Armor Frenzy

Chapter 186: new plan (2)

Both phototactic cockroaches and photophobic cockroaches are based on instinctive nature and do not change due to changes in body size. Therefore, when night falls, it is the activity time of photophobic cockroaches.

When the flare lit up the night sky, the instinctual photophobia immediately drove the giant cockroach to flee to the dark corner. As the flare continued to spread, the giant cockroach was constantly driven to the edge of the city by the light.

Ye Han secretly guessed that the sound of the explosion before the operation was probably blowing up the sewers that the giant cockroaches could hide from, or other similar structures.

As for the fire dragon in the city center, it may be to drive away the photophobic cockroaches, but it is more likely to attract the glamorous cockroaches that slipped through the net yesterday.

The person who came up with this plan is truly a genius!

Thinking of this, Ye Han smiled and pointed the camera in the direction of Fuyun: "I can't wait!"

More than 20 armored vehicles lined up under Ye Han's command, the shells were loaded, and all the gun muzzles were all aimed in the direction of Fuyun, just waiting for the giant cockroach to appear.

The flares in the air were still blooming, coming towards Ye Han's position from the left and right directions.

Ye Han stared at the flares in the air, secretly calculated the direction and distance of the flares, and immediately said, "It's almost there!"

On the night vision screen in front of Ye Han, a giant cockroach crawling quickly appeared, followed by the second and the third, which quickly formed a line, rushing towards the defense line like a tide.

There was a shout on the radio: "I found a giant cockroach, ask for a cannon!"

Ye Han said in a deep voice, "You can fire cannons, shoot freely!"

Tom—a cannon sound kicked off the war between humans and insects. More than 20 armored vehicles fired at the same time, and the cannonballs like rain smashed into the insect swarm like no money. The giant cockroach shell penetrated into the body of the worm, and the aluminothermic incendiary was released at the moment of the explosion, and the liquid metal burned through the giant cockroach's carapace, killing the mighty giant cockroach on the spot.

The battle is proceeding step by step, this is not an evenly matched battle, but a massacre without any suspense!

When humans encounter giant cockroaches when they are unprepared, human beings can only wait to die, but once humans are ready to fight, giant cockroaches can only suffer on the spot.

While Ye Han and others attacked the cockroach group, similar plots were also being staged in other directions. Several groups of giant cockroach groups that escaped from Fuyun were all attacked by the human army that had already been in ambush.

The ultimate goal of this battle is to compete for the living space and the power to survive, so there is no right or wrong, only you live and die.

Half an hour later, the last giant cockroach was hit by seven shells at the same time, and died completely after struggling for a few seconds.

The military won a great victory, and the battle of the cockroaches in Fuyun City achieved a phased victory.

Although this battle wiped out a large number of giant cockroaches, there must still be some fish that slipped through the net in Fuyun City. With the cockroach's series of abilities, if all the remaining giant cockroaches are not wiped out, it will not take long for the cockroach group to recover, and the giant cockroach attack will surely repeat itself in the near future.

Even if this wave of giant cockroaches is completely eliminated, there is no guarantee that other cockroaches will not become giants. No matter how you look at it, the war between humans and cockroaches still has a long way to go.

At 22 o'clock in the night, the officers and soldiers who participated in the war finished their work. Except for some people who left to deal with the remaining fish that slipped through the net, all the others returned to the camp happily, fell on their beds and slept well until dawn.

Although the bed on the train is also a bed, how can the bed in the dormitory be comfortable?

Ye Han was very, very envious of his companion who returned to the camp, but he was one of the few officers in the camp, and he stayed without any suspense.

Even with him, the veteran and Hu Ya couldn't escape this disaster... Then again, the two of them are from the battalion headquarters, and the battalion headquarters was not included in the return to the camp, so they could only scream unfairly all the way and rushed to the camp. urban area.

According to Long Jianguo's order, Ye Han led the convoy to gallop all the way. It only took ten minutes to reach the Fuyun Central Park from the outer suburbs.

In the huge park, in addition to a few armored vehicles attached to the battalion headquarters, there are also two heavy-duty trucks that look very familiar. The anti-aircraft guns in the carriages point to the sky.

In the middle of the park, a flaming flame rose.

When Ye Han entered the Central Park, the other company commanders had already arrived one step earlier and were talking with Long Jianguo.

When Long Jianguo saw the armored vehicle No. 012, he waved at the armored vehicle.

The armored car stopped in front of Long Jianguo, and Ye Han jumped out of the car neatly: "battalion commander!"

"It's just you." Long Jianguo said, "Come here!"

Several people immediately came to Long Jianguo's side.

Long Jianguo said: "I won't say more nonsense, tonight's plan is very smooth, preliminary statistics, we have eliminated 80% of the cockroaches in Fuyun City, but now is not the time to relax, here I am There's a batch of cockroach lures, and you'll get a share of it later."

"Cockroach lure? Is it used to seduce cockroaches?" Lu Qingzhi asked curiously.

Long Jianguo nodded: "The plan is very simple. You guys will act separately, release the lure, and lure the remaining cockroaches out to me to kill Understand?"

"Understood!" The four of them said in unison.

"Okay, Ye Handong, the first company is Changxi, the second company is north, the third company is south, is there any problem?"

"Yes!" Xu Ruolin raised his hand.


"Are there any requirements for the release position?"

"No, you can find a place by yourself... an open place."

"I'm fine." Xu Ruolin said.

Long Jianguo's sharp eyes swept across other people's faces: "Is there any problem? If you don't, go back to sleep!"

A big truth made everyone laugh, and several people immediately divided up the lure, returned to their respective cars and dispersed.

Ye Han called out the electronic map of Fuyun and looked for a suitable place to release the lure. He found three parks, two green spaces and seven courtyards with a large area. Each of the more than a dozen places has its own advantages, but Ye Han came to Want to go, always feel that something is missing.

After thinking for a while, Ye Han finally made a decision: "Huya, let's go to the gas station!"

"Ah?" The old soldier exclaimed unexpectedly, "So many people were killed yesterday, can there still be cockroaches in that place?"

"I think it's ok." Ye Han said, "Yesterday those were all photophobic cockroaches, and they were all drawn out by lighting a fire. No lure was needed at all, so the only ones that needed lure were photophobic cockroaches!"

"Understood!" The veteran suddenly stunned.

Ye Han smiled and said: "Also, there are two main roads near the gas station, the area is large enough for convenient transportation, and we are familiar with the terrain, which is not only convenient for cockroaches to approach, but also convenient for us to Welcome to book friends. Come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users please go to read.

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