Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 279: banquet

"We can't use shelling, send someone to touch it and kill him."


Flint put forward his most basic requirements, but once he gave up the artillery fire, the advantage of their ships with more firepower would be evened out, and the street fighting in the cabin would drastically increase the casualties.


They can't lose their foothold in Nassau because of this. This is their foundation. If they lose the deterrence of force, it will be difficult for them to achieve a balance of power with Blackbeard, or even be directly annexed.


"We're 172 now," Charles reminded. "It's okay to lose some."


"But we have to reduce this loss, and we have to have enough reasons for these pirates to go desperate."


Sailors on pirate ships have no loyalty at all. If you want to convince them to fight with their lives, you need enough interests and enough reasons.


"We need to bring new people into the team. We can't do it on our own." Ellenor said, thinking about the best candidate. The captains of Nassau basically have their own forces attached, and the only foreigners It was Marcos, the mad dog.


"We'll discuss this later, let's go out first."


As Ellenor and other main characters came down from the second floor, the whole banquet was announced.


The waiter pieced together a large round table in the center of the hall. Everyone seemed to have their own fixed seat. Only captains and businessmen with status were qualified to be seated.


At this time, everyone seemed to be familiar with each other again and greeted each other. The atmosphere was so warm that you could not see that the banquet was divided into three forces.


Gordon stood aside with Mickey, who was wet, watching Benjamin, Blackbeard, Edward, Captain Kidd and others take their seats, and then more people entered the seats.


"That's Benjamin..."


He looked at this legendary pirate as a mentor to Blackbeard and Edward pirates. His eyes were no longer sharp, his beard began to turn white, and he was restrained, like a gentleman?


"Captain, you said that was Benjamin?"


Mickey also seemed a little unbelievable that such a famous pirate turned out to be like this.


Benjamin's appearance was different from what Gordon remembered. He remembered that in the Black Flag episode, Benjamin should have been younger and full of energy. If it wasn't for the respect of Edward and Thatch, he couldn't believe it was Benjamin and Hornigga. de.


About thirty people sat down at the round table. At this time, only Kidd cared about his unfamiliar face: "Evan, come here."


On his left side, there was an empty space at the core of the banquet. Of course, Gordon's face was thick enough. Under the attention of the people around him, he sat down leisurely, as if he had come to his own home.


The lieutenants brought by the captains will be arranged in the rooms next to each other. The pirates are noisy, and it seems that there are no rules at all.


Clang clang clang! ! !


The crisp sound of the crisp spoon hitting the cup sounded.


"The Brotherhood of the Coast has been established for nearly a year." Blackbeard raised his glass and stood up, his voice loud and proud.


"We have more and more brothers, we have more wealth, we have our own port, hahaha."




"But!" Saatchi's expression was serious, and he glanced at everyone sitting.


"These days are not stable, we need more people, more artillery and ships, and here I have to make a rule not to kill the surrenderers wantonly, to contact more pirates and tell them the news of Nassau ."


"Now also invite the host of our banquet, Miss Ellenor to say something..."


Anyway, what was said on the table was a few scenes, and the discussion of specific matters was always after the banquet. This was just a way to increase one's influence, and it also helped the top management of the Pirate Republic.


"I can't seem to find a reason why I was invited here."


The food served on the table at the moment is extremely rich and delicious, Gordon asked suspiciously while chewing the delicious steak.


The steak was still bloodshot, and the level of seven points was just right. It didn't have much raw meat flavor, and it didn't lose its original flavor.


The sharp meal cuts through the steak, the juice and blood flow, and the steel fork pierces the meat and stuffs it into the mouth.


"I asked you to come."


Kidd, who was beside him, blinked, looking a little playful.


Well, if Gordon hadn't already known that Kidd was a woman, he would definitely be disgusted by this handsome appearance.


James Kidd, formerly known as Mary Reed, is a member of the Brotherhood of Assassins, an outstanding assassin under the tutelage of Ah Tabai, and of course a pirate.


"You know Tulum, and you should know a lot about us. Ye Xiao once sent back news, and we have been paying attention to you. Your arrival is slower than we thought. I'm very curious, El Dorado and his party. what happened?"


Captain Kidd's question lowered his voice, and no one noticed those sensitive words in the noisy environment.


Hearing the words, Gordon stopped cutting the steak. He just looked up at Kidd and replied, "You know I went to El Dorado? That's right, the eyes and ears of assassins are everywhere."


"The actions of the Templars were quiet, and it was because of the news you brought back that we knew this, but our people seem to be behind."


"Some ancient monsters have woken Gordon doesn't want to talk about these things, Mimir's power makes him feel deeply powerless, he can't imagine what such a character can do if he wants to destroy mankind response.


"The Cathedral of Seville was attacked, and Columbus's coffin was opened. The Templars thought we did it, but unfortunately it wasn't."


Kidd's words shocked Gordon instantly, and made him understand what important thing he had neglected for a long time, that is, the coffin of Columbus is stored in the Cathedral of Seville, and in it, there is the whole world. The most important treasure in the world is the apple.


One of the fragments of the Garden of Eden, in the records of the Templars, the Apple can eliminate the will of resistance in this world, making it easy for them to achieve a unified and peaceful world.


In other words, the apple in this world is similar to the mind gem in the Marvel universe (Gordon has not realized the more important role of the apple at this moment), manipulating people's hearts, and there is nothing that can be resisted in this world.


"Damn, why didn't I think of it before." Gordon cursed in secret, but he did remind him of another thing. On the island where Edward's plundering ark arrived, there is a set of armor that is immune to all long-range damage. chainmail.


And Kidd finally realized that the man in front of him actually knew what was inside: "What's in it? How did you know?"



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