Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 45: totuga

Tortuga is located on the northern island of Gros Morne, 648 nautical miles away from Port Royal. Even the Interceptor, which belongs to the tailwind, can reach the fastest speed of eleven knots and arrive at the port on the evening of the third day.

Chaos, this was the first feeling Gordon had when he walked on the island.

Tortuga is a famous pirate port, which has relevant information in his memory, but has never set foot on the island.

Countless pirates and sailors gather in this port, enjoying the rum here, killing, robbing, and prostitutes. Here, there is everything with money. Pirates and sailors may be able to buy rum for the silver coins that can buy rum. all kinds of things.

The people in the tavern were rejoicing, and anyone who didn't like it could go up and beat them up. Fights were common here, but the only rule was that the loser would be thrown into the pigsty.

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Gordon just thought of the people who were binge-drinking drugs in bars in the 21st century, throwing aside all the rules and enjoying their desires. Without the constraints of the rules, everyone has lost their pretense, so disgusting and disgusting. ugly.

The woman showed off her body and could have **** with any man she liked. The three men used muskets as fireworks on the second floor of the tavern.

The stench was mixed with the smell of blood and gunpowder, and he began to understand why Jack's body always smelled like this. This was the smell of chaos.

"Welcome to Tortuga..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Jack's mouth. At this moment, he returned to his familiar territory, this familiar freedom. Will and Gordon, who looked white, began to make some mockery. This is the innate superiority of the old man to the newcomer. sense.

"It's sad if one has never experienced the variety of Tortuga, what do you think?"

Will looked at the alcoholic who kept drinking, but took a deep breath, and said a little against his will, "Not bad!"

"I knew you understood me, Will, if all the towns in the world were like this, no one would be sad anymore!"

Gordon tried his best to hold his breath, and he almost choked to death when he heard Jack's words: "Will, don't listen to his nonsense, if all the towns in this world become like this, then everyone will be in panic and chaos, after all, new order will be re-established."

The chaotic era is not an era in which ordinary people can survive. Power dominates everything. Abandoning the shackles of morality and order, the beasts in human nature will rush out of the cage and destroy everything.

Jack is leading Will in the direction of a pirate, which Gordon will never tolerate.

Jack didn't argue, but watched the scantily clad woman walk slowly in front of him.


He hurried up to meet him, this is his old age, his skin is fair and beautiful, and his life is good.


A loud slap directly slapped Jack's neck, but fortunately his own face was thick enough, and his black skin couldn't see the bright red finger prints.

"Is this slap for me?"

Looking at Scarlett who was far away, Jack was a little confused.

At this time, another bewitching woman with heavy makeup came up.


The woman just stared at him and asked in a kinder tone, "Who is that?"

Before Jack could say anything, he was slapped again and twisted his neck.

"This time maybe I deserve it."

Jack took Will and Gordon with two buckets of water from the backyard and headed straight for the pigsty. Gibbs always liked to fight people in the tavern, but apparently hardly ever won, every day At this point, it is absolutely right to find him in the pigpen.

Gordon originally wanted to see this classic scene, but it was almost too late. In this poisonous environment, it was terrifying to come to the pigsty again.

"I'll go to the pub for two drinks first, Will, are you coming?"

Will looked at Jack, then at Gordon, but whispered close to Gordon and said, "I don't have any money!"

Gordon took out two silver coins directly from his arms, and then quickly stuffed them back.

"OK, Gordon, you are so generous, Captain, we'll wait for you at the pub first!"

Will and Gordon walked off shoulder to shoulder, leaving Jack alone with a bucket of water.

"Hey, you can't do this, I'm the captain!"

Gordon and Will didn't look back, pretending not to hear.

He was so angry that he directly took out the pistol, turned it around twice, and inserted it again. After all, he endured it.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, what he saw was the lawless fights of the sailors. Various tables and stools and wine bottles became the best weapons.

"a ha ha ha!"

A rude sailor with a long beard and a three-cornered hat directly lifted a wine bottle and smashed it on the opponent's head.

With a crisp sound, the blood of the beaten pirate began to flow down the bridge of his nose, but no one cared. The onlookers just laughed until the latter was completely lying on the ground and stopped moving.

Pirates don't care about the severity of the If they kill people, they will be buried in the mountains behind. As long as they are not killed with guns, it is a big taboo to attack others with firearms from behind.

Seeing such a chaotic scene, Gordon shook his head and took Will against the wall to go to the bar to buy a bottle of wine.

The pirates fighting on the second floor were thrown directly from above, and blood spat out from their mouths, almost spraying on Will's shoes.

Gordon didn't stop, just walked and asked, "How do you feel about pirates now?"

"It sucks!" Looking at the ugly and evil face, Will couldn't help his face twitching and quickened his pace.

The bar of the tavern is completely covered with metal, leaving only a few specific windows. If it weren't for this, the bar would have been smashed into something.

"Two bottles of rum!"

Gordon shouted, and then handed in a silver coin, but the person inside displayed 5 bottles of wine.

There is no such thing as giving change here, but it is also a business of integrity. It is really easy to be smashed and run away by these pirates here, and it will not be able to drive for so long.

Gordon didn't speak, picked up two bottles and handed them to Will, while he was holding three bottles of wine to find a place to order quickly, or a place where no one was fighting. "

In several corners of the tavern, there really is such a place, Gordon chose one and went there.

"Hey, boy, are you really rich?"

A big man directly stood in front of the two of them. Although the rum is not very high-end, it still needs one pound a bottle. This is the first time I have seen someone buy five bottles directly.

The fat all over his body, the oil on his face, and the smelly breath he exhaled, directly challenged Gordon's nerves, even though he couldn't bear it any longer.

"I'll give you a chance and disappear immediately!"

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