Armor Frenzy

Chapter 152: implementation of the plan

Although the ant colony may expand the population due to obtaining a large amount of food, once it enters a period of food scarcity, they will also conquer each other for food, reduce the population through internal friction, and achieve the purpose of population survival.

During this process, some giant ants must break away from the original population and open up new territories.

But what does that matter? It is not too easy to overthrow several groups of migrating giant ants with the skillful means accumulated by the military to kill countless giant ants.

Since controlling giant ants is not a problem, then the military has the ability and reason to shift its main energy to other directions, attacking giant insects that are still not good enough in various places, and severely suppressing the rise of insects.

Not only is there a lot of responsibilities, but there is a long way to go. Unless you find a way to fight the puffed germs and eliminate this weird microorganism once and for all, it will be possible to get everything back on track.

However, the destroyed ecological environment will take a long time to recover slowly - Ye Han heard from Bai Xiaoting that there were several mass extinctions in ancient times. Life began to recover, and after 30 million years, the surface ecology was completely restored.

Thirty million years? When humans appeared, it was only a fraction, and Ye Hanguang felt the urge to faint on the spot just thinking about it.

It is reported on the Internet that there have been several prehistoric civilizations in the history of the earth. Maybe one of them died in this global disaster. Only ghosts know whether the rampant giant insects are the starting point of another global extinction event.

Half a day later, the military will approve a revised version of the plan.

Although domestic agricultural aviation is not completely blank, it is not well-developed. Only a few areas can see the shadow of agricultural aircraft. It is unrealistic to deploy aircraft or work overtime to manufacture aircraft.

Therefore, on the one hand, the military dispatched military helicopters to solve the problem of drug spraying by hoisting spray devices, and temporarily coped with the current shortage of agricultural aircraft;

Several major airlines are strong, and they have a lot of technology in various fields. They can produce dozens of agricultural aircraft design drawings in minutes. If it is not for the time required to adjust the production line, the military does not need helicopters at all.

The Heishan forest area was originally a key area for the military to encircle and suppress giant ants. It was equipped with more than 40 helicopters, and dozens of sprinkler systems were all in place within two days, and began to carry out the task of extermination.

The Montenegro Mountains are huge, and the more than 40 planes invested by the military are nothing at all. They can only spray anesthetics in sections and sections.

Executing the plan requires a lot of ethyl acetate. This thing is not expensive, and it is much cheaper than aviation bombs. However, this thing is low-toxic and flammable. Fang even had to reduce the daily spray area.

However, the plan has always become the norm. Because of the insect control plan, the military withdraws most of the troops encircling and suppressing giant ants from the Montenegro Mountains, leaving only a small number of troops on the edge of the mountain to prevent the expansion of giant ants.

When the news came out, all the troops reacted violently and tried to garrison their superiors one after another. Long Jianguo was no exception. However, his request was ruthlessly rejected by his superiors. Fuyun.

In the evening, Long Jianguo climbed onto the roof of the car, lit a cigarette in the cool evening breeze, took a hard breath, and then exhaled it hard. The permeating smoke failed to take away his melancholy, but made him even more irritable.

There was a roar of engines in the distance, and a dozen armored vehicles lined up on the platform and parked neatly on one side of the platform.

Lu Qingzhi jumped out of the command car, saw Long Jianguo from a distance, and immediately ran over: "Batch commander..."

Long Jianguo waved his hand: "Okay, I'll talk about it later, I want to be quiet."

Lu Qingzhi understood Long Jianguo's depression, and left with a silent salute.

At this time, the team had been formed, and Lu Qingzhi briefly summed up a few words, reminding the soldiers not to leave the station, and then issuing an order to disband the team.

The soldiers cheered in unison. Several soldiers carried large insect nets to find Lu Qingzhi. After they got together and muttered a few words, Lu Qingzhi bit the bullet and found Long Jianguo: "battalion commander, there are a few soldiers in my place who want to go out. For a while, catch a few butterflies..."

"Catch butterflies? What kind of butterflies?" Long Jianguo threw away the cigarette butt, stepped on it, and smashed it hard.

Lu Qingzhi accompanied him with a smile: "battalion commander, don't we have no spoils in the war with insects? The soldiers want to get some butterflies to keep as a souvenir."

"Leave a memory?" Long Jianguo gave Lu Qingyi a suspicious look.

The mutant butterflies are only huge in size, and there are many with a wingspan of more than 50 centimeters. It is not uncommon for them to be larger. This thing is not uncommon in the mountains. It is hard to say whether it can be found outside the Montenegro Mountains.

Moreover, mutant butterflies are also on the list of the military's removal plan. Maybe they will become extinct creatures after a while. It is good to keep a few of them at home, whether they are collected or sold.

Lu Qingzhi smiled bitterly: "The battalion There's no danger here anyway, so let them go out, it's really not good, drive out."

"You, you, let me tell you what you want?" Long Jianguo glared at Lu Qingyi in dissatisfaction, "Go, pay attention to safety, I will ask you if something happens."

"Yes!" Lu Qingzhi agreed and waved at the soldiers, "Go away, bring your gun, come back early!"

The soldiers cheered in unison, laughed and ran away.

Not long after, they returned to the station in a row, three companies, one by one. After hearing about the events of the first company, many soldiers also changed their way to ask the company commander.

A veteran said it well, even if you can't catch a butterfly, you can catch a few crickets and grasshoppers and bring them home. You can't come out empty-handed, right?

The People's Liberation Army has a tradition of capturing everything and returning it to the public, but it doesn't mean that the soldiers who participated in the war can't get the spoils. It's just a matter of returning to the individual after the great handover. It's nothing more than a procedural problem.

One sheep was also chased, and two sheep were released. Long Jianguo simply gave each company an outgoing index according to the outgoing ratio, and let several company commanders decide who to let out.

It became a difficult problem for several company commanders who to let go, but the three company commanders quickly negotiated a compromise plan: "Each group of people will go out in turn for one hour. If you arrive, you will return to the team immediately, and those who have been caught will be turned in.

Several company commanders also applied for some anesthetics to Long Jianguo, and provided them to the soldiers who went out to catch insects. One was to speed up the capture, and the other was to prevent violent capture and destruction of the butterfly's wings... If the wings are damaged, the value of the butterfly will plummet. The warriors will definitely give up the residual butterfly and continue to catch it, which is not conducive to the rotation of the readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all users Please read.

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