Armor Frenzy

Chapter 717: strategic focus


"Come in!"

Ye Han pushed open the door and strode to the desk to salute: "Sir, I'm back."

Huo Qiang raised his head and showed a smile: "I'm back, how is your injury?"

"It's all good." Ye Han grinned, but didn't smile.

When it comes to leg injuries, he will think of the soldiers who died in Siberia and the wounded who are still being treated in Beidu.

Huo Qiang seemed to see Ye Han's thoughts, looked directly at Ye Han and said, "Don't think about Siberia, it's your responsibility that can't be shied away, it's not your responsibility, you don't need to burden yourself, you still Young, guard against arrogance and rashness and continue to work hard, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Ye Han replied loudly, but then showed a look of hesitating to speak.

Huo Qiang smiled: "Just ask what you want, don't hesitate like a bitch."

"Yes!" Ye Han smiled embarrassedly, "Chief, I just wanted to ask what the jellyfish researched."

More than half of Vivosk's tragic victory was caused by the jellyfish. When he was in the hospital, Ye Han inquired about the situation in many ways, but after Professor Qin moved to the moon, he could no longer get the inside information of the laboratory.

Huo Qiang suddenly sighed: "To tell you the truth, that jellyfish didn't research anything..."

"How is that possible?" Ye Han widened his eyes in shock.

"Listen to me." Huo Qiang said, "The laboratory has proved that the thing has something to do with aliens. The cell structure and genetic arrangement have obvious alien characteristics and certain dangers, but I have never known that thing. What is it used for, let alone what method it uses to summon aliens."

The disappointment on Ye Han's face did not hide, and Huo Qiang added: "But the laboratory found that it is still growing, and it has only been two months since the aliens landed, so the laboratory believes that this thing is still in its infancy, and plans to put it in its infancy. It grows up, and there may be new discoveries at that time."

"Raised?" Ye Han almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, raised." Huo Qiang twitched the corners of his mouth, "Those who do research are lunatics."

Ye Han agrees with this sentence very much. All giant insects that have been discovered in China can be found in the laboratory. That place is like the base camp of giant insects on the earth. I am afraid that anyone who has entered the National Biological Laboratory will leave the same impression.

There is no normal person who can enter that place!

After Huo Qiang finished complaining, he laughed at himself: "It's long-winded when you're old. Ye Han, you go back to prepare first, and the new appointment should come down in a few days."

"Yes!" Ye Han agreed, turned and left Huo Qiang's office.

When he was hospitalized, he received a notice that his superiors relieved him from the post of chief of staff, and the new post will be arranged after he is discharged from the hospital.

This is the end of his short career as chief of staff. It must be a lie to say that he has no ideas, but other than accepting reality, what else can he do?

Although he has been appointed to the colonel, he is regarded as a senior officer, but from the perspective of the whole army, there are thousands of officers at this level, not to mention Ye Han, even Huo Qiang can't resist the decision of his superiors .

This kind of unrelenting taste is really uncomfortable.

After Ye Han left, he returned to the training base and handed over the work to the new chief of staff, and then moved into the base guest house with limited personal belongings.

His dormitory at the training base is a suite connected to the office. Although he was still a member of the Marine Corps before the transfer order was issued, the new chief of staff has already taken office, and it is impossible to live in the original dormitory again.

It was still early, and Ye Han had nothing to do, so he simply turned on the computer and entered the intranet to check the situation in the north.

The military's operation ended as early as half a month ago, destroying more than 20 large and small worm nests, and one alien base. The military estimates that the number of wolves who died directly or indirectly in action was no less than 300,000!

Ye Han couldn't help laughing when he saw this. I really don't know who came up with this number, and the horse bug's eggs are also included, right?

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible. Let's talk about the worm nest in the No. 1 area. Although there are not many wolf worms, there are quite a few worm eggs, and lake worms are even more uncountable. It was definitely unstoppable, more than 10,000 seemed to be less, and it was estimated that there were 20,000 to 30,000.

This is only what Ye Han knows. The hole is so large that the ghost knows how many bugs are hidden.

Looking at it this way, 300,000 is a lot to say.

Keep looking down.

The military's actions have wiped out a large number of wolves and many worm nests. The situation of the northern defense line will definitely improve significantly next year, but both the military and the private sector believe that it is impossible to eradicate all the worm nests in one operation, and there must be remnants in Siberia. Nests and swarms of insects, these insects are bound to continue south in the near future.

The northern defense line cannot be removed for the time being, but the number of worms has decreased. The northern defense line does not need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources as in previous years. The focus of eradicating giant insects next year will be transferred from the northern defense line to the country. It will take one to two years to eliminate After sorting out the giant insects entrenched in the country, even if the giant insects cannot be eliminated, the number of giant insects must be reduced and the domestic security situation will be completely Ye Han agrees with this arrangement of the military with both hands raised. .

Although people all over the country have never relaxed their siege and suppression of giant insects, giant insects hidden in corners and corners will always jump out inadvertently. Every year, millions of people are killed by giant insect attacks.

This number cannot be compared with the casualties of tens of millions of people in previous years, but it is enough to attract the attention of the northern capital.

As the saying goes, if you stay for a long time, you will lose. In recent years, all parts of the country have established a complete defense system. If you want to further reduce the number of giant insects, you can only take the initiative and completely eradicate the soil where giant insects live.

Ye Han didn't know what method the military planned to use to force the giant insects out, but so many insects in the laboratory were definitely not raised in vain.

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly came up with an idea: Is the above planning to arrange him to participate in the extermination campaign next year?

The main force of the battle must be the motorized infantry. However, the Marine Corps has no other tasks for the time being, and it is not a problem to be bored in the base for training all day. Participating in the extermination of insects increases the actual combat experience, and it is not bad to train troops.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, so he was more concerned about the news in this regard, but the news on the intranet was similar. It was not until he saw a few words of Io, that he remembered that there is such a terrible person in the asteroid belt. guy.

Thinking of Siberia, Ye Han suddenly became enlightened - the Yankees planned to eradicate the three major sources of insects before the arrival of Io Wei. Does the arrangement of the northern capital mean to grab time?

At the speed of Io, it would take about two years to reach the earth, which seems like a long time, but the plague of insects has lasted for more than six years. Can two years really solve the three major sources of insects?

With full of doubts, Ye Han tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and barely fell asleep until midnight.

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