Armor Frenzy

Chapter 463: crash landing (3)

The mental state of the soldiers is not very good, but the situation of the plane is not bad.

Although the plane was seriously damaged during the forced landing, the body itself was not seriously damaged. If the crack at the top right of the cabin is ignored, the plane can barely be regarded as a fully enclosed environment, which is very beneficial for defending against giant insects. Now the one in front of Ye Han The question is whether to stick to the aircraft with these weapons, or leave the aircraft to seek support from the garrison!

However, after thinking about it, I was dumbfounded, why did I go to a dead end again? The first principle of an accident is to report it immediately!

Ye Han is accustomed to the combat mode of small units fighting secretly. No matter what kind of casualties appear around him, the first thing that comes to mind is to deal with it by himself, rather than asking for help from his superiors.

He didn't know the communication frequency of the local garrison, and it was so lively outside that it was estimated that the garrison did not have the extra energy to manage the wrecked plane.

Ye Han simply activated the search function of the communication device and directly searched for satellite signals.

The power armor's communication equipment has limited power and cannot meet the requirements of direct communication with satellites. However, the power armor's communication authority is very high, and various types of communication equipment can be embedded. The Shayuan garrison certainly does not lack satellite communication equipment. With the signal of a communicator, Ye Han can establish contact with the satellite with the help of friendly equipment.

About ten seconds later, Ye Han finally cut into a frequency with a weak signal, and immediately started calling: "Thunderbolt called Leiwo, please answer when you receive it!"

Qu Jiang's voice came from the communication immediately: "Ye Han? You're fine. I just received the news of the plane crash."

"It was almost over." Ye Han glanced at the weapon box on the right and said.

He happened to be on the left side when the plane made an emergency landing. If he happened to be hit by a weapon box at that time, even if he was wearing power armor, he would be injured. But this ghost place was a mess, and he no longer had the most basic medical conditions.

"Your current location!" Qu Jiang asked.

"Or in the plane...they already know the situation?"

"Of course, the satellite has been staring at it." Qu Jiang said.

"Captain, casualties!" Ye Han suddenly asked.

The captain was stunned for a moment before answering: "Fourteen sacrificed, seven injured, and half of them."

If the simple forced landing fails, the sacrificed soldiers can only be counted as dead due to duty, but the plane was only able to fly to Shayuan and the result of the forced landing because it received a combat order to support Shayuan.

Although their deaths are not breeding, they can also be called sacrifices, but it is difficult to say whether they are martyrs or not.

Ye Han immediately repeated the situation in the communication: "President, I need instructions for the next step!"

Unfamiliar with life, even if he left the plane, he didn't know what to do. He couldn't see the giant worm and rushed up desperately. At the very least, he should get in touch with the garrison before deciding the next action plan.

However, the mobile soldiers only accept the leadership of the Beidu and the Sports Institute, and whether to contact the garrison or not depends on the instructions above.

After a moment of silence in the communication, Qu Jiang's voice reappeared: "Ye Han, the communication frequency is xxx, you should contact the garrison immediately and obey the command of the garrison in Shayuan!"

"Understood!" Ye Han quickly switched the frequency, "Leiden called the command center, please answer when you receive it!"

"The command center received it. We know that the airport crashed, but we couldn't find people to check the situation. Thunderbolt, please explain the situation!"

Ye Han explained the situation around him, focusing on the fact that there were weapons and equipment on the plane, and some people survived.

After listening to the command, the commander immediately said: "Thunderbolt, the current situation at the airport is very critical. I need the plane to act as a bunker to receive a group of wounded. Please pass the order to the troops on the plane and let them stick to the plane."

"Understood." Ye Han replied.

The headquarters said again: "Raiden, I know you are a mobile soldier. If you can, please support the battle at the airport."

"Which direction?" Ye Han asked without hesitation.

"From the southeast, it's best to bring another batch of bullets, 7.62 by 54, and the warehouse is in the northwest corner of the airport."

"Captain, do you have Type 53 machine guns?" Ye Han asked loudly.


"Find it out, right now!"

"Hurry up!" shouted the captain, "move all!"

Ye Han continued to say on the radio: "Command, there are bullets you want on the plane, I will set off immediately after I find them!"


Ye Han was slightly startled: "You're welcome."

Southeast corner of the airport.

A dirty soldier roared and fired the last bullet in his gun, knocking the giant worm that rushed up to the ground. The gunfire dissipated. The soldier looked around in a daze. All his comrades fell in a pool of blood. Some of their heads were in different places, and some died without resting their eyes, and some were torn apart by giant insects, like five horses.

The soldier shouted loudly: "Are there any alive? Are there any alive—"

The roar was drowned in the dense gunshots, and not far away, a soldier with blood floating around his waist raised his arm: "This, here!"

The soldier rushed over with a stride: "How are you?"

"I'm afraid it won't Brother, please give me a gun, or kill me, I don't want to die in the mouth of the giant insect." The wounded said weakly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." The soldier comforted.

While comforting the wounded, the soldier pulled the bullet box next to him, preparing to replace the machine gun with a new ammunition chain, but the bullet boxes he grabbed were all empty. He couldn't help but get anxious. There were also two grenades on the comrade-in-arms, and they were immediately clutched in their hands like a beggar who had picked up gold.

Then he found a machine gun with half a lot of bullets left beside a sacrificed comrade.

The wounded looked at the empty airport and swallowed hard: "Brother, can you give me the radio?"

"Here!" The soldier immediately dragged the radio to the wounded.

The wounded grinned, and a smile appeared on his dark face: "Brother, before the bugs come, let's go, give me the gun, and I will fight for the last time."

"No, I can't leave you behind."

"Don't be silly, there's only the two of us left on the ground. If we don't come to support, we'll be dead... I don't want to die, I miss my home, my mother, and my partner, but, but I'm so hurt. There is no hope, you can still live, we can't all die here, we have to leave a seed for our camp, right?"

The soldier bowed his head sadly: "I'm not leaving, my brothers are all here, I can't be a deserter."

"This is not a deserter!" The wounded person suddenly became excited, "We can't kill the troops, and there will be no one left. You are just a cook, what nonsense with Lao Tzu!"

"If you don't go, you won't go, the bugs are coming!" The soldier stubbornly picked up the machine gun.

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