Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 202: die?

Witches are born to be cursed. This kind of monster born from human beings and detached from human beings can only cause destruction to the world.

When her humanity faded, Serena only had the instinct to kill, but a special power brought her back to her senses - she sensed the medal.

In the few years that Serena became a witch, there were only a handful of special energies she felt, except for the Jackdaw, the only thing in front of her.

"Hand over your stuff, or die!"

She looked very seriously at the two approaching, her eyes locked on the radiant medal in Baine's hand.

Anthony did not speak, and also looked at the witch in front of him. The red color represented temptation, but the cold face was full of dead silence, as if blood was flowing in the eyes of the witch. The mithril dagger in his hand waved slowly, as if he was afraid of disturbing the "beast" in front of him.

"Who are you? Why did you come to the Royal Fort?"

Anthony habitually issues questions like he's still in a strong position.

Of course, Serena didn't want to ignore his thoughts at all, but waved her right hand lightly.

From the scarlet moon, a tall knight in the heavy armor of a medieval knight stepped out, his eyes burning with flames, and the epee hanging from his waist was so wide that it might be used as a door.

The knight did not hesitate in the slightest, and even the distance of less than 20 meters was not enough for the charge of the horse.

"Don't waste your energy, it's just an illusion!"

Anthony thought he had seen through everything. From the beginning to the end, the attacks they suffered were all from their own people. What they feared were only those unknown things, black insects in the sky, or scary illusions.

However, this thought was quickly awakened by the heavy sword with the large door.

clang! ! !

Anthony, who had never met an opponent, was slapped by the epee and flew out in the first round of the knight's charge, and smashed into a pile of rotten and rotten wood.

The knight pulled the reins disdainfully and returned to Serena's back, obeying her orders.

"Give it to me, or die!"

Her patience was almost exhausted, and then she stood up from the seat, the red gown turned into a dark insect behind her, and rushed towards the stunned priest.

The latter didn't react, staring at the medal blankly, no fear could be seen on his face, and the memories hidden in the medal filled his brain.


The earth has been covered with corpses, and there is not only red, but also golden blood flowing. Metal and rotten meat are mixed together, and it is completely unclear whether the human or the devil is lying on the ground...


The sound of wings flapping sounded in the sky, and it was a group of gargoyles who began to sweep the battlefield. The surviving humans were directly stabbed to death by spears on the ground, screaming in pain...


The sky is so magnificent that in the space divided like rags, stars of various colors shone in the sky, even the sun disappeared, and the white light of the explosion shone the whole world, so that after a few minutes, the earth cracked with a loud noise just followed.


As the golden city fell from the sky, the trunk of the World Tree completely collapsed and scattered outside the sky. The terrifying vortex that appeared in the space completely absorbed the black monsters in the sky, hoarse and painful howls, but it was like The most beautiful music...


When the first black bug swept in, the medal finally showed its strong side. The golden shock wave was centered on this, and it was continuously launched towards the surroundings. Rush to Serena.

This golden light ripped apart the dark world, the blood moon disappeared, and the sound of thunder and torrential rain filled Anthony's ears again.

Although he was vulnerable in a head-to-head confrontation and was instantly knocked into the air, Anthony was not weak enough to be instantly killed by someone. When he got up from the ruins, he saw a golden opportunity.

The powerful necromancer stood in front of the witch, and with the golden rays of light pierced through thousands of holes, those bright armors were like a pile of torn pieces of paper at this time, and even the skeletons wrapped inside leaked out.

The flames of the eyes were shaky, just short of a gust of wind.


In order to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he didn't have time to shout more words, and rushed out with a mithril dagger in one hand.

Anthony has almost reached the peak speed of his life, fighting everything, this is their only chance to come back.

The priest in the back finally woke up from the loud shout, and made an instinctive reaction when he saw Anthony who had already rushed up.

He threw the medal at the witch, the only way he could help Anthony.

Anthony suddenly pulled out the machete, and along with the medal fell, the original majestic knight was instantly split into two by a blade forged from steel, which exploded into a pile of flying ashes.

He saw Serena, the witch who was completely controlled by the golden showed no mercy, the mithril dagger pointed straight at the white neck like a poisonous snake.

The blood flowed along the red dress, and disappeared under the scouring of the rain. The soldiers and thugs looked at the soft golden light, and finally had the courage to probe inside.


The governor's mansion was brightly lit, but there were only a few soldiers. Gordon stood on the high wall and used black and white vision to see the personnel clearly. There were no more than ten guards in total, more servants, and the target was clearly visible.

The sound of artillery fire had stopped for a long time. He didn't know what the outcome of the battle was, and he didn't know what the people in the city were fleeing in panic. If the Jackdaw had already left, it would be a very foolish act to rush into the Governor's Mansion.

But he had no choice, and the information was not equal, making him blind in this unfamiliar port, with very limited information from civilians.

"I think it might be a little crazy."

He muttered to himself, feeling that he was acting more and more like a pirate, which was obviously the type of person he hated the most.

The words fell, the captain's hands were tensed, and the dagger hidden in the gauntlet was ejected, and then he jumped.

When the thunder flashed, a terrifying shadow was cast under the ground, but the two guards had no time to react.

With the sound of breaking the air, it is the signal of death.


The sound of the blade piercing the flesh and the sound of blood splashing were drowned out in the heavy rain, and no one found out that a terrifying killer had sneaked into the house.

Sneaking in the shadows of the lights, guards fell from time to time on the promenade, and then dragged into the shadows, he has gradually approached the easiest place to sneak in.

The stunned blowtorch brought down the two waiters who were hiding in the kitchen talking, Gordon rolled in through the window, and the shadow of the oven fire on the wall was a stocky man undressing.

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