Armor Frenzy

Chapter 642: The country needs you

Mid-December 2025.

It has only been more than half a month since the end of the second Jupiter battleship. The Second Fleet has already embarked on a journey of return. The nine battleships separated from each other are lined up, sailing in the dark and lonely space.

A beam of laser light from the earth irradiates the fleet, and after flying over a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers, the laser inevitably spreads on a large scale, and the energy density is greatly reduced.

However, the laser still activated the receiving equipment, and the high-frequency flashing laser was quickly converted into binary data. Several indicators were first lit in the dead bridge, and then several devices started to work on their own.

In the hibernation cabin, a needle of antisomniac was injected into Gao Kai's body. After a while, Gao Kai's consciousness floated from the abyss. After regaining consciousness a little, he found that he was the only one in the hibernation cabin awake, and immediately realized that something unexpected had happened.

Although he hadn't fully recovered yet, Gao Kai couldn't wait any longer. He dressed as quickly as possible and rushed to the bridge.

The bridge was brightly lit but empty. Gao Kai, who floated into the bridge, grabbed the back of the seat and turned over neatly and sat in, habitually buckled his seat belt before turning on the communication device.

There is an unread file in the communication directory, which contains a document and a video, sent one and a half hours ago, and received half an hour ago.

The expeditionary fleet is currently about 7.5 AU from Earth, and it takes an hour for the light signal from Earth to reach the fleet.

Gao Kai couldn't help but muttered, hasn't the quantum communication experiment been successful long ago, when will the fleet be officially equipped?

Tap the file with your fingertips, enter the password on the pop-up digital interface to open the file, tap the video, and a solemn Qiu Tianning appears on the screen.

"Are you ready?" Qiu Tianning on the screen asked thoughtlessly.

The voice-off sounded: "Okay!"

Qiu Tianning looked directly at the camera: "Gao Kai, I'm Qiu Tianning, I just discovered a new situation, although you have completed the task well, but the observation found that Io Zero is only damaged on the surface, and there are still a large number of aliens hidden inside, maybe there is another one. The underground city of aliens, just a few days ago, several jets appeared on the back of Io”

"Through observation and calculation, it is found that Io is moving to a higher orbit, not the slow-moving orbit before. A few hours ago, the space telescope found that the jet on the back of Io disappeared, although it has not yet found any Credible evidence, but we have reason to believe that Io is breaking away from Jupiter, and after breaking away from Jupiter, it is not outward, but flying into the inner solar system!"

Gao Kai's pupils shrank, the inner solar system? What do the aliens want to do?

The so-called inner solar system, which refers to the part between the sun and the asteroid belt, under the protection of Jupiter, is arguably the safest region in the solar system.

Qiu Tianning on the screen continued: "At present, we still don't know the purpose of Io, the worst inference is that aliens intend to use Io to hit the earth to completely destroy human beings. Io itself has the ability to maneuver, with our current Military strength, it is very difficult to change the orbit of Io, once Io enters the impact orbit, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

"Gao Kai, I know your situation is very bad, but apart from you, there will be no human fleet near Jupiter. I need... No, the motherland needs you to return to Jupiter to completely destroy Io, at least destroy Io. The thrusters... please!"

On the screen, Qiu Tianning stood up and bowed ninety degrees. After a pause for a few seconds, he straightened up. His piercing eyes seemed to penetrate the screen and penetrate deeply into Gao Kai's heart.

Gao Kai's heart was numb, and he looked up at the light above his head in a daze, and after a while, he let out a long sigh and lowered his eyes.

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down his tumultuous mood. Gao Kai turned on the camera equipment: "Chief, I am Gao Kai. You must already know the current situation of the fleet. Our warships need maintenance and personnel need supplies. Weapons need ammunition. There is not one missile or shell left in the entire fleet. The only ship-borne weapons are laser cannons. It can be said that there is no more ammunition and food. There are only a batch of missiles for carrier-based aircraft, but they have used so much. Cannonball missiles didn't destroy Io, and I don't think the remaining missiles will do any good, and aliens can't let us get close to Io easily."

"As a soldier, I shouldn't have said these things, but the difficulties of the fleet are really many and very realistic. If the fleet turns back, the only way to destroy Io is to hit Io like the sea of ​​clouds... The sea of ​​clouds is right. Io's damage is very serious, I don't know if I can destroy Io if I continue to collide, even if I hit the last battleship..."

"Sir, to tell you the truth, from the day I joined the expedition fleet, I put my life and death aside. Since I wear this dress and eat this bowl of rice to be this soldier, I can't be a tortoise, we can't afford to lose that person... The fleet is still There are nine warships, I don't know how many times I can destroy Io, but I will keep doing it until I destroy Io or the whole army is wiped out... Chief, if I die, please take care of my family, this is my only request."

After saying the last sentence, Gao Kai fell silent.

At this moment, he had countless words to say in his heart, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he didn't say anything at all. He gave the camera an unusually standard military salute, then turned off the camera and sent the video back to Earth. .

Gao Kai sat quietly for a while, and when his mood completely calmed down, he operated the equipment and injected the captain, first mate and the marines on the ship with hypnotics.

Half an hour later, the fourteen marines on the plus Ye Han, a non-staff member, gathered in the conference room.

After briefly introducing the situation, Gao Kai said: "Returning to Jupiter is not a battle, there is no need to let everyone go back, I need you to gather everyone on the Kunlun, and let the Kunlun carry you back to Earth, I will bring a few. Personally drive the battleship back... If the crash works, eight battleships are enough, if it doesn't work, an extra Kunlun is no different... Time is limited, act."

The fifteen marines headed by Ye Han immediately wore power armor, and Gao Kai returned to the bridge and directed the Kunlun to approach the Penglai. The two battleships flew side by side with a distance of more than 100 meters.

The retractable covered bridge slowly probed towards the Penglai, and finally fixed on the Penglai, connecting the two warships together. A group of marines entered the Penglai through the covered bridge and rushed to the hibernation cabin as soon as possible, which will be in a hibernation state. The crew was sent into the landing craft in the bilge, and sent back to the Kunlun after it was full.

Every crew member has a complete set of hibernation equipment. No matter how you move it, it will not affect the safety of the crew. This is the basis for the implementation plan.

Another group of marines flew the landing craft on the Kunlun into the Penglai. The four landing craft on the two battleships came and went, and slowly transferred the crew from the Penglai to the Kunlun.

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