Armor Frenzy

Chapter 228: show up

Too many staff is just a basis for Ye Han's judgment, and when he just fell and whereabouts were exposed, the gray suit rushed people to the 16th floor. Now that I think about it, it is very likely that the gray suit felt that the top floor was understaffed, so he specially brought him with him. People rushed over to support the BOSS.

That said, the target is likely to be hiding behind one of the doors!

Looking at the doors on the left and right, Ye Han couldn't help frowning. He couldn't be sure which door the target was hiding behind. just big.

How can we find the location of the enemy?

Ye Han's mind turned abruptly, and suddenly heard a series of messy footsteps in the corridor... It must be the enemy's reinforcements breaking through the stairwell and heading towards this room.

He was about to turn around to block the enemy, his eyes flashed suddenly, his brows showed his mind, he shrank and hid behind the sofa in the corner of the room to put the corpse, and dragged a half-missing corpse in front of him. When it's a cover for him.

While the enemy was still running wildly in the corridor, Ye Han twisted the muffler on the gun as fast as possible, looked up and saw the radiant wall lamp above his head, he quickly stood up, stretched out **** and twisted gently. The lamp head, after twisting it twice, the light dissipated, and the corner behind the sofa immediately became pitch black.

The sound of footsteps in the corridor was very close, Ye Han hurriedly retracted behind the sofa, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel that the world was amazing. .

In fact, he originally planned to use the gun to extinguish the remaining lamps, leaving only the lights at the farthest distance. However, the interior of the bulb is vacuumed, and when it shatters, the sound is so loud that even if the enemy cannot hear the sound of the shooting, Be sure to hear the light bulb pop.

The enemy is already very close, and the more you keep quiet at this juncture, the safer it will be.

A few swaying shadows appeared in the corridor outside the door. Although no one was seen, Ye Han could be sure that the enemy's reinforcements had arrived outside the door. He immediately fell back behind the sofa, pricked up his ears and listened.

The room is dark and the corridor is bright, and any change in the scene in the corridor is very clear in Ye Han's eyes. It is not difficult to make such a judgment.

Perhaps the corpses in the corridor startled the enemy reinforcements. Instead of rushing into the room, they carefully hid in the corridor and probed their heads to observe the situation in the room.

But their eyes had already adapted to the brightness in the corridor. When they looked into the dark room, they could only see a few shadowy shadows. They put their hands on their foreheads to cover the lights, and then they could barely see the situation in the room.

Seven or eight corpses were in a mess, with broken bones and flesh everywhere, blood and internal organs all over the floor, the night wind pointed at the face, the pungent stench mixed with the strong smell of gunpowder smoke, and everyone who smelled it frowned. wrinkle.

The real desperadoes in the Fenglu Gang either followed Xu Zhi or were led by Gray Suit. The former died in the room and outside the door, and the latter all died in front of the elevator door. The reinforcements can only be regarded as the second-tier thugs of the Fenglu Gang. Seeing the blood all over the ground, they haven't escaped yet.

In fact, these Fenglu Gang thugs should have arrived a long time ago, but when they were about to climb to the sixteenth floor, they first met their companion who was killed by a grenade on the stairs, and then saw the corpses in the corridor. Fear flooded his heart uncontrollably, and the speed under his feet naturally slowed down.

The thugs of the Fenglu Gang are not good things. Most of the reasons for joining the gang are for self-protection.

They originally thought that the situation in the corridor was bloody, but they never thought that the room was full of mutilated corpses.

The thugs of the Fenglu Gang have basically seen blood, but the gangster thugs have a little trouble, at most, white knives go in and red knives come out. The real desperadoes are only a few, and there are only three or five people who have lives in their hands. Who has seen such a **** slaughterhouse?

Ye Han was able to ignore the blood on the ground because he had been on a real battlefield, had seen human bodies killed by various modern weapons, and even seen human bodies crushed into meat patties by tanks. What?

The thugs outside the door were shocked by the blood, and they hesitated for a while. After a while, a voice came out of the room from the corridor: "Director, where are you?"

Ye Han's eyes widened in surprise, what's the situation?

He knew many kinds of names for gang members to call BOSS, but he never thought that a member of a violent gang would call the leader director.

Is this **** violent gang?

There was no sound in the room. The thugs outside the door gathered together to discuss a few words. One of the thugs learned the plot from the movie, held up a corpse in front of him, and carefully sent the corpse to the door.

Not to mention that Ye Han, who was hiding behind the sofa, couldn't see this scene at all. Even if he did, he wouldn't be deceived by such a clumsy method.

No response is the best response, and the thugs felt relieved Relying on their courage, they each helped a corpse up, using the corpse as a cover, and slowly moved into the room.

It has to be said that they have been poisoned by movies and TV for so long that they actually thought that corpses could block bullets, but they did not know that the penetrating power of military weapons is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and even a pistol can easily penetrate two or three people.

The penetrating power of micro-acoustic bullets is indeed worse than that of ordinary bullets, but it is not something that the human body can block.

If it weren't for Ye Han's other goals, he would have killed this group of scum with a single shot.

After entering the room, there was still no movement. The thugs were finally convinced that the enemy had left, and more than 20 people rushed into the room.

Ye Han's heart immediately came to his throat - any thug who jumped behind the sofa to take a look would immediately find that there was a distinctive "corpse" here.

The thugs shouted at the boss in Ye Han's anxiety, and rushed to the doors one after another, showing their loyalty to the boss with practical actions.

The cluttered knocks on the door sounded from various positions, and a stern voice suddenly entered Ye Han's ears: "What's the noise!"

"Director!" The thugs said in unison.

Xu Zhi, who came out after a long call, retreated into the suite as early as Ye Han smashed the door. He only heard dull gunshots, but he didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't dare to open the door. Look.

After coming out, seeing the tragic scene in the living room, Xu Zhi's face changed greatly, but in front of a group of younger brothers, he had to try his best to maintain the dignity of the director, and he could only try his best to hide his discomfort. Fortunately, the living room was dimly lit, and others could not see it. Clear his face, this will prevent him from making a fool of readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all users, please go to read .

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