Armor Frenzy

Chapter 744: big problem

"Beep - beep - beep - hello?" There was a somewhat hoarse and familiar voice on the phone, Ye Han pressed the receiver tightly to his ear: "Hey, Xiaoting, it's me."

Bai Xiaoting on the other end of the phone raised her eyebrows: "You still know how to call? It's been so long, why don't you think I'm your wife..."

"Dang, can it be wrong? I don't have time, don't you think I'll call you as soon as I have time!" Ye Han quickly explained.

"Okay, you don't have to explain it to me, I don't want to hear it." Bai Xiaoting said sternly.

"Well, I won't say it, what do you want to hear?"

Bai Xiaoting was silent for a moment, then picked up her chaotic mood: "When will you be back?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "I don't know yet, if it goes well, it will be two or three months."

"Can't it be earlier?"

"I think so, but what I said doesn't count!"

Bai Xiaoting was silent again, and she didn't make a sound at all, so that Ye Han suspected that the phone was disconnected. She took it down and looked at it, only to find that it was still connected: "Xiaoting, can you hear?"

Bai Xiaoting raised her head and sighed silently: "Ye Han, I am asking you formally now, when will you be back, and give me a letter."

Ye Han was in a dilemma, and he couldn't control this matter at all: "Xiaoting, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Bai Xiaoting hesitated for a moment: "Grandpa's health is getting worse and worse. He...he wants me to have a baby as soon as possible, and there are regrets when I don't want to leave."

"So serious?" Ye Han was shocked, "Can't you control it?"

"It's under control." Bai Xiaoting's voice was very low, "but the doctor said that low-gravity medicine has just started, and he has never encountered such a situation as his grandfather, saying that low-gravity is not everything, luck can last for decades, luck No, if you are unlucky, you might not survive for a few months."

"What about hibernation? What about artificial hearts?"

"I have considered changing the artificial heart for a maximum of three years."

"Xiaoting, what do you think?"

"You should come back as soon as possible. If it's really not good, I'll use the labor application... I still have the seeds you left behind."

Ye Han was silent, unable to explain what he felt in his heart: "If you go back to Earth, what will Grandpa do?" The moon's low gravity is not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth. If you want to reproduce normally, you must return to Earth.

"It's organized." Bai Xiaoting said.

As Professor Qin, it is very common for the state to arrange for someone to take care of him.

"Then you can apply to return to Earth as soon as possible." Ye Han said, "When you are almost recovered, I will almost be able to go back."

Bai Xiaoting has lived on the moon for several years. Returning to the earth needs to be re-adapted to the standard gravity. This process will take at least two or three months. If she is older or has physical problems, it is hard to say whether she can recover in half a year or even a year.

"Okay, I'll apply when I go back." After discussing the child's affairs, Bai Xiaoting seemed to let go of a heart problem, and the whole person was much more energetic.

The two said a few more words, and Bai Xiaoting took the initiative to end the call.

Putting down the phone, Ye Han was in a mess, sitting on the bed for a while, and it was just past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Thinking of his responsibility, Ye Han hurried to the headquarters with some evasion. Zhuang Bo and Wei Chengfei arrived earlier than Ye Han. Ye Han greeted him and asked, "Commander, is there any problem ahead?"

"Like a few days ago, there was no movement at all. The ant colony in Morrobida was completely disabled." Zhuang Bo said.

Wei Chengfei smiled and said, "It's good to be disabled, the more disabled the better!"

"So you're fine again today?" Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhuang Bo smiled: "Why are you alright? When I'm not on duty, I go to the cooking class for a while. Today, on New Year's Day, let's take the lead in making dumplings!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Wei Chengfei stood up immediately, "This project is not small, we have to hurry."

"See if you're in a hurry, let's go now." Zhuang Bo also stood up.

There are so many people in the base, and there are more people in the fleet. All together there are not 10,000 or 8,000 people. It is not easy for so many people to eat dumplings. The whole base has to be busy for half an afternoon.

When Zhuang Bo and a group of officers rushed to the cafeteria, the cooking team had already prepared the noodles and stuffing, and the officers sat around in twos and threes, making dumplings together.

In fact, there is no problem with just arranging the soldiers to pack, and you can deal with it for any reason. However, it is a tradition of our army that officers take the lead. During the festivals, no matter how high-level leaders are usually, they will lean down and lead by example.

Zhuang Bo asked as he rolled his skin, "Ye Han, I think you're in a bad mood, do you have something on your mind?"

"Yes, I can see that too." Wei Chengfei said, "Why are you so absent-minded?"

Ye Han put down the dumplings he had just wrapped and sighed, "A little housework."

"Talk and see, don't hold back if you have something to say." Zhuang Bo said.

Ye Han brought up the matter of the children selectively, and Zhuang Bo slapped the table after hearing it: "Good thing, Ye Han, you are too old, and you have been married for several years, so it's time to have a child."

Ye Han said with a bitter face: "The child must be born. Let my family come back and recover for a period of time. Pregnancy is not a problem. What is difficult is what to do after the child is born."

"What should I do? Take good care of me!" Zhuang Bo stared.

He is already in his sixties, and he likes children when he is old. If he hears that a young man doesn't want children, even if it has nothing to do with him, he can't help but scold him.

"That's not what I meant." Ye Han quickly brought up Professor Qin's situation, "The old man wants to see the child, but the child is so young that he can't take a rocket to the sky, let alone inject hibernate. Besides, Beiyuezhou Gravity That low is not good for children."

Since ancient times human beings were born in the earth, grew up in the earth, and finally buried in the earth. The earth's environment is the most suitable environment for human beings.

The physiology of low-gravity environments is only in its infancy, and the effects of long-term living in low-gravity environments are unclear.

Human bone structure, muscle strength, and visceral functions have all been adapted to the earth's environment through thousands of years of evolution. Although Ye Han is not engaged in medicine, he can imagine that once a child is born on the moon and grows on the moon, then low gravity will inevitably be on the moon. A full-scale negative impact on the growth process.

For example, insufficient bone density, such as lack of muscle, such as weak internal organs.

Ye Han sighed again: "The child can't go to the moon, and Qin Lao's body can't go back to the earth. Can't the child be seen when he is born? What I am worried about now is that there is no child now, and Qin Lao does not think about it. If The child is born and can't be seen, and in the end it's uncertain what it will be like!"

"Alas!" Zhuang Bo sighed, "What a pitiful old man in the world!"

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