Asked The Red Dust

Chapter 759: Introduction to China

To be honest, Qin Yi ’s first reaction was that he was not free. A bunch of things were scorching, and Bangbang was only a half of it ...

But An An couldn't ignore it when she came to the door. She still has her Dinghai Shenzhu on hand, which also benefited a lot. Otherwise, at that time, the girl would lose her mind, and everyone would have to plant before Wan Gu could not come back. The beads borrowed by An An before his trip saved his life.

He had to pick up the tassel and smiled, "Let An'an come in, thank her for this matter."

When An An came in, Yu Shang was standing behind Qin Yi, and a small white ball crouched on Qin Yi's head. Qin Yi looked helpless, seeming to want to pull it down but couldn't pull it, so he had to sit there.

An An's worried emotions were amused by this scene, and greeted with a smile: "Sir."

Qin Yi said with a smile: "I was still in Kunlun before. You came from the sea two days ago. You didn't come here to find me."

An An shook his head: "It was indeed for the purpose of finding a gentleman. The gentleman did not come out. An An was waiting for him in Xunmu City."

Qin Yiqi said: "What situation is not necessary for me?"

"Hmm ..." An An looked at Yu Shang and whispered, "We have people who were caught in the Southwest Sea ... and I heard that it lasted for many years ..."

Southwest waters ...

Qin Yi spent a long time in his mind before waking up to the map.

According to the central position of Jianmu in the sea, the so-called west side is actually Shenzhou, and the southwestern sea area is mostly the South China Sea area south of the chaotic land. Once I got out of the nether world I was there.

In the chaotic land, the overall situation can be regarded as the category of Shenzhou, that is to say, it is a monk of Shenzhou.

No wonder An An will find himself.

The sea is isolated from Shenzhou, and the Shenzhou people cannot enter, but the sea monsters still survive outside the forbidden barrier. At the beginning, Qin Yi went to the sea with Yu Shang, and saw many mermaids on the road.

After all, the sea is vast, it is impossible to give birth to all the demon races in the middle of the sea, but all sea areas can be born. Then, after some connections, they received the central forbidden land to settle together.

Before being led back to the forbidden land, there will still be a certain intersection between all kinds of demon races born in the sea and people on land.

In the Great Wasteland, the disputes among the various ethnic groups are not sharp. The top sects such as the Bodhi Temple have set rules that do not allow the battle of genocide. Therefore, the various ethnic groups get along relatively peacefully. Going on. Even so, there are often catches of demon from all ethnic groups in the sea, used in refining medicine, armor, and everything. Among them, mussels are also caught, and An'an has also negotiated a lot with the great wild people.

The situation in Shenzhou is different. The conflict between the shemales and the shepherds is extremely sharp. How dare you dare to take the lead? Qin Yi has been in Shenzhou for so long and stayed in the sea, but he has never seen a demon in the sea.

Now I want to think that it is not that there is no demon in the sea over there, but that I dare not bubble up when I hide, and once bubbled up, I may be flattened.

No wonder it lasted for many years ... In this way, the captured mussels are lucky, because there are special products, anyway, they will not be directly chopped, and other ethnic groups may be even worse ...

Qin Yi observed a moment of silence for the bald mermaids and sighed: "You should have known this situation already. How did you make it look like you just knew it?"

"Originally, we set up an exclusive channel with the sea area of ​​Shenzhou, and all the demon races in the sea area of ​​Shenzhou will be directly brought in. But during this time, there was no knowledge of what happened in the South China Sea. Jing, not connected with our channel ... "

"It's true that you are looking for me in the matter of Shenzhou ..." Qin Yi said in a deep voice: "I have been away from Shenzhou for a long time, I miss it very much, and it's good to be the introduction of the return ..."

An An Yixi: "Thank you Mr."

"Don't thank me, I'm thanking you." Qin Yi took out Dinghai Shenzhu and gave it back to her, laughing: "You saved my life."

An An looked slightly red: "It's good to help Mr."

Yu Shang was anxious: "Do you want to leave?"

