Armor Frenzy

Chapter 664: domestic situation

After sighing, Ye Han quietly marked the on-site commander with a sign of being more than successful and not being aggressive enough. She was too rigid, so she kept surrounding the wreckage of the battleship. What was the intention of sending it?

The reason for sending the troops here is to understand the internal situation of the alien warship. Since there are still living aliens in the warship, we should take decisive action, take the elimination of aliens as the first priority, and directly call for air support. Back to the artillery fire coverage, still can't fix two broken battleships?

If you don’t understand it, you should always ask your mind about it, right? Even if Ye Han couldn't get in touch underground, wouldn't there be a heavenly palace above his head?

This kind of person is really hopeless, Ye Han couldn't understand how this guy got into Team 6.

Taking over the command right away, Ye Han did not hesitate to call for air support.

At this time, the Tiangong had already moved to the sky over its own territory. After receiving the communication, it smashed dozens of armor-piercing fuel bombs one after another. Amidst the whistling sound of the shells, one shell after another smashed through the shell of the wreckage of the battleship, and exploded inside the wreckage. Every time it exploded, there was a muffled sound from the wreckage.

Several aliens escaped, and Ye Han turned them into barbecues with incendiary bombs.

The flaming aliens were like moving torches, and they fled like flies without their heads. Liu Bin set up a 23mm caliber single.

Singles One is actually the nickname given to the 23mm armored gun by the soldiers. This thing is similar in shape to a large-caliber sniper rifle. It can only hold three shells in a huge magazine, and it is a bolt-action shooting. It takes a pull like a cover to shoot a shot, and the shooting is extremely slow, so it has such a nickname.

The name is ugly, but the power of this thing is very good, and there are many kinds of ammunition to choose from.

While the soldiers love its power, they also criticize the magazine capacity and firing rate. I heard that the military is experimenting with six-shot drums, but there is still no news of the automatic version of the armored gun.

Automatic shooting is not difficult to achieve, but the difficulty is that the recoil of the armored gun is too high. Even if you are wearing armor, you cannot control the continuous recoil of the armored gun when it automatically fires.

Liu Bin knocked off one shell and knocked down all the burning aliens in three or two strokes.

He doesn't take pity on aliens at all, but it's never a good idea to have aliens running around in flames.

In order to ensure that the aliens in the wreckage of the battleship were completely dead, Ye Han had an idea and called the soldiers to join hands to lift the dangerous goods transport vehicle containing concentrated sulfuric acid to the wreckage of the battleship, and pour half a can of sulfuric acid on the wreckage. .

The thick sulfuric acid flowed slowly, as if it had been burned by fire, and the ice-white battleship became charred black due to corrosion.

A soldier accidentally got concentrated sulfuric acid on his body. Fortunately, the power armor is made of titanium alloy, and he is not afraid of the corrosion of concentrated sulfuric acid at all.

At this point, the battle in Fengcheng has come to an end, but it will take some time for the reinforcements. Ye Han and his troops cannot leave for the time being. All the team members are scattered around the impact pit as the center, and guard the area with a radius of about one kilometer. All personnel were not allowed to leave, and they tried their best to seek help for the wounded who were stranded outside, and gathered everyone to wait for rescue.

The radiation residue from the neutron bomb is very small, but it will take a day or two for the radiation level to drop below the safety line. Before that, it is necessary to strictly seal the nuclear explosion area.

In fact, there is no need to block the nuclear explosion area at all. The entire Fengcheng can see the two mushroom clouds. Anyone with a long brain can guess what happened, unless they are professional helpers who have received strict training, or unless they are screwed up. Otherwise, who would dare to run to the nuclear explosion zone at this juncture?

Ye Han and others only need to ask to help the wounded.

However, the result is embarrassing. The people who escaped from the outdoors were either killed by alien massacres or died in nuclear explosions, and very few survived to the end.

Four minutes after the battle, the rescue team organized by the local fire department rushed to the scene; five minutes later, the first ambulance arrived and the medical staff were in place; nine minutes later, the reinforcements arrived, and Ye Han handed over the command of the scene to the reinforcements. Led the team to leave the nuclear explosion site.

Ye Han is not very satisfied with the process and outcome of this battle, but now is not the time to talk about this, he wants to get through the communication of Tiangong: "Tiangong, I am Ye Han, how is the situation?"

"Chief of Staff Ye, all the alien warships in our country have been destroyed."

"They were all bombed with nuclear bombs?"


Ye Han let out a long sigh: "That's good, transfer me to the chief of staff."

"Hold on."

Two seconds later, Gao Kai's familiar voice appeared: "I am Gao Kai."

"Old Gao, I'm Ye Han."

"I heard it." Gao Kai's voice was heavy, "What's the situation with you?"

"It's hard to say a word. Look back at my report. I can't explain a sentence or two. It's not ideal."

"That's fine... You kid must have something to do with me at this time. If you want to know what to say, just say it."

"It's not a big deal. Ask the Chief of Staff to find out the situation. Isn't there a total of eight ships?"

"The domestic situation is They were bombed with nuclear bombs, and you are the last one to end."

"There are no aliens that slip through the net, right? I always feel that the purpose of the aliens is not pure when they land on the ground, and there may be some demon moths."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover with the soil, who can guarantee that no one will slip through the net?" Gao Kai opened his mouth and said the truth, "But don't worry, except for you, the rest are not in the wild or fall into the water, and they will repeatedly bombard them with nuclear bombs as soon as they fall. After several times, there is little chance of slipping through the net."

Ye Han looked back at the busy crowd: "According to this, the most likely place to go wrong is me?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Gao Kai said.

"Then you hurry up and find out the aliens that slipped through the net, and I'll call it a day when I'm done."

"Wait, you have to wait for a while anyway, I'll let you know right away."

"Okay!" Ye Han agreed immediately. He didn't dare to say that no aliens had slipped through the net in Fengcheng, but it was time to come out early. The battle was over and there was no movement. Eighty percent of them were looking for a place to hide.

"It's alright, I'm off the line."

"Wait a minute, why are you only talking about domestic? What's going on abroad?" Ye Han stopped.

This is not a random question.

Insect plagues spread all over the world, and it is very rare for a swarm to only involve one country. This feature of swarms determines that the impact of insect swarms is becoming more and more international. No matter which country, when fighting swarms, it is necessary to consider foreign sources of insects The problem of land, even the Yankees are no exception.

The swarm is still like this, not to mention the aliens. Just killing all the aliens that invaded the country, and there are aliens everywhere. Wouldn't it be a big joke at that time?

If it weren't for the stakes, Ye Han was full and cared about the life and death of foreigners.

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