Armor Frenzy

Chapter 681: Cave battle

There are too many wolves, to the point of stacking up layer by layer, and each cannonball hit can penetrate two or three wolves.

The 20mm armored shells are amazingly powerful. Even if the wolf worm's carapace is hard, it is useless. As long as the body is hit, a hole the size of a washbasin can be punched in the wolf worm.

You must know that the armor-piercing projectiles used for armored guns are not shell-piercing armor-piercing projectiles with amazing aspect ratios like tanks. Blast a hole.

The life force of the wolf worm is extremely tenacious, even if its intestines are rotten, it is still brave and unafraid to pounce on the stalagmites until it is completely dead.

The continuous bombardment has already shattered many wolf worms, and the living worms are hung with things like the intestines and legs left by the dead worms. situation is precarious.

Ye Han's eyes narrowed: "Fire cover!" Before he could finish his sentence, he had already rushed to the entrance of the cave, aiming at the wolves under the stalagmite and fired again and again.

The two soldiers on the stalagmite immediately heard the sound of the cannon, and a bit of warmth was immediately born in their despairing hearts.

The opening of the hole is not big, but it is not a problem to lie side by side with two people, and there is no problem with two people standing behind. Five people fire together, the firepower density is greatly increased, and the strongest point of the armor-piercing bullet is the good penetration, standing on the top of the stalagmite, One shot can only penetrate two or three wolves, hiding on the stone wall, and each shot penetrates at least five or six wolves.

It's not that the soldiers' marksmanship is superior, but that there are too many wolves, and they are all crowded under the stalagmites.

However, it is precisely because the armor-piercing projectiles are so powerful that everyone pays attention to avoiding the stalagmites under the soldiers' feet when shooting. If they damage the place where they rest, it will be troublesome to throw those two soldiers into the swarm.

Don't think that with powered armor, the wolves can't do anything about the soldiers. The motor infantry stationed in the northern line of defense has been fighting with the wolves for several years. The wolves have also evolved accordingly, and their limbs and mouths are getting sharper and sharper. Dozens and dozens of wolf worms rushed up and bitten together. It might be fine for the time being. If they bite for ten or eight points, they will definitely be able to bite through the armor.

This is how many soldiers of the northern defenses died.

The space version of the armor is much more expensive than the standard version, but it is mainly expensive in terms of equipment and technology. Whether the armor itself is thicker and stronger than the standard version, if the two soldiers fall into the swarm, the time for the armor to be bitten will only be less. .

For a while, the gunshots in the hole were loud, and the swirling cannonballs were like the scythes of the **** of death, harvesting the life of the wolf worms one after another, and each cannonball can maximize the lethality.

Some cannonballs penetrate too many wolves, and the kinetic energy is consumed in seven or eighty-eight ways. After penetrating the last wolf worm, there is not much energy left. When it hits the wolf worm again, it is directly bounced off by the wolf worm's carapace.

Of course, this scene was just a small episode on the battlefield and was not noticed by anyone.

The human side has no time to take care of it, while the wolf worm is more in arrears with IQ.

The sound of the gunshot caught the attention of the wolves, a large group of wolves gave up the stalagmites, turned around and rushed towards the stone wall where Ye Han and others were located, and jumped up sharply. Actually not much slower than walking on the ground.

The two soldiers beside Ye Han immediately turned their guns and shot downward. The shell penetrated the front wolf worm, and one shot shattered half of the wolf worm. Its toes could no longer hook the wall, and it turned over and fell off. Into the swarm.

Luo Qi, who was on Ye Han's left, fired several shots, and when only the last bullet was left, he shouted, "Change bullets!"

The sound continued. He had used the one-handed action of changing the magazine to replace it with a new magazine, and the muzzle spewed flames again... The armored gun has a burst function, but everyone chooses semi-automatic shooting invariably. One is the power of the cannonball. Strong, you don't have to use bursts to make up for the lack of power, and the second is to save bullets as much as possible, otherwise a few bursts can wipe out all the bullets on your body.

If it weren't for this, Luo Qi would not be able to be accurate to the last bullet before changing the magazine. It is very rare to be accurate to the last few rounds in the fierce battle.

For veterans with combat experience, no one dares to wait until the last bullet is fired before changing the magazine.

The wolf worm's fearless charge made the battle instantly intensified. Although the wolf worms were divided into two places, there were too many worms. Ye Han and others took great pressure. somewhat reduced.

Moreover, wolves continued to pour out of each hole. Ye Han knew in his heart that if he continued to hold on, there would only be more and more worms, and the hope of rescuing the trapped soldiers was getting smaller and smaller.

There was a sudden loud gunshot behind him, followed by two explosions, and one voice shouted: " There are bugs behind!"


Ye Han brought a total of five soldiers, plus himself a total of six people, five people crowded in the hole to attack, the last one who couldn't get up, naturally guarded the rear according to the combat rules.

This must be the soldier behind who discovered the attacking swarm in time!

When they came, the hole was in all directions. It must have been the worms who heard the gunshots, or chased along the hole for some other reason. Now what needs to be considered is not how to rescue the two trapped warriors, but how to get rid of the wolf. The worm's siege and interception stand out.

Ye Han gritted his teeth and was about to speak, when the sentinel's voice came from behind again: "There are too many bugs, I can't stand it anymore!"

The two soldiers who stood and fired immediately turned around and joined the ranks of resisting the swarm. Ye Han made a decisive decision: "Grenade—"

He took off all the remaining grenades from his waist at the fastest speed and quickly threw them at the swarm below.

Three anti-personnel grenades, two incendiary grenades, and one detonating grenade exploded one after another. When the others saw this, they immediately threw the remaining grenades, even the two soldiers on the stalagmite were no exception. Make a way.

This road is mainly paved with eight incendiary grenades, one of which is detonated at regular intervals. The burning high temperature flames force the swarm away, and a few wolves accidentally contaminated with the incendiary agent plunged into the puddle with their burning flames. , but did not expect that the aluminothermic burning agent in the grenade has its own oxidizing components, and it can still continue to burn in the water. No matter how the wolf worm flutters, it cannot extinguish the flame on the body.

Ye Han jumped up, waving his arms at the two trapped soldiers and roaring angrily: "Run, wait for the food!"

The two warriors were startled, one of them jumped on the stalagmite without thinking, and fell into the burning flames below, and then sprinted with all his strength on the flames.

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