Qin Yi laughed: "Don't you follow me?"

Yu Shang was stunned and suddenly smiled.

That's right, Qin Yi was not in trouble, she was married, and of course he followed him. What's more, Yuren has always felt that he is a responsibility of escort. He walked the horizon and arched beside him. Isn't it the most anticipated dream?

"But since things have been happening for a while, don't worry, An'an, sharpen the knife and cut the woodworker, I need to retreat for a few days to deal with some spiritual practice ..." Qin Yidao said: "Take advantage of these days , Yu people helped me to send a message to Qingying, and asked if there was something that I needed to do over her. If yes, make arrangements to deal with it, if not, we will go back to Shenzhou directly. "

Yu Shang asked with some taste: "That Meng girl, is so important to her husband? Before leaving, I still miss her."

Qin Yi laughed dumbly, Yuren eats his own Fenghuang vinegar. I'm afraid you will all kneel to her by then. I'm still jealous ... Forget it, the light shadow in this life may not be regarded as Fenghuang or the grebe Use your own habitual cognition to set this world's cognition.

"Because my forefoot told Qingying that something happened to me, how could I run away without saying a word? It's a matter of life." He stood up against a white ball and said, "Let me go first, I'll shut it down, Just three or five days. "

An An watched Qin Yi leave oddly and turned to ask Yu Shang: "You are like a jar of vinegar. Why doesn't Mr. Retreat carry a ball with you? You didn't say anything?"

Yu Shang didn't have a good air: "If you can't beat the ball, you don't want to beat it? At first, it turned me like a husband ... It was a little devil. If there is a chance, watch me tie it into a chain ball Throw it around and let it see people in its nostrils! "

An Andao: "It's the spirit of the mace, right? Why is a rod so strong, what is the origin of the mace?"

Yu Shang shook his head, of course, not to be disclosed to An An.

In fact, at the beginning of the mace, she had asked her mother and high priest very curiously. After being **** for training, how could there be a little bit of revenge in my heart?

How did the high priest answer ...

"Wufang bites Zixiao. The material of this spiked rod may itself be the result of a greedy wolf. The aunt seems to be heavy in peach blossoms. Maybe this rod also affects the number of luck."

Yu Shang's eyes widened in shock at the time: "Grory Wolf Weapon? Who has such prestige?"

The high priest hesitated for a moment ~ ~ whispered: "Stars are for its use, mountains and rivers are magic weapons. This bold person, if not the emperor, is the emperor."

If the Chinese monks heard this statement, they would think of Qin Yi's battle to burn the Tiandao, and gather the lava and point to the world: If all the things I learned are magic weapons, then everything is a magic weapon!


"It turns out that Leifa is so easy." In the Chamber of Secrets, Qin Yi pulled with both hands at random, and Thunderbolt changed shape randomly with both hands, just like pulling maltose.

"Training is here, and it's already easy. The five-element kind of thing is considered to be very backward in the evolution of the source. It is no more congenital."

This is inherently the case ... Qin Yi was unable to vomit, and asked carefully: "Then are the two instruments at the front?"

"Yes, the rough points are called Yin and Yang, and there are more subdivisions, such as life and death." The tassel little hand stretched out, and a dark breath of silence appeared in its palm.

"Curse of death and death?" Qin Yi thought of the past of the desolation of the holy city of the demon city: "You can already use the soul body to use spells?"

"Almost, some can. For example, this kind of condensed life, the confrontation between life and death, the root of silence, I don't need mana. I can also find it out. Do you think the limitation of Yang Shen is as serious as before? Special. "

"Um, this curse of death, I originally thought it was Netherworld."

"This is not a ghost, this is an extinction." Tassel took away his life and said seriously: "Don't think that you have seen the battle of the Stygian River, it is called seeing the pinnacle of this world, it is just a corner."

Ghost is just a corner, the world is still very big ...

Qin Yi silently took out the rest of the soil and carried out the five-element drawing that was still very low in the eyes of tassels: "How to get the power of the earth spirit?"

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