready to catch his negligent thunder to fight back at any time. But Levy didn't care about this. He knew that the man under his gun was an ordinary man with no magic power when he arrived. It can be seen that the physical exercise is very intensive, but it is still in the category of ordinary human beings. Even as a soldier, no matter how proficient in combat techniques, it is impossible to hurt Levi. It was the man's messy short hair with a slight profile, which made Levi look familiar.

   looks very young, certainly not more than twenty years old. A cross-shaped scar on the lower left side of the face... Levi seems to have seen such a scar. Even though the people he knew were not lacking in those who were scarred all over the place like the imprint of a man... scars, mines, soldiers, Levi's eyes lit up, and I remembered suddenly.

   "Is it... Sergeant Xiangliang?"

   After calling this surname, Levi noticed the slight vibration of the other person's body through the gun on the man's back. Although it was only almost perfect control of the emotions, the body was unable to completely restrain the movements of the muscles reflected by the conditions. Although it is a subtle movement that ordinary people cannot feel even when they are in physical contact. But this is enough for Levi to confirm that he did not guess wrong.

   "It's sergeant Sangsang Sangsuke, right? I'm Levi McDowell. Because I found someone who didn't know what to do here, I ran under suspicion, sorry."

  Levy put the gun back and smiled and took two steps back. And the man who was originally pointed at with his muzzle instantly rolled to the side, and got up with a pistol pointing at Levi.

   "It turns out to be Mr. McDowell."

   The young boy who looked like a faceless battlefield veteran, after confirming Levi's appearance, also dropped the gun in his hand. After seeing that it was Levi, he was relieved. Obviously, when he was "sneak attacked" by Levi, his heart was not as fluctuating as he showed.

   "You also know that my profession is a school teacher. Today I happened to bring school students to travel here."

  Although Levi and the other had known each other for a while, they were considered to have fought side by side. But soldiers like Xiang Liang Zong Jie have always been suspicious. In order to avoid his suspicions, Levi said the reason why he appeared here.

   Some people may think that it was a friendship that once fought side by side, but they still suspect that the other party looks a little inhuman. However, like this teenager, he is affiliated with a "small organization" that is guarded against and even hostile by major countries and forces in the world. He is almost an enemy whenever he appears on the battlefield. He is used to such a "working environment". If he is It's as pleasant as some soldiers who don't need to think too much. I am afraid in which war they have been sacrificed, and they can't live the day they knew Levi.

   "It turned out that I had investigated the hot spring hotel three days ago and knew that there would be a school-organized tour today. I didn't expect it to be Mr. McDowell's school."

   The young boy suddenly realized, but he actually investigated the hotel in advance, and even read the guest list of the hotel today, which made Levi even more strange. Could it be that the organization to which he belongs assigned a certain task to him? Seeing that he has been setting up various traps in this neighborhood just Even mines are used. Is his task this time is to ambush who will appear here?

   is also a coincidence. This military teenager named Xiang Liangzongjie was the one named by MITHRIL (Mithril) when Levi and Nangong went to the academy city to purchase all the things needed for this trip a few days ago. ) Members of the combat unit to which the organization belongs. It is an organization that specializes in the secret missions of organizations and resolves crises in regions where war or armed conflict is about to occur. Such an organization is destined to be a potential enemy of all the armed forces in the world. Even a government that considers itself just, it is not sure if its own party will attack the other party for some reason. Conflict is considered hostile. Even local wars, such as the internal rebellion that most people think should be justified, no one knows the logic of the idealized organization that seems to be committed to eliminating conflicts and maintaining world peace.

   is in an organization like Mithril, which is almost'enemy of the world', and is also a front-line combatant. Despite being a teenager of high school age, Xiang Liang Zongjie was alert and alert to everything around him like a beast struggling to survive in the jungle. And Levi also heard about his childhood experience from the teenager's superior.

Xiang Liangzong was not born in a peaceful and developed country. He was not like Levi’s students when he was a child, sitting in the classroom every day worrying about too much homework and no time to play, but starting from a very young age. One day is struggling to survive-after all, how many teenagers grow up under normal circumstances will join the mercenary organization as a front-line combatant in their teens?

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