Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Should the princess be a celebrity?

  However, even if the ancient situation is complicated, even if the history is exaggerated, it will not be completely inconsistent with the real situation after removing the water, and it still has a certain reference value. This is also the reason why there are people who study tirelessly in history.

Otherwise, if it is not credible at all, those historians who must be much smarter than Levi, can it be because the short-term teachers who are shorter in life can not have such light energy to teach the language of middle school students in the school. Anymore?

Even if the beauties that wreck the country and the people and the country are not necessarily there, they can count down a few levels, and they are fascinated by a voice, and the man who echoes his fantasy and beautified image all day long is probably not necessarily a man. How rare.

   And such a thing, basically does not happen in the "reality" in the real society. But when you switch to the Internet, similar things are not necessarily less than in the ancient society where people lacked information and lacked entertainment.

  The anonymity and distance characteristics of the network determine that this is a base camp for humans who resist socialization or social weakness to hide themselves. It is not because of the Internet that the number of houses in the world has become more and more. It is only because of the network that many people who wish to live this way can become their otakus with peace of mind.

   There are many poems and stories that have been handed down from ancient times to sing mountain hermits and pursue the isolation of the paradise. This is of course because people at that time were accustomed to the sinister world and the pursuit of a beautiful fantasy world. Some people also hope to avoid the harassment with others, and they can also be free from unrealistic dreams.

   The unrealistic dream suddenly became very simple after the development of modern social networks.

   If you want to live in seclusion, you no longer need to go to the deserted old forest. Even if you are in a busy city, just close the door, close the curtains, and put on a headset at most, you can immediately escape into the world of yourself. All the needs of life can be solved through the network and mobile phone, with the minimum contact with others. It doesn't have to be like a mountain hermit in ancient times, but obviously a literati, he still has to work hard to ensure his survival.

   The satisfaction that a modern house can get at home is definitely something that people in the past couldn't even imagine. But even so, it does not mean that those who are willing to become otakus or even cocoons, do not have the slightest envy of the lives of the current chargers they despise, especially the interactive life of the current chargers and the opposite sex.

  In the past, when there were only words on the Internet, the story of finding romantic encounters on the Internet has become a trend. Now that there are pictures, sounds, and videos, there are more ways for those who want to stay at home but fantasize about all kinds of people.

  Although these people who can see all kinds of society on the Internet, they almost never go out to actually contact themselves. Their perception of what they see often differs from the people they actually contact. There is always a part of their thinking that is influenced by beautiful fantasy. And some small details encountered on the network are also easily susceptible to their long-term subconscious, beautifying into a romance that has not experienced as if it has been experienced.

  Why once there is a suspected female player in online games, it can set off some waves. Do those who ‘live on the Internet’ have long forgotten the proportion of beautiful women among women in the real world?

No, they just hypnotized themselves with their dreams of romantic encounters, and made themselves think that the kind of coincidences that are not even one in a thousandth or even one in ten thousandth, or one in ten millionth, can happen just so Just yourself.

Such a person can only imagine that a female character in the game can produce fantasy, and also guess that when they struggle hard in the game, they hear the voice of the teammates coming from the headphones. How stimulating the brain should be during the arrogant voice?

  To tell the truth, don't look at Levi, although he loves to stay at home, he is not a dead man who is addicted to the second element. But he thought he could understand one or two of the mentality of those second-generation otakus.

   Levi’s self-confidence naturally stems from the unexpectedly high number of secondary dwellings around him. In addition, Penglai Shanhui Ye, a woman who likes to force her to sell her hobbies, forced Levi to go to her room. After a period of evil supplements, Levi is still at least aware of the second element. A surface.

Regardless of appearance, Levi feels that as long as a person has a slightly more normal aesthetic, rather than the strange beauty of fat and deformity that can be found in the extremely unpopular niche community on the Internet...Yes~ Levi once became interested in a noun mentioned by the two respondents who didn't understand what it meant in a comment that he couldn't remember. After copying and pasting into the search box of the search engine and clicking OK, the door of a new world opened. When Levi saw a woman who actually loved a woman whose weight was greater than his height, he immediately understood Why even the phenomenon-level and historical-level idols like Yuna who have'magic' blessings still can't really be popular among everyone. Probably, even if Penglai Shanhui Ye pulls Levi's eyes and can make a group debut with her Alice regardless of her ability, I am afraid there will still be men who are not interested in them? After all, people like tanks, and no matter how cool a super sports car is, it is not destined to give them the thick and solid feeling, right?

  Besides the beauty, there is the high cold character of Princess Fan in front of unfamiliar people. Just like when I met the ITEM girls in the academy city, Hui Ye was so cold that she was almost immortal!

   This kind of reality is very likely to make people withdraw, but in the second dimension, it is very good to make people have the desire to worship or even conquer. As in reality, most girls are hard to accept. Just like Haruhi Suzumiya, there are a few men who can endure all kinds of "torture" from words to spirit to limbs around her like Axu. The moment of pride?

   But in the world of two dimensions, it is also possible... No, it is not possible. Absolutely because that is when I looked at it from the perspective of a third party. Even in a game that I manually operated, those characters were not involved in myself. Only in this way can otaku and otaku girls analyze and figure out the cuteness hidden in those arrogant girls from various rational and objective angles.

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