Armor Frenzy

Chapter 237: Initial planning

Ye Han quickly took out his pistol and aimed it at the door. There was no sound in the room. He looked at the inductive card power switch behind the door, it was empty.

He breathed a sigh of relief, luckily, there should be no one in this room.

But he wasn't careless, he still raised his gun and entered the room. After confirming that there was no one in the room, he closed the door and put away the pistol.

After checking several windows in the room, Ye Hand found the escape descender under the window sill in the bedroom.

Opening the window, the cold morning breeze wafted into the room wrapped in the still drizzle, immediately dispelling the rest of his restlessness, and the whole person became much more energetic.

He quietly observed the situation on the ground. Since the room he chose was located on the north side of the hotel, there was no wide street on this side, only a narrow alleyway. It was too narrow for two cars to run side by side.

No one could be seen in the alley, nor could he see the giant cockroaches that ravaged the whole night, Ye Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Open the bag according to the instructions on the descender. What appears in Ye Han's eyes is a cloth tube supported by a ring-opening frame. I can't see what material the cloth tube is made of. , well, very sturdy, doesn't seem like a face project to fool things.

Buckle one end of the descender on the window sill, and lift it out of the window with the help of the shelf on the descender. A cloth tube hanging from the 14th floor to the ground appeared in front of Ye Han.

Without further ado, Ye Han tried the fixing device of the descender and jumped onto the window sill after believing that it would not break suddenly, and jumped into the light blue cloth tube.

Probably because he didn't understand the safety of this thing, the weightlessness of the fall made Ye Han's heart float up in the air, and he felt that jumping on this thing seemed a little more exciting than skydiving.

In front of him was a piece of light blue that kept moving up and down. The soft cloth tube and steel ring constantly eased the falling momentum, keeping Ye Han's speed within a safe range, but after a short while, Ye Han's feet touched the ground.

Since he couldn't maintain the correct posture, Ye Han's landing posture was very uncoordinated, and he sat directly on the ground, but he was not injured.

Standing up, Ye Han found that he was stepping on a thick pile of cloth, and immediately realized that the cloth cylinder was a little longer than the height of the fourteenth floor. The canister is cut.

Drilling out of the cloth tube, Ye Han raised his eyes to look at the hotel. After exhaling a long breath, he pulled out his pistol and ran forward quickly.

He tried to keep his footsteps as light as possible, but the gunshots that rang through the night had dissipated, and the morning after the noise seemed extraordinarily peaceful, so that no matter how hard Ye Han tried, he couldn't eliminate the sound of footsteps.

Ye Han simply stopped hiding and moved forward as fast as possible.

After about 30 to 50 meters, Ye Han approached the first fork, stopped to look at the fork, and there was a well-maintained white car parked on the side of the road.

Ye Han didn't even need to look at the logo on the front of the car to know that this was a new car that was not too old.

The model is too new, give up!

Continuing to run forward, I saw more than a dozen cars of different models within a few dozen meters. Some were intact, but the car was seriously damaged, and there was another unfortunate car with only the frame burned and a faint trace of heat.

However, all the models are too new. It was not until more than 200 meters later that I saw a classic car with a square model. I don't know what era it was produced.

Ye Han's eyes lit up with excitement. He jumped in front of the classic car in two steps, turned the gun handle upside down and smashed it hard, smashing the window glass next to the back seat with a bang.

Reaching out from the rear window to open the front door, Ye Han swept away the few broken glass on the seat, sat in the cab contentedly, used a saber to pry open the cover under the steering wheel, and pulled out a mess of wires.

Pick out the three thickest wires in a bunch of wires, turn on the left steering, and connect the two wires with the largest color contrast together. The left turn indicator on the dashboard starts to flash.

He stepped on the door lightly, hooked the third wire to the connected wires, an electric spark flashed, and the engine made a low hum and then started smoothly.

Ye Han smiled with satisfaction, and carefully stuffed the wires back in to ensure that no electricity would leak and hurt himself. Then he stepped on the clutch and shifted gears to turn on the rudder. He stepped on the accelerator, and the classic car hit the road smoothly.

In movies and TV shows, there are often scenes where the car is stolen by swiping the wires a few times. In fact, it is not so simple to start a fire on the wires. Only those models with older models and older production years can be used to start fires in this way. New cars are all electronic ignitions. The electronic device will detect whether there is a key in the keyhole, and even compare the key to determine whether the key inserted into the keyhole is the car's key. Therefore, the new model matches the wires like fireworks. In general, Mars is chaotic, and the engine will never give the slightest face.

Even if the car can be ignited by connecting the wire, it may be impossible to drive because the steering wheel is locked, and the car will not be able to move in the end.

Otherwise, why would Ye Han deliberately choose such a classic car? It's not good that this car is a few years older than Ye Han.

Perhaps it is because he understands the importance of Although the roads in the occupied area are not clean, they are not full of damaged vehicles like the Doomsday movie, but it has brought Ye Han a lot of convenience.

The classic car drove more than 100 meters. Ye Han turned the rudder and turned into a fork in the road, intending to drive the car to the main street. Suddenly, he found a giant cockroach that had already died across the fork, blocking the road in half.

Ye Han suddenly remembered, it seems that all the intersections in the occupied area are piled up with barricades, what should I do to pass the checkpoint smoothly?

Muddle through? It doesn't seem to work. Although the gang is not a real military organization, the members of the gang must have no lack of military knowledge. Even if they don't use a command, they should have a password such as a password.

It's not impossible to break through hard, but after the gang masters his movements, they will definitely guess that his purpose is the sub-bureau. If the gangsters stationed in the sub-bureau strengthen their defenses, he will not be able to get the sniper rifle, and he will not be able to complete the task assigned by the wolf's den. is an absolutely unacceptable result.

In addition to this, you can only find ways to avoid streets and intersections. The most effective way is to pass through the building and sneak into the police station without knowing it.

But what to do with the gang members in the police station? He fights two gangs alone? What a joke, the special forces are not superhuman, and it is the correct special tactics to start quietly. Once the whereabouts are revealed, no matter how strong the special forces are, they cannot withstand the crazy siege of the enemy regardless of losses.

It's too dangerous for a person to rush in. Fortunately, the enemy is not without flaws. Since two groups of people are fighting for the control of the police station and their interests, the two sides will definitely not be in harmony. In that case, why not find something for them to do. ?

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly remembered Welcome all book lovers to come and read. The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at Mobile users, please come and read.

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