Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1269: There are 5 more cute like you?

  Nemesis is only aiming at his own "professional" in this environment. He has never wanted to occupy other people's "territory". This kind of organization that does not pose a threat to other forces but has a certain strength that cannot be completely ignored. In fact, the major forces have always tried to pull together at most, and will not be idle and ran to make enemies for themselves.

  After all, those organizations that can survive for a long time are sober people or strictly maintain their own systems. Otherwise, no matter how strong the organization is, it will not be possible for all talents to come out forever. In those times, you can still keep your position from being replaced. Naturally, everything is given priority to stability. Just like Levi, who always puts safety first in the first place, the life is naturally longer.

"The system at the headquarters can detect the response of the spirits nationwide. However, because I am not an executor based in the headquarters, I have not been aware of the current situation across the UK. I have to wait for a while to return to the headquarters to find seniors. Confirm. If it’s just a suspected reaction from outside London, I remember there were three obvious things before I came."

   Asuka said while looking at the phone.

   "The suspicion is not necessarily all outside world?"

"It may also be an item related to the alien world, or a situation where an alien world affects different locations at the same time. Various phenomena related to the alien world are actually more complicated. It is impossible to judge exactly what it is based on the data. "

  Listening to the girls, Levi and Huiye both felt that the executives of their organizations, or the people who could be dispatched for action, might have more people than they had imagined.

   But this is actually taken for granted. Even if it is the so-called underground organization that has been sneaking away together with the abilities. After decades of development, as long as it has not disappeared and continues to the present, it must have gradually formed a considerable scale. Not to mention that Nemesis also has the assistance of large companies that theoretically barely count their allies. Although Asuka did not say how many ‘qualifiers’ like her have a soul device, although it must not be too many, she can also feel that the number is not very scarce from some of her attitudes.

  At least, it is enough to divide the land on the earth into partitions of an area similar to Xueyuan Island, and then assign one executor to ‘guard’ each district. Many people don’t feel this way, but they are actually quite large. After all, the area of ​​the earth is actually far more than the concept in the minds of many people.

   "Javelin, how many of your girls come together?"

  If things are indeed what Hui Ye thought, then the number of people coming from these ship mothers may also be able to narrow the scope. Although at the end it is estimated that Asuka and her associates in the association will go to each place to investigate all the places where there is a reaction. However, this kind of thing is their job. Even if there is no such thing as a ship maiden, the person who formed the association would be the same as the police who patrolled regularly. Once an alien reaction is discovered, it will be immediately received as if receiving an alarm. Alarm.

"The first lottery is scheduled to draw six people. However, because I was the first to draw, Akashi and they directly sent me over, so I didn't see which sisters were also drawn in the back... ...But there should be five other people besides me."

   Actually, it was not that all six people had taken it out and started sending it in unison. Although it didn't matter, it could be seen how anxious the girls in their port area were. It's almost like not wanting to wait more than a second.

  Anyway, no one knows who the warships are or who is wholly except for the javelin. Even if you know a name, you can only get pictures of those warships when you search online, as well as the characters in the popular games. In fact, Hui Ye just quietly took out her phone and searched for the javelin. Among the results obtained in the search engine, only one is the standing painting of the ship Javelin in the role of a ship. It was a girl with long pink hair, and when she looked at her appearance, she knew that she had nothing to do with the javelin in front of her. At least, she could be sure that the javelin was not crossed in a game already in this world, and ran into reality. of.

   Well, there is no way. Novels of that kind have become popular recently. Although Hui Ye's interest is not too great, she has seen some of it. When she heard about the ship's mother, she would inevitably think about the plots written in those novels. Originally, the dead house is not because you prefer to fill up all kinds of realistic fantasy in your brain, so that you can support the house where you are alone and ‘lonely’ without going out and not socializing. It’s impossible for people to play games forever, watching animations, and not stopping except for a minute of eating and Do activities such as happening around you relax and relax?

"As long as you know that there are five more people. As for who the five are, you won't recognize them even if you tell them. Everyone doesn't know much about warships, but there are no military houses that rely on the main gun and These things like the bridge can tell what the ship's skill is."

   Moreover, the ship equipment they are using is not necessarily the weaponry used by those warships in history? How could Hui Ye forget the javelin so quickly that she had reported all of her equipment, hoping that Levi would recognize her? What kind of anti-aircraft gun torpedoes for anti-aircraft guns, Hui Ye can understand these suffixes. For her, the previous model is the same as the product code on the electronic products that nobody would notice at all.

   "Well, in fact, I have photos of them here. Everyone is cute children, and they should be easy to recognize."

   Javelin shakes the mobile phone in her hand, which makes people react. She said before that this earth is a world very similar to the port area where she used to live. Most of the modern technology products on this earth have similar things in their port area. And not because the Javelin is a warship in the old wars that served on the earth for decades, even the place where they live maintains the same appearance on the earth as it was in the wars decades ago.

"But as long as we go together to find everyone, we will recognize it when we see it! Although the commander seems to still not remember the things that were in the port area... but it does not matter, maybe there are more sisters, The strong resonance of everyone's mental cube can help the commander restore his memory!"

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