Armor Frenzy

Chapter 213: do your best

Ye Han shook his head: "The southern area is too far from Linyi, and 80% of these ants are from the northern area."

"Why did you come here?" The old soldier was furious, "What do they think about the North Ant District?"

Not long ago, the ant colony was limited by the military to two ant-occupied areas in the north and south. Even if troops were drawn from the ant-occupied areas, not all troops were withdrawn, but enough guard troops were left. In addition, the military's tactics against giant ants are very mature, how can they release giant ants?

Ye Han said in a low voice, "There must be something wrong, and the situation may be more serious than we thought."

"Then are you still going to Linyi?" Hu Ya asked.

"I don't know either." Ye Han's eyes were confused, and he handed the pressed live magazine to Huya, "Can you shoot?"

Hu Ya's hand clenched into a fist and answered firmly, "Yes!"

"I'll give it to you, I'll press the bullet." Ye Han said.

Hu Ya stood up his rifle in silence, and as soon as he opened the shooting hole, he saw a giant ant biting the head of a victim. The hard head was like a fragile watermelon, which was instantly shattered by the giant jaws, and the red and white splashed everywhere. The giant ant has a face.

A few meters away, another giant ant bit off the waist and abdomen of a young woman, and the blood and internal organs flowed out of her abdomen. The woman's eyes widened indifferently, and those eyes that had lost their vigor seemed to be looking at Hu Ya. Eyes, silently accusing their tragic fate.

Stumps, broken arms, blood.

Bite, devour, die.

No matter how successful a horror film is, it can't create such real fear; no matter how much blood plasma is used, it can't replicate real death.

The uncontrollable vomit rushed up his esophagus, and the stomach acid burned Huya's throat. He gritted his teeth desperately, and finally swallowed the acid water back into his stomach, but he couldn't get rid of the throbbing vomit in his stomach.

"Huya, why are you so stunned!" Ye Han scolded sharply.

Hu Ya woke up like a dream, pulled the trigger subconsciously, and the crisp gunshot sounded again.

Although Ye Han didn't know what Huya saw, he could guess the reason why Huya was in a daze. Faced with such a tragic situation, any normal person would have a similar situation.

The situation in Fuyun that night was not much worse than before, but the battle at the gas station took place in the middle of the night. The darkness covered up a lot of **** and tragic events, and the visual impact was far less than the scene in front of him.

Huya's reaction made Ye Han heave a sigh of relief, and hurriedly pressed bullets into the magazine.

He didn't use his arms with limited strength to complete the pressing action, but only used both hands to clamp the bridge clip on the magazine, and then pressed down heavily with his elbow or any suitable position.

And he didn't press the magazine full, but after pressing the two bridge clips, he sent it to Huya.

When the magazine is fully loaded, the spring under the support plate must be compressed to the limit, and the force paid is more than the sum of the first two bridge clips. Only pressing 20 rounds of bullets can not only save most of the strength, but also save more energy. Save a lot of time.

Although the reduction of bullets will cause Huya to change the frequency of the magazine faster, but from the point of view of efficiency alone, it is very worthwhile to do so.

However, there are a large number of giant ants under the shoulder of the road, and there are still giant ants crossing the road to join the feast. Unless three people have firearms with infinite bullets in their hands, it is impossible to destroy such a large group of giant ants anyway.

There are at least hundreds of people who fell under the shoulder of the road, and there are more giant ants than people. The cry for help and the screams have already stopped. In addition to providing a lot of food for the giant ants, the only achievement of the death of the victims is temporary. Slowed down the giant ant's pace.

The three of them knew very well what happened to those people, but they couldn't do much more than mechanically shoot at the giant ants.

Shooting giant ants can't save anyone. The reason for continuous shooting is not to eliminate more giant ants, but to subconsciously hope that doing so will relieve the guilt in my heart.

Time passed slowly in the monotonous shooting and pressing of bullets. No one paid attention to the time, but felt that a long time had passed, until the bullet casings under Huya's feet had not covered his feet.

Hu Ya emptied another magazine, and the gunshots stopped suddenly. He was about to put on a new magazine when he heard a familiar and regular buzzing sound.

"Helicopter!" Hu Ya shouted excitedly.

Ye Han immediately dropped the magazine in his hand, threw himself on the console, and pointed the camera at the sky: "Which direction? Which direction?"

"Linyi, it must be the direction of Linyi!" the veteran roared.

The camera was immediately aimed at the sky in the direction of Linyi, and several small dots lined up into the shot. Ye Han seemed to be suddenly drained of all his strength. He sat down on the chair and stared blankly at the armed helicopters.

"It's great, it's great!" The veteran's eyes were full of tears, and he kept smashing his fists into his palms.

Hu Ya threw down the red-hot barrel of the gun, stood up to the smoky rifle, covered his eyes with trembling hands, and the image of giant ants biting the human body was like an unforgettable nightmare that kept repeating in his mind.

The swarms of aircraft are commanding, and the field of vision is far from that of the armored vehicles on the ground. The helicopter swarms fly close to the ant Immediately see the situation on the ground.

Countless giant ants came from the north like a tide, flooding the highway like a flood of dykes, giant ants everywhere on the road, immobile vehicles everywhere, and people bitten to death by giant ants everywhere. , the small group of giant ants that devoured the victims on the side of the road is just a small corner, an inconspicuous corner!

There are no directors or actors, but there are countless sad stories happening at the same time.

The helicopter lowered its altitude and flew along the highway. The fuselage suddenly spewed out strong flames from the left and right. A series of rockets went straight into the road. When they flew to a position more than three meters high on the road, they suddenly exploded with a soft noise. The anaesthetic threw out the projectile, and scattered fog arrows were pulled out in the air. The giant ants, shrouded in the anaesthetic fog, immediately lost their ability to control their bodies.

The warheads that had exhausted the anesthetic lost control, most of them fell to the ground, and some were lucky enough to hit the giant ants directly.

One of the bullets hit the roof of an SUV heavily, smashing the roof into a deep depression. Fortunately, the quality of the car was good, otherwise the bullet would have to pierce the roof.

In just a few seconds, the four helicopters fired all the anaesthetic rockets, but the rockets covered only a short stretch of road.

Fortunately, the second wave of helicopters has arrived, and another wave of narcotics covers the road.

At the same time, four fighter planes flew over the ant colony and dropped huge aerial bombs on the ant colonies far away from the road. A few seconds later, the bombs that were about to fall to the ground exploded, and huge flames rose up and quickly turned into The blossoming trumpet mushroom cloud, the giant ants shrouded in the fire cloud, will immediately be wiped Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at~www users please go to read.

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