Armor Frenzy

Chapter 655: alien purpose

Thirty minutes after the order to enter the state of emergency was issued, all the small cities below the fifth tier were fully gathered and resettled; after 60 minutes, most of the third- and fourth-tier cities were withdrawn underground; after 90 minutes, the second-tier cities basically completed the war. Time changed; two hours later, first-tier cities such as Beidu and Modu entered a state of emergency.

The city is completely under military control, all troops are on first-level combat readiness, all citizens enter underground shelters or three-defense buildings, and there is not a single ghost on the street except soldiers with live ammunition.

A city of any size, as long as it is still under the control of the government, has become like a ghost land. In history, this land has never been as quiet as it is today, too quiet, terribly quiet, and unsettling .

The same situation is happening all over the world at the same time, but only a few countries with the strongest national strength have the ability to prepare bunkers for all their citizens. Other countries with mediocre national strength do not even have enough air-raid shelters, and panic crowds poured into air-raid shelters, shelters, and subways. Stations or even sewers, or simply escape densely populated cities.

Ten minutes after the second interception failed, the Beiyuezhou defense system entered a combat state and launched more than 20 heavy long-range missiles at the incoming comet.

This batch of missiles was designed and manufactured after the failure of the Second Fleet and was intended to be used against Io Zero, either with a seven-million-ton nuclear warhead, or with an 80-million-ton super nuclear bomb. .

Even if the earth is hit by a super nuclear bomb, it will shake a few times, not to mention the comet core. Three or five super nuclear bombs can completely destroy the comet.

But from Beidu to Beiyuezhou, no one realized that the aliens would actually drive the battleship to avoid this round of missiles!

Although the comet does not move far, it is not too simple to avoid a batch of missiles whose origins are known for a long time at the speed of tens of kilometers per second in the universe.

Two hours later, the third interception began.

The Beiyuezhou Fleet fired thousands of nuclear missiles at the Comet regardless of the cost. While the Comet was evading, it fired a small amount of thin light at the missile group. It is unknown how many missiles were hit by the thin light on the spot. The number of missiles on the comet is not large enough to stop the comet at all, and only a thick layer is shaved off the surface of the comet.

At this time, after several rounds of nuclear strikes, the comet nucleus had shrunk significantly, and the remaining comet nucleus was less than half the size of the previous one.

Even so, the alien-carrying comet is still heading towards Earth.

At this moment, the Tiangong has become the last line of defense for mankind. Before the comet's nucleus is close, the laser cannon on the Tiangong began to shoot at the comet's nucleus.

He didn't care about the aliens, and continued to rush towards the earth with the dense lasers until the Tiangong launched a missile, and the comet's nucleus suddenly changed direction and left the route of hitting the earth.

This change caught everyone off guard, and they never thought that the aliens would give up when the comet's nucleus was about to hit the earth.

But how can aliens be so kind?

The comet nucleus is no longer a threat, but the flying comet nucleus has left a large number of alien warships in orbit, at least a hundred ships.

As soon as the alien warships appeared, they dispersed immediately, giving no one a chance. Tiangong opened fire and only destroyed three alien warships.

The comet core adjusted and passed by the earth, and more than a hundred alien warships scattered in a hurry, all drilling into the atmosphere.

It is false that aliens hit the earth, but it is true that they land on the earth!

The ground anti-aircraft firepower fired at full force, but it was rare to hit the alien fleet, and even if it hit, it would not hurt the root of the alien warship.

In order to maintain the environment, no matter how crazy humans are, they cannot use nuclear weapons on a large scale on the earth.

The news of the alien landing spread all over the world at the first time. After receiving the news, all the people still on the ground looked up at the sky in unison. Unsurprisingly, they saw a large area of ​​meteor showers and could not tell which ones were comets. Fragments, which are real alien warships.

In desperation, the air defense forces could only pick the biggest hit.

A few minutes later, Qiongzhou training base.

The terrifying battle alarm rang through the base again. Ye Han and others were already ready to set off, but they didn't know what to do at this time—they didn't receive the battle notice, and they didn't know where to go. The situation is really embarrassing.

Zu Qiu rushed all the way into the conference room and shouted loudly: "Quick, the aliens have landed, everyone is ready to go!"

Ye Han quickly stood up: "Where to go?"

"Let's get on the plane first, wait for the order!" Zu Qiu said.

Everyone immediately left the conference room and rushed to the airport in the shortest possible time.

After arriving at the airport, Zu Qiu called everyone together and held a brief analysis meeting.

At the meeting, Zu Qiu introduced what happened a few hours ago and said: "There are nine alien warships that landed in our country, one each in the East China Sea and one in the South China Sea. We don't need to care about these two alien warships. The navy handles it. Another six warships have landed all over the country exactly three north and three south."

"The superior's arrangement is that the North is in charge of the motorized infantry, and the South is in charge of the Marine Corps, so our troops must be divided into three, each responsible for an alien warship, remember them all, call for air support at any time if necessary, don't take it Do you understand that a soldier's worth and life are blind and capable?"


"Okay, now divide the task..."

The troops were divided into three. Zu Qiu personally led a team, Zu Qiu’s deputy led a team, Ye Han, the chief of staff, led a team, and the three teams rushed to different areas separately to destroy the remaining aliens… That’s right, It is to destroy the remnants!

There is a limit to how fast the Marines are, and they need enough time to get to the site of the incident.

The military could not leave the alien warship alone, and in order to deal with the aliens, the alien warship only landed for a few minutes and suffered a nuclear bomb on its head.

How can an alien warship stop a nuclear explosion? The battleship was severely damaged, and the aliens who escaped did not dare to stay, and immediately left the wreckage of the battleship.

Under normal circumstances, the alien warship that has been hit by a nuclear bomb does not need to be watched at all, and it can be left to fend for itself, but this time, unlike the past, the alien warship voluntarily landed on the earth, and no one dared to turn a blind eye.

Send out motorized infantry and marines, and the most important task is to eliminate the remnants of aliens.

I don't know the purpose of the aliens landing on the earth at the moment. In short, there is nothing good, and it is safer to destroy it as soon as possible.

After Ye Han learned about the whole process of the "comet impact", he always felt that something was not right.

It is said that human beings have destroyed Io, and the aliens should fight a tooth for a tooth, directly destroying the earth in return.

This is not scientific at all!

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