Armor Frenzy

Chapter 689: back to the underground lake

The scorched surface of the spaceship smashed into a tree, crushed countless branches and landed heavily, frightening Xue Ju.

But the situation was not as serious as he thought. After more than ten seconds, a group of marines rushed out of the spaceship with rifles. Xue Ju hurried to meet them, and immediately saluted after seeing the number on the chest of the leading officer: "Captain Xiao!"

There are two types of numbers for marines. One is to wear a fixed number on the chest. Those who know the coding rules can see at a glance the hidden information such as the unit, position and military rank to which the number belongs. Temporary numbers, such as 601 to 604.

"What's going on next?" Xiao Yuan asked impatiently.

The mission of Xiao Yuan and his troops in this operation was to support him. He did not expect that the first news received from the rear came from Ye Han, and he did not expect that Ye Han would be trapped in the cave worm nest.

"I haven't been in touch, and I don't know what's going on."

Xiao Yuan squinted at Xue Ju: "Don't talk nonsense, time is running out, leave now!"

"Yes!" Xue Ju agreed and quickly ran to the entrance of the cave.

Xiao Yuan commanded the troops to follow closely, and while advancing, he asked: "Xue Ju, tell me the situation in detail." The mission information provided by Tiangong was very brief, and he needed to know more details.

Xue Ju agreed and jumped into the hole. After Xiao Yuan jumped in, he began to describe the previous situation in detail.

At the same time, Ye Han and the others who joined the reinforcements were marching rapidly towards the underground lake.

The terrain in the cave is extremely complex, and even if you have walked through it once before, the speed is not much faster.

Ye Han encountered the difficulties that Xue Ju had encountered before, and was extremely anxious, but he could not think of an effective solution. He could only stare at the marks left on the way to avoid going in the wrong direction.

Compared with getting lost, Ye Han was more worried about the elusive wolf worm.

There were only 14 reinforcements in two battle groups. Except for Luo Qi and the two soldiers who placed the repeater, there were 16 people on Ye Han's side. The strength was too weak. Once the route to the underground lake was cut off by the wolf worms , the possibility of opening the channel is infinitely close to zero.

At that time, Ye Han could only give up the rescue plan no matter how unwilling he was.

There is also a plan to take the route that Xue Ju and Evil Tiger found, and they can go directly to the cliff by the lake, but Evil Tiger said that the road is very difficult to walk, and the two people left the marks intermittently to avoid the wolf worm. Tiger was not sure that he would go through, and Ye Han was so angry that he had to give up this tempting idea.

After more than ten minutes, the team finally arrived near the hole above the underground lake. Ye Han was lying at the entrance of the hole and looked down, but he could only see a line of the lake shore, and could not see the stone cliff at all.

He immediately called on the radio: "Liu Bin, where are you?"

The situation that Ye Han was most worried about happened, there was no echo in the radio, and his heart suddenly lifted, but the more critical the moment, the calmer Ye Han became.

The most important thing now is how to get to the underground lake.

Jumping from the hole seems to be the fastest option, but jumping directly into the lake will inevitably attract a large group of lake worms, which will slow down the landing speed.

If you change to a commander whose mind is not so easy to use, maybe he will directly order the troops to jump into the lake, but Ye Han doesn't think jumping into the lake is a good way.

After realizing that he had to get to the lake shore as soon as possible, Ye Han immediately shouted: "Bi Min!"


Ye Han continued: "Using my position as the reference point, is there any space 140 meters to the east?"

"Report, there is no space in the due east, and there is a small hall 160 meters south of the east."

"That's it, Ouyang Ping!"


"Just from the place just now, dig a hole for me!"

Ouyang Ping was stunned for a moment, then he immediately understood what Ye Han meant, and after answering loudly, he picked up the explosive and ran to the cave.

The others also immediately understood Ye Han's thoughts, and Bi Min hurriedly called the Demoman from the home team and ordered him to follow up and help Ouyang Ping.

Just over half a minute later, there was a low roar in the distance.

Ye Han asked impatiently, "Ouyang Ping, are you connected?"

"No, the bottom of the cave is too thick, we have to continue to fry!" Ouyang Ping said.

"You as soon as possible, pay attention to safety."


Half a minute later, there was another explosion.

In this way, a cannon was fired every half a minute, and it was not until the seventh blast that it blew through the rock formation more than five meters thick.

"Passed!" Ouyang Ping reported the news loudly.

The reinforcements brought a lot of explosives. It is not a problem to directly blast through the five-meter rock formation, but the cave is not a solid place. If the explosives are used too much, the power will not only act on the ground, but also the walls and ceilings may be damaged by the explosion. , and may even lead to partial collapse of the cave.

Therefore, Ouyang Ping wisely reduced the amount of explosives and used multiple blasting methods to achieve the goal.

However, there is no need to explain these detailed processes to Ye Han. As long as the goal of blasting through the floor is achieved, Ye Han doesn't care what the process is.

Ye Han, who received the news, immediately ordered: "Bi Min, fix the rope, go down immediately!"


A few marines got and contributed the ropes they carried, connecting their heads and tails together, and soon it became a long rope of fifty or sixty meters long.

After the cable head was fixed on a stalagmite, Bi Min tugged hard, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said loudly: "Chief of Staff, it's alright!"

Ye Han nodded: "If you've been here, get off first, and the others will follow!" After saying that, he grabbed the rope with the thickness of the wire, wrapped it around the manipulator to increase the friction, and jumped down without hesitation.

Bi Min jumped in a hurry, why did he accidentally let the chief of staff jump off first? He pushed his shoulders away from Ouyang Ping: "Wait later!" After saying that, he jumped down behind Ye Han.

Ouyang Ping can only be ranked third.

The soldiers behind did not dare to jump down, and could only wait honestly.

The rope has a limited load-bearing capacity, and it's not a problem to suspend three heavily armed Marines at the same time, but it's hard to say four.

After Ye Han landed, he immediately picked up his rifle and entered a state of alert, but the lakeshore was no different from when he left. His eyes were turned to the cliff, but he couldn't find half a figure.

"Liu Bin, where are you? I heard a reply immediately... Is there anyone on this channel? I heard a reply!" Ye Han asked several times in a row, until everyone stood behind him, but he couldn't get the slightest response.

Ye Han's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he couldn't help shouting sharply: "Check the cliff, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping and others immediately rushed to the cliff, and Bi Min also understood the situation at this time, and immediately led the team to the cliff.

Ouyang Ping, who rushed to the bottom of the cliff, said loudly, "Report, there are bullet casings here!"

"how many?"

"a lot of!"

Ye Han's heart sank: "Go up and see!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed and climbed up the cliff first.

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