Armor Frenzy

Chapter 222: plan

Ye Han frowned. From here to the hotel, the straight-line distance is at least five or six hundred meters. The submachine gun can't hit even if the range is exhausted, but any qualified sniper rifle can easily hit.

"The target is in the hotel?"

Lao Yu nodded: "It's usually there, he doesn't like going out very much."

"Still an otaku?" Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed regretfully, "If I knew it was so far away, I brought a sniper rifle here!"

The old fish shook his head: "If you can use a sniper rifle, why are you looking for it?"

Ye Han suddenly raised his head: "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Lao Yu said, "We have snipers, and we can kill the target with any snipers, but doing so is equal to angering the enemy. Don't forget, there are more than 400,000 hostages in the hands of the enemy! "

"You mean, we can't let the enemy know that the target is dead in our hands?"

Ye Han suddenly remembered the whispered sniper rifle that Minister Xiao mentioned. If he knew this, it would be great to bring that sniper rifle!


"No!" Ye Han shook his head abruptly, "You people who are engaged in intelligence are better at infiltration and assassination than me, who is engaged in special warfare!"

Lao Yu smiled bitterly: "Our intelligence agents are not as brave and invincible as in the movies, and our intelligence operations are not as thrilling and thrilling as in the movies. Now there are only a few of us intelligence officers in Linyi, and there is no one who is good at dirty work. You let us A few people who haven't killed anyone running in the occupied area to assassinate? It's better to kill us directly... You are more suitable than us."

"You mean I killed more people than you?" Ye Han teased.

"If you don't think so, my answer is yes," said the old fish.

"Forget it, I understand what you mean." Ye Han waved, "How is the strength of the Fenglu Gang?"

"The strength is very good. It occupies four blocks, and there are at least three or five thousand people... Sorry, their staff has been increasing, and the exact number can't be found."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not here to encircle the gangsters, just know who the target is." Ye Han said, "Which room is he in the hotel, do you know?"

"I don't know, we have too few staff to get such detailed information, but according to our investigation, Xu Zhi is very vain, otherwise he would not occupy the hotel as a stronghold, so I think he lives in 80% The presidential suite or something."

Ye Han had a headache for a while, and couldn't help rubbing his temples: "So, where do I have to find him?"

The old fish shrugged: "I'm sorry."

"Forget it." Ye Han waved his hand and began to think about how to enter the occupied area.

If the information is insufficient, you have to find a way by yourself.

The area of ​​the occupied area is very large, the borders are very long and belong to different forces. In addition, the good and bad of the violent elements are mixed, there must be defense loopholes in the border, and sneaking into the occupied area is not a problem at all.

The problem is that after entering the occupied area, you must avoid the ubiquitous enemies and quietly approach the hotel.

The defense of the occupied area seems to be ordinary, but in fact it will never be so simple. How not to alert the enemy is the trouble that makes Ye Han a headache.

What's more troublesome is the Fenglu Hotel itself. Since it is the enemy's main camp, the defense is definitely not too weak. How can we find the target without knowing it?

For Ye Han, how to find the target is the biggest trouble, but **** the target is an extremely simple little problem.

I recalled all the training I had received, but I couldn't come up with a plan that was suitable for the situation at hand.

It's not that there is no way, it's just that every way is not so safe, and it has to be rejected one by one.

In the end, Ye Han's eyes gradually moved upward and fell into the dark night sky: "Old fish, do you have gliders?"

"No." The old fish shook his head, "Do you want to fly in?"

"This is the best solution." Ye Han said.

No need for Ye Han to explain, Lao Yu also understands the benefits of air penetration.

First of all, it can avoid the defense net on the ground, the probability of exposure is greatly reduced, and the time required to penetrate the defense can also be reduced, and the timeliness is extremely high.

Second, you can directly land on the hotel rooftop, which is the top floor where the presidential suite is located, which can greatly reduce the time needed to find the target.

Third, after completing the task, you can retreat from the air without knowing it.

Finally, the forces in the occupied area basically have no air defense capability. Even if they have enough air defense awareness, they do not have corresponding technical means. It is not that Ye Han looks down on their grass-roots team. Even if the military sends them a radar, they must be able to use it. Row.

The only air defense method suitable for the occupied area is to arrange enough people to observe the sky and use the naked eye to detect aircrafts close to the occupied area.

But the weather was bad tonight, with no stars, no moon, and light rain. Outside the range of lights, it was basically invisible. Unless the enemy had enough night vision goggles, there was no need to worry about being discovered by the enemy.

Do the rioters have night vision goggles?

There may be some, but there are definitely not many. Even if someone happens to use a night vision device to look at the sky, it may not be so coincidental to see Ye Han's position.

Therefore, air penetration is the best solution at present.

"Does paragliding work? The one with power." The old fish asked.

Ye Han was relieved: "It can't be better, where is the umbrella, and how long will it take to be ready?"

"Give me half an I will definitely deliver it within half an hour!"

"Don't send it here!" Ye Han quickly stopped, "This is too close to the occupied area, find a suitable place, let's go pick up the equipment, at least two kilometers away from the occupied area."

"Okay!" The old fish agreed, took out the communication equipment, and mysteriously hid aside, not knowing who to contact.

Ye Han took the time to observe the situation in the occupied area, focusing on the direction of the building complex - flying in the square of the building can minimize the chance of being discovered.

A few minutes later, Lao Yu returned: "We've got in touch, and in ten minutes we'll be sent to the intersection of Guangping Road and Dongtai Street, two kilometers to the south."

Ye Han spread out the map: "Where is it?"

"Here." Lao Yu found the intersection on the map.

"Can the window be opened?" Ye Han suddenly asked without thinking.

"Yes, but only to the south." Lao Yu said.

Ye Han got up and walked to the south, opened the plastic-steel window, and a ray of night wind with a little bit of rain fell on Ye Han's face, Ye Han put one hand out of the window to try it out, then walked back to the living room, and pointed his finger on the map : "Change the meeting point here!"

"It will take at least twenty minutes to change places!" said the old fish.

"It takes half an hour to change." Ye Han suddenly smiled at the old fish, "Have you never played paraglider?"

"No." The old fish answered honestly.

"That's right." Ye Han said, "This thing has to face the wind when it takes off and landed. If the crosswind exceeds 20 degrees, you cannot fly. If you take off from the south, I will become a martyr before I get there."

"Understood, I'll arrange Welcome all book lovers to come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at Mobile phone users, please come and read.

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