Armor Frenzy

Chapter 731: Liaison Officer Meeting

It was still the conference room, the round table, and the countries. Ye Han sat on the main seat in a grand manner, facing the liaison officers from various countries calmly.

The reason why Ye Han is sitting here is because of his new identity - the new liaison officer of the task force in Africa!

His main job is to sit in the joint headquarters, inform the fleet of the situation of the headquarters in a timely manner, and communicate the operational requests of the headquarters to the fleet.

That's right, a combat request in the form of an order, not a combat order.

This inconsistent statement refreshed Ye Han's lower limit of the three views, and gained a deeper understanding of the dirty and shameless politics.

The seat that belongs to the United States is no longer Lieutenant General Thomas, but a gentle middle-aged colonel. After everyone was seated, the colonel stood up and spoke while scanning the venue.

Ye Han turned slightly sideways: "Zhang Ruo!" Zhang Ruo was the translator sent by the fleet. When Ye Han knew the name, he almost thought he had heard it wrong. A very energetic old man, he actually sounded such a femininity. If you don't know the name, don't you think he's a woman?

This guy does have a bit of personality. Ye Han has never heard of anyone who is like him and only translates useful content.

Zhang Ruo immediately translated: "He said his name was James, a US Navy colonel, a liaison officer just appointed by the US military, and then useless polite words... He said that the main content of this meeting was briefings."

Ye Han secretly pouted, all the people who are qualified to sit in this conference room except translators are all liaison officers, so who doesn't know his official title?

After speaking, James deliberately paused for a while to allow the liaison officers present to digest the content of the words, and then stood up calmly and pressed the remote control in his hand.

A map of Africa appeared on the big screen hanging on the wall. James flipped his palm over, and a laser pointer appeared in his hand like a trick.

Ye Han raised her eyebrows secretly, thinking that she was from a circus?

The laser pointer was turned on and fell on the screen to become a spot of light. James moved the spot to the correct position and began to explain. Zhang Ruo's translator followed in time: "He said that place is one of the places where aliens landed, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In a place in the north called Morobida, he said that an alien warship was in the nearby virgin forest, and he tentatively designated this place as Area 1."

The laser pointer moved to a place, Zhang Ruo stopped for a while, and after a while, he said, "This is the No. 2 area, Kannesu in the north of Mingang, or a virgin forest... Uh, basically the same as what I just said. almost."

"Region No. 3 is a place called Waba in the southeast of Central Africa... It's an awkward name!"

After the first three places were finished, the light spot turned and moved to West Africa. This time, Zhang Shunui listened to it before translating: "Region No. 4, Mdazait Kleisoma in southern Cameroon, what is the name?"

Ye Han laughed: "Why don't you just call Muza?"

"It will be called Muza from now on." Zhang Ruo is as good as he is.

James' explanation continued, the map was continuously enlarged under his manipulation, and he nodded to Ye Han halfway through.

Ye Han also nodded at James, and when James looked away, he turned sideways and asked, "What did he say?"

Zhang Ruo wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so he quickly replied: "He said that the wrecks of alien warships have been found in these places... The wrecks of alien warships have been found before, and when he nodded, he said that our Siberia operation was very successful. , gained a lot of useful experience, and said that the US military absorbed this experience, repeatedly scanned the African continent with satellites, and found thousands of suspicious... um, suspicious low temperature spots, I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence! "

"It's alright, if you don't understand, let it go, you continue." Ye Han said.

If Zhang Ruo didn't know, Ye Han's heart was clear.

The temperature in Siberia is low, and in order to find hidden nests, it is necessary to scan the hot spots.

But in Africa, the situation is completely the opposite. The temperature here is high, and the temperature at the entrance of the ant nest is relatively low. Through satellite scanning, the location of the ant nest can be determined.

Zhang Ruo gave up his thoughts of getting to the bottom and continued: "He said that there may be aliens hidden in the low temperature spots located in the four target areas. The next stage of the task is to find out the situation in these areas as soon as possible. Find the alien mice from the ground... He said that aliens are alien moles that only hide in the ground... Well, he said that aliens are the biggest hidden danger in Africa, and it is necessary to put the time bomb first... ...the aliens like time bombs will be found and killed, and then the ant nests will be gradually cleaned up, and finally the African giant ants will be completely eliminated."

At this time, James' gushing commentary finally stopped, and he turned around to scan the crowd and said a word.

"He said that if you have any questions, you can ask them now..." Zhang Ruo said.

Before he could finish his sentence, the liaison officer who was Italian had already stood up and said a series of words that were different from English.

Ye Han looked at Zhang Zhang Ruo showed a helpless expression, picked up the earphone and put it on the earphone, and said while listening, "That idiot asked what to do after discovering the alien... Yankee Saying all out to destroy, only dead aliens are good aliens."

After the Italian sat down, Ye Han thought that the others would stand up, but after waiting for a while, no one made a sound.

James was also obviously surprised by this situation, and after asking again and still no one asked, he shrugged and pressed the remote again.

Area 1 zoomed in, covering the entire screen, and then a zigzag dividing line appeared on the map, and James pointed to one of them and said.

Ye Han moved, and Zhang Ruo immediately translated: "He said that the Americans are responsible for five yuan, the French and the British are each three yuan. In short, it is divided into pieces...not ours."

"It's not surprising that he wants us to top the tank and we have to listen to him." Ye Han said.

In the process of James assigning tasks, the liaison officers aimed at Ye Han intentionally or unintentionally, but Ye Han didn't care about it.

Although the agreement between China and the United States has not been made public, everyone knows the inside story, but they can't provoke neither Washington nor Beidu.

To put it horribly, they have come this far and have a direct relationship with the Americans, but they dare not bark with the Americans, but they show more or less hostility to Ye Han, which is really speechless.

He really wanted to find out these people, ask them what they were thinking, and then sneered a few words--Are you feeling aggrieved in your heart? The grievances are also endured by Lao Tzu. Who makes your country not live up to its expectations, and has to give Americans stinky feet? Who can't you blame yourself? You deserve to be bullied by the Yankees!

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