Armor Frenzy

Chapter 601: Trick to lure the enemy

The alien fleet took off from different satellites in different directions. Facing a large number of alien warships, Yan Jing had a headache.

The number of warships in each alien fleet is no less than ten. The expedition fleet has only four warships in total, and it is divided into one or two teams. How can we fight this battle?

The only good news is that all alien warships are ice-white, and the material should be the same as the alien spaceships encountered before, and the defensive power of this material is not even satisfactory.

Maybe...have a chance to win?

Yan Jing couldn't help thinking deeply, he hoped to come up with a solution to the predicament, but the expedition fleet is the first real space fleet of mankind, and there is no reference to the battle example, and it is difficult for naval and land warfare to go to space There are very few battle examples that can be used for reference.

After thinking about it, Yan Jing didn't think of any suitable tactics.

The alien fleets are distributed layer by layer. When the enemy is outnumbered, fighting the enemy recklessly is courting death, and it is even more impossible to bypass the enemy's layers of resistance and fly to Io Zero. For the present, the only way is to hurt the aliens as much as possible. , so as to attract the attention of the alien fleet and facilitate the second team to attack.

Yan Jing made up his mind, gritted his teeth and ordered a detachment to move to the upper left, where there was a fleet of more than a dozen alien warships. Yan Jing planned to rush to eat this enemy before the other alien fleets arrived.

Indecision is the most taboo on the battlefield, and even the worst decision is much better than indecision. Therefore, after Yan Jing made up his mind, he never thought about other things, and only thought about how to eat this enemy.

Yan Jing looked calm and composed, but he was actually beating drums in his heart.

As the saying goes, before victory comes before defeat, no one on the human side knows the strength of the aliens. The two battleships just rushed up like this. Maybe the alien battleship didn't even drop the paint. These two battleships Let the aliens sunk.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened, and there were still more than 2,000 kilometers away. Yan Jing couldn't bear it any longer, and ordered categorically: "Attention to the first team, the turrets from No. 1 to No. 10 are fully fired, and focus the fire!"

Wang Xiaolei's eyes glared at the boss: "Commander, we haven't reached the effective range yet..."

"I have eyes!"

Wang Xiaolei hurriedly shut up, and the artillery crew who received the order no longer hesitated. Twenty turrets of the two warships fired at the same time. The invisible laser beam crossed the void of more than 2,000 kilometers and instantly hit the two enemy ships. Two thin clouds of smoke quickly rose from the bullet, like two lime bags being hit hard.

After the laser cannon exceeds the effective range, it is not without power, but the beam spreads too much and the power is insufficient, and it is difficult to inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

However, under the premise of concentrated firepower, it is not impossible to damage the enemy ship.

Yan Jing felt happy when he saw it: "Go ahead, hit me hard!"

A detachment fired a salvo again, and three more enemy ships were hit, but the five enemy ships hit by the laser were all slightly injured, which did not affect their mobility at all.

If it weren't for the smoke rising from the surface of the enemy ship, the first team could not even find other evidence of a hit.

The laser cannon failed to achieve merit, and Yan Jing froze in his heart, and immediately ordered through gritted teeth: "The missile is ready, fire immediately when it enters the range..."

"Report, the enemy ship is retreating, direction 025, altitude 358!"

Wang Xiaolei shouted: "They want to run!" There was another alien fleet in the direction of the enemy's retreat. This team of alien warships obviously wanted to join the friendly forces.

Yan Jing frowned and fought fiercely in his mind, trying to judge the enemy's intentions.

Although the first team hit several enemy ships, but the strength of the enemy fleet was not damaged, why did they retreat in a hurry without firing a single bullet?

The retreating alien warship always kept the bow facing the first team, and did not leave the fragile stern to the first team, obviously retreating in an orderly manner.

With the strength of the aliens, it is very unlikely that they will choose to take the initiative to retreat when they know that they are lost.

That being the case, don't blame Lao Tzu for scheming!

Thinking of this, Yan Jing asked in a deep voice, "Are the missiles ready?"


"Have you entered the missile range yet?"


Yan Jing said flatly: "Inertial guidance, destroying one is a... with a nuclear bomb."

"Yes, four inertial guidance, ready - let go!"

With an order, the missile vertical launch module located under the ship's belly suddenly bounced off, and four missiles rushed out of the ship. The flame suddenly went out, and the missile continued to fly forward under the action of inertia.

The Luwan, which landed not far behind the Hongwan, also fired four missiles, all with nuclear warheads.

The shelling continued, and the dozen or so alien warships, like a dozen lime bags that were constantly being beaten, kept bursting with soaring smoke, but no matter how many laser hits they were hit, there was no sign of sinking.

Yan Jing became more and more convinced that the enemy was using tricks to lure the enemy into depth. He pinned all his hopes on those missiles. In order to create a chance for the missiles to hit, he must keep shooting to attract the attention of the enemy ship, otherwise he would have ordered it long ago. The fleet avoids the enemy.

However, a feeling of unease still entangled in Yan Jing's heart. He always felt that something bad was happening. He couldn't help but ordered again: "Two more rounds!"

"Yes, eight-shot inertial guidance, ready - let go!"

The two warships fired sixteen missiles again, overtaking the warships and heading straight for the enemy.

Yan Jing secretly prayed to launch twenty-four heavy missiles with nuclear warheads in one go. If one target cannot be destroyed, there is no need to continue this battle.

The missile launch location is about 1,000 kilometers away from the enemy fleet, which will be enough for the effective range of the laser cannon. The missile's flight speed is slightly faster than that of the first team, but the expedition fleet has slowed down in order to get closer to Jupiter, and the speed of the missile is also At more than fifty kilometers per second, it takes half a minute to fly through the gap between the two fleets.

But the alien fleet is retreating. Although the speed of the retreat is not as fast as the advance of a detachment, it can prolong the time for the missile to chase the enemy ship!

That is to say, the space near Jupiter is large enough that the two enemy troops cannot get together for a while, otherwise Yan Jing would not dare to lead a detachment to pursue it.

Although the missiles that turned off the engines were concealed, they could not escape the eyes of the aliens. Half a minute later, the first batch of eight missiles gradually approached the alien fleet. The top of the alien warships suddenly appeared a stream of pale golden filaments. Light, several missiles were hit by silk light, and immediately burst into a mass of flames. The flames expanded rapidly and dissipated abruptly, as if they had never appeared before.

Yan Jing felt a chill in his heart.

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