Archean Eon Art

: Concluding remarks

"Cang Yuan Tu" is over. Read the comments from Tomato. Many readers said that this book is a bit shorter, and there are still many not written.

But I think that when Meng Chuan became the Primordial God Eight Tribulations, it was the most suitable time to end.

The source of inspiration for this book is that in reality, many people who contribute to society, such as scientists who have devoted themselves to science for decades, soldiers who have given their lives, and anti-narcotics police who fight criminals for life and death, are facing the sea of ​​fire. Firefighters, doctors rushing to the virus and danger...Because of these people, we can enjoy a peaceful life. And these heroes, many people don't know their names.

Tomato, what I want to write about most is the evocative heroes of Cangyuan Realm who fought against the monsters, the names of gods and demons, and the mundane names on countless files. They are the backbone of the human race!

After Meng Chuan became a catastrophe, what Tomato wanted most was to write about the eight catastrophes.

Because of the Eight Tribulations...These heroes can walk out of the long river of time and space, and Tomato feels that this book is sufficient.

As for the Eight Tribulations Realm?

A story that travels through endless time and space? The story of spiritual practice? It is more of Meng Chuan's hobby and enjoys life.

So far, "Cang Yuan Tu" ends. Tomato began writing novels in 2005, and it has been more than 15 years.

The longest is "Swallowing the Starry Sky", with more than 4.7 million characters, from "Swallowing the Starry Sky", "Reckless Desolation", "Panlong", "Star Change", "Nine Tripods", "Flying Sword Questioning the Road", "Snow Eagle Lord", " "Cun Mang" and "Legend of Star Peak" to the present "Cang Yuan Tu", there are a total of ten novels.

More than fifteen years, ten novels, over 28 million words.

There are ten novels. As the author, Tomato should be a little ambitious and write a novel that can completely represent himself.

Next, I will take a break and prepare carefully.

This time, the exact time to open the new book was not determined.

I will prepare well, and I will open a new book from the day when I am extremely prepared and believe that the new book can surpass all my novels.

If you are not fully prepared, prepare slowly, not in a hurry.

after all…

After writing for so many years, it should be a bit pursued.

I hope I will give you some surprises when I open a new book.

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