Armor Frenzy

Chapter 736: accidental hindrance

736 Unexpected Obstruction

The low roar suddenly rose, and the heavy armored vehicle rushed forward with the roar, slamming away the giant ants that were oncoming. (@¥)

Several giant ants that climbed the roof were thrown off by the suddenly activated armored vehicle, smashed heavily into the cabin, and were severely crushed by the armored vehicle behind.

The smoke grenade launcher on the roof banged, and a few smoke grenades were thrown away from the launcher and fell into the cabin, and immediately spewed out thick smoke. Tossing and stumbling.

What the armored vehicle shoots is not a smoke bomb, but a poisonous smoke bomb made using the principle of smoke bomb.

One of the main components of this insecticide can destroy the function of the air sacs of insects. Once the insects inhale this insecticide, they will gradually lose their ability to move due to lack of oxygen.

The effect of another main ingredient is to paralyze the antennae of giant ants, making the antennae that giant ants rely on for survival disabled-the antennae of insects are directly connected to the central nervous system. Hearing and even the sense of balance will be affected, so that even though he has six legs, he can't be seen.

This is still a short inhalation time. If it lasts for a longer time, it will be impossible to move and eventually die.

With the power of science and technology, it is human beings who take advantage of the insects that rely entirely on their instincts.

The armored vehicle broke through the block of the ant colony and rushed to the runway, firing gas bombs at the same time. Wherever the armored vehicle drove, where did the smoke follow, eight armored vehicles rushed towards the wrecked transport plane from different directions, leaving a few straight or twisted lines at the airport. Smoke corridor.

All giant ants submerged in smoke will lose their ability to move. Even if they only inhale a little smoke, it will become difficult to move and it is difficult to determine the direction.

The commander watched the scenes at the airport, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Thomas showed a comfortable smile: "James, James?"

"Here I am, General," James agreed quickly.

Thomas pointed to the screen and said, "Next time, be sure to put the poisonous smoke bomb on the plane."

"Yes General, our plan still has a lot to improve." James echoed.

At the airport, eight armored vehicles approached the crashed plane under the cover of poisonous smoke, forming a faint circle, enclosing the wreckage of the plane.

The fire was raging, not a single giant ant dared to approach the burning wreckage of the plane, and the explosion of ammunition was also heard from time to time.

Under these circumstances, no one dared to approach the wreckage of the plane.

The helpless on-site commander yelled over the radio: "The scene cannot be approached, repeat, the site cannot be approached!"

Thomas also realized that there was something wrong with the previous order, he held his forehead and said, "Tell the airport, leave the transport planes alone, and let them clear the runway, horse!"

James' eyes lit up: "I'll go!"

Upon receiving the new order, the on-site commander couldn't help rolling his eyes, and Ma directed the troops to clear the runway.

The eight armored vehicles restarted and released bombs while running on the runway. They used poisonous smoke to disperse the giant ants entrenched on the runway. They ran from one end of the runway to the other. The runway was filled with poisonous smoke. .

The commander on the scene reported loudly: "The runway has been cleared, repeat, the runway has been cleared!"

"Very well, order the fleet to continue landing!" Thomas said.

Although Moroda Airport is simple, the length of the runway is no less than three kilometers, and the landing distance of the c-17 when using the reverse thrust device is 915 meters!

The crashed plane was located on one side of the runway, and the runway was cut off by about one kilometer. The remaining runway was still more than two kilometers long. The empty transport plane could land normally!

When the runway is cleared, the landing planes no longer have to worry about the problem of the ant colony. They land smoothly one after another. After each plane lands, it will move to the apron at the fastest speed and move out of the runway in time.

The strong wind brought by the plane's landing blew away the poisonous smoke, and the eight armored vehicles that landed at the earliest could only guard both sides of the runway, constantly throwing poisonous smoke bombs to prevent the ant colony from approaching.

After a series of operations, the reserves of these eight armored vehicles have been exhausted, and the poisonous smoke bombs are about to run out.

Fortunately, the newly landed transport opportunity opened the hatch at the first time, allowing the troops in the cabin to join the ranks of guarding the runway in time.

To be cautious, all the American soldiers landed in front. Until all the American soldiers landed, the troops of other countries landed one after another, and more and more armored vehicles joined the defense to keep the swarm out of the runway.

When the plane carrying the supplies landed, the troops were fully replenished, and the multinational force unloaded the aircraft's supplies at the fastest speed, not only replenishing the consumed ammunition, but also utilizing the supplies' defense equipment, and a line of defense around the apron gradually took shape.

The situation became clearer and clearer, the dignified atmosphere in the headquarters gradually relaxed, and joy gradually crept onto the faces of everyone.

The hour hand pointed to one o'clock in the afternoon, the aircraft group had already landed more than half, and the remaining aircraft could all land in a short while.

The command center suddenly received feedback from the fleet: "The clouds are gathering, repeat, the clouds are gathering, we are running out of time!"

Moroda is located in the deep tropical rain forest in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Zaire Basin. The climate here is humid and high temperature all year round.

It was already around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and the whole afternoon's exposure to the sun caused a lot of water vapor to accumulate in the air. Cumulonimbus clouds were forming in the air at the airport, and it wouldn't be long before torrential rain fell from the sky.

The staff has already taken the rainfall factor into account when formulating the combat plan, but the rainforest usually rains between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon.

Rain in tropical rain forests is often accompanied by strong winds and thunder and lightning. If the plane cannot land before the rainstorm, the only option is to return immediately.

Thomas' face changed slightly: "How long do we have?"

James shook his head: "Half an hour? Maybe Thomas roared: "Give me an order to the **** aircraft, let them move faster! "

"It's the fastest." James reminded.

Thomas gritted his teeth: "Damn it! Is Emperor on the side of the bug?"

Thomas hates accidents that go beyond the plan. If it is a human factor, he will definitely deal with the people involved, but only the emperor can decide when it will rain. If he wants to complain, he doesn't know who to turn to.

"I firmly believe that God will always bless his people, and only the devil will stand with the ugly and evil bugs." James's words were decisive, "We still have time, I believe that the remaining planes can land before the rain! "

Thomas' eyes were deep: "I hope so."

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