Armor Frenzy

Chapter 652: whereabouts

After packing up the little luggage, folded the clothes one by one, packed them neatly in the box, sealed the zipper of the bag, and packed the luggage, Ye Han stood in the dormitory and sighed.

When he moved in, he was still unable to exercise vigorously. Today, more than a month later, he has fully recovered and is about to bid farewell to the recovery center.

There was nothing in the dormitory, and it was even more empty after packing.

As a soldier, he can't remember how many times he has experienced similar scenes, but the most profound memory is still the scene of separating from the brothers at the end of the recruit company.

It is also packed luggage and an empty dormitory.

The comrades who used to eat and live with each other separated overnight, and many people have not seen each other again. Those who were so familiar that they could no longer be familiar, and who were deeply in their hearts, are now a lot blurred. Only those days of suffering and suffering together are still there. Clear, forever in the deepest memory.

Taking a deep breath and squeezing all the air out of his lungs, Ye Han picked up his melancholy mood, picked up his suitcase and strode out of the dormitory, and the sound of firm footsteps echoed back and forth in the empty corridor.

Most of the comrades who came back together were still sweating like rain on the training ground, and the dormitory building was so quiet that you could hear needles falling.

Perhaps hearing Ye Han's footsteps, another dormitory not far away opened, Liu Bin walked out of the dormitory carrying his luggage, raised his right hand and gave Ye Han a Patton-style military salute.

Ye Han laughed, and the two joined forces and walked out together.

The moment they stepped out of the door, a heat wave rushed towards them, and the two of them felt like they were in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun.

One step away from the inside and outside of the building is simply two completely different worlds.

A few guys in camouflage training uniforms, all covered in disgraced faces, saw the two of them, and immediately rushed up together, each one of you and me, and the rambling greetings filled their ears.

Among the people who saw him off were the comrades who served with Ye Han in the First Fleet, as well as the companions whom he knew after being rescued by the Second Fleet, and the faces that he became familiar with after returning to Earth.

They are all comrades in the expedition to Jupiter together, even if it is only one side, they are more cordial. Everyone shakes hands and hugs, and slaps each other on the back to bless each other.

The two words most people say is take care.

Another person walked out of the dormitory building, and the noisy crowd suddenly quieted down. Ye Han looked back and widened his eyes unexpectedly: "Old Gao? Why are you?"

"Why not me?" Gao Kai smiled, "Don't think that the physique of our pilots is the best just because your special forces recover quickly."

"Come on!" Ye Han dragged Liu Bin to his side, "There are two of us here, and there is only one for you!"

"One and a half, you count half." Gao Kai said without hesitation.

Ye Han has a black line on his head, what the **** is this pot that can't be lifted without opening it!

All present were Gao Kai's former subordinates, and everyone gathered around and gave another wish, interrupting the conversation between the two, and Gao Kai had to deal with it for a while before he had to escape.

When the crowd left, Gao Kai asked in relief, "Is there anyone else?"

"No, just the three of us." Ye Han said, "Tell me, how did the above arrange for you, a great hero?"

Gao Kai pouted: "Arrange me to return to the fleet to be the chief of staff, and take the spaceship to the Tiangong in a while, how about you?"

Ye Han smiled: "I am also the chief of staff like you, from Team 6."

"Not bad!" Gao Kai nodded, "Team 6 is now a division-level establishment, and you should be promoted as a colonel."

"You can't compare with your fleet, that's a good place." Ye Han said enviously.

"Fuck you, be content with you!" Gao Kai raised his hand and punched Ye Han.

Ye Han's words are not correct.

That's right, the space fleet is indeed the darling of the military, and it is the most important military branch in the entire army. There is no such thing as one!

Risks and opportunities coexist. Even if the space fleet does not fight, the body of the crew will be damaged by the state of weightlessness. A little accident may throw their lives in space, so it is also one of the most dangerous branches of the military. definitely.

What's wrong is that Team 6 is also one of the components of the space fleet. It's just that Team 6 doesn't have to follow the battleship in peacetime. Only when the fleet receives combat orders, which may involve boarding 6 operations, will 6 team members be temporarily assigned to board the ship.

Because they don't have to accompany the battleship for a long time, the treatment of the 6th team is slightly worse than that of the crew, but the only better treatment than the 6th team is the space fleet and pilots.

Of course, the 6th team does not stay on the ground all the time. In addition to the orbital airborne training, there are also some people stationed in the two space bases, but no one can be stationed in space for a long time. This part of the staff must be rotated on time to ensure sufficient Training time and good combat readiness.

The two chatted a few more times, and the time came quietly. Gao Kai took the vehicle provided by the base and and rushed to the space base more than ten kilometers away, where he will take the spacecraft to enter space again. .

Ye Han and Liu Bin also left by car, and the direction of travel is the same as Gao Kai... The training base of the 6th team is near the aerospace base.

After all, Team 6 is an armed force belonging to the space fleet. Once the mission order is received, it must be launched in the shortest time. Therefore, the military put the training base of Team 6 near the space base, and the space base has specially prepared several spaceships. Standby at any time, after receiving the order, the 6 team members can be sent to the sky in the shortest time.

When the car drove into the training base, Ye Han clearly saw the launch tower of the space center.

After the electromagnetic orbit is built, the expensive traditional shooting methods are all abandoned, but considering that the electromagnetic orbit may fail, if there is an emergency during the repair period and the spacecraft needs to be launched, it is still possible to use the launch tower of the space center, so it has been completed. The shooting tower of the historical mission has remained until now.

It is said that the military is secretly building a second electromagnetic launch track somewhere in the southwest. After the second track is completed, all the old launch towers, including the Qiongzhou Space Center, will be abandoned and demolished.

In addition, Americans are also said to be building electromagnetic orbits for aerospace, and electromagnetic orbital aerospace will definitely be the mainstream in the future.

Some people may say, isn't there a Feitian series of planes and spaceships? There's nothing wrong with just dismantling the tower.

Maintaining a plane is much more difficult than maintaining a shooting tower. Besides, who knows if Beibu has two-pronged approach and deliberately left both the shooting tower and the Feitian series, so that you can have three different shooting methods and keep the spaceship to the maximum. shooting ability.

Ye Han couldn't see through and couldn't understand. In short, the above must have considered it in more detail and comprehensively. It was not his turn to play this idle heart.

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