Armor Frenzy

Chapter 701: target hive

Seven minutes later, hot spot number three.

The environmental monitoring device on the armor issued a piercing alarm, and the soldier quickly turned off the alarm: "Call 601, tear gas found in hotspot No. 3, no other findings, over."

"Continue to monitor."

Nine minutes later, the same report came from Hotspot Six.

Then there's Hotspot 4, Hotspot 8, Hotspot 11...

Within 20 minutes, all hotspots detected trace amounts of tear gas. In the next 20 minutes, the attempts of tear gas continued to rise. When the amount of gas overflowing in the hotspot exceeded the preset maximum value, the soldiers guarding the hotspot would It will detonate the explosives and completely seal the hole.

After an hour, only the last hotspot No. 10, where tear gas was detected, was kept and all other hotspots were closed.

Hotspot No. 10 is also not kept as it is, but the necessary cover is carried out to prevent the gas in the hole from escaping.

The reason for this is that it takes time for the tear gas to spread. If there is indeed a worm nest under the feet of everyone, then the worms will escape from Hotspot No. 1 under the drive of the tear gas, and flee in the direction of lower gas concentration. As a result, the wolves are most likely to escape the hive from hotspot ten.

According to the established combat plan, as long as the wolves are found in the hotspot No. 10, the soldiers guarding the hotspot will immediately blow up the hole and issue an alarm immediately. After that, all personnel evacuate at the fastest speed. After the troops reach a safe area, they will be suspended in the outer orbit Use penetrators or throw meteorites to destroy the hive.

The advantage of this solution is that the soldiers don't have to go deep into the hive to find traces of bugs, nor do they have to enter the hive to place a nuclear bomb.

However, no wolf worms have been found in Hotspot No. 10. Without the most important evidence, it is impossible to prove that there is a worm nest here.

Ye Han was very puzzled about this. Tear gas was detected in more than a dozen hotspots, indicating that these hotspots belonged to the same cave system and were highly consistent with the characteristics of insect nests. How could there be no insects at all?

He couldn't help but sighed that tear gas was still too low-level. If he could send a group of reconnaissance robots down, he would definitely be able to grasp the first-hand information on the ground, instead of guessing like he is now.

After waiting for a while, the No. 10 hotspot still did not find anything, and the other hotspots were also normal. Ye Han had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to wait, ordered the troops to evacuate and marked the No. 2 mission area as a key monitoring.

The tear gas tactic has just been adopted by the military, and it is hard to say whether it has any effect. If other mission areas that use this tactic are not found, then the previous conclusions must be overturned, and a way to re-check each mission area. Happening.

Therefore, the No. 2 mission area cannot be marked as safe for the time being.

Just when Ye Han gathered his hands and had no time to leave, a meteorite fell from the sky and smashed into a place not far to the east.

The power caused by the impact was no worse than that of a nuclear explosion, and a mushroom cloud rose high, clearly visible within a radius of dozens of miles.

Ye Han suddenly realized something: "601 called Tiangong, please answer when you receive it!"

"Tiangong received it, please speak."

"Tiangong, did we throw the meteorite just now? Did the gas tactics work?"

"1101 confirmed the worm nest with gas tactics, the meteorite thrown by the Hanhai."

"601 understand, it's over!"

At the end of the communication, Ye Han first changed the key monitoring of the No. 2 mission area to safety, and then shouted on the radio: "601 call 1101, please answer when you receive it!"

"1101 received, please speak!"

"How about gas tactics? Does it work?"

"It's very easy to use. Just a short while after the gas can was thrown down, the wolf worm burrowed out of the ground and gave us a surprise attack."

Ye Han let out a long breath: "That's great."

Xiao Yuan felt something was wrong and asked concernedly, "601, what's wrong?"

"It's alright, I don't have any bugs here, I still think that the gas tactics didn't work, hehe."

"On the contrary, gas tactics are very useful." Xiao Yuan said.

"It's useful, it's over."


Now completely relieved, Ye Han boarded the armored vehicle with a relaxed mood and led the troops to the next mission point.

At noon, Ye Han finally personally verified the effect of tear gas. It only took five minutes for the wolf worms living in the underground lair of No. 3 mission area to be forced out of the lair by tear gas. Although the soldiers guarding the hot spot were well prepared, But they were still caught off guard by the swarming worms. If the wolf worms were not in a hurry to escape and didn't have the heart to attack people, the two warriors would have to hate the worms.

After confirming that there was indeed a worm nest underground, Ye Han immediately ordered the soldiers to blow up all the hot spots and quickly evacuate the mission area.

Half an hour later, a meteorite made of pure steel fell from the sky, not only completely destroying the worm nest, but also destroying hundreds of acres of surrounding forests.

In one day, the eleven teams that went deep into Siberia found a total of seven worm nests, and the next day, another six worm nests were recorded, and the situation was very good.

On the fourth day of entering Siberia, the cross-border force has completed half of the entire If this pace continues, the cross-border force is expected to remove all the worm nests within a week.

Although the military has always been tight-lipped, the rampant activities of more than a dozen troops in Siberia aroused strong protests from Maozi, and even issued a tough declaration that they would not hesitate to solve the problem by force.

The official news from Maozi immediately detonated the domestic media, and then the news released by the media detonated the enthusiasm of the people across the country.

Anyone knows that the northern line of defense is the first line of defense against wolves. Over the past few years, the country has invested in manpower and material resources, and thousands of officers and soldiers have sacrificed to the northern line of defense. Since Maozi doesn't care, why not solve the Siberia problem once and for all!

Note that the angry people not only demanded the elimination of wolves, but also hoped that the northern capital would solve the Siberia problem - since the hair is not wanted, then take this land back.

Beidu also really wanted to do this, but just thinking about it made his heart happy.

Although Maozi has been going downhill in recent years, the thin camel is bigger than a horse, and Maozi is also one of the nuclear powers. If Beidu directly sends troops to occupy Siberia, Maozi will have to fight to the death with Beidu.

On the contrary, the possibility of a negotiated settlement is slightly higher - just a little bit higher. With Maozi's fanatical attitude towards the land, it is a fool's errand to take Siberia back from Maozi's hands.

Although the armed cross-border has also touched Maozi's bottom line, it will not immediately trigger a war between the two countries. As long as Maozi has some scruples, the foreign affairs department will delay for a few more days, and the military will be able to complete the established plan.

At that time, I dare not say that the insect nests will be completely eliminated, or at least most of the insect nests will be destroyed. Next year, we can take advantage of the situation to develop ant colonies, so that giant ants occupy the original living space of wolves, thus eradicating the living soil of wolves.

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