Archean Eon Art

Vol 17 Chapter 14: Robbery, exorcist

Cang Yuanjie.

With heavy snowfall, Meng Chuan and his wife Liu Qiyue watched the stories in the history of Cangyuan Realm together.

"Huh?" Meng Chuan suddenly felt.

In the dark, the catastrophe was about to come, and the vast power shocked Meng Chuan.

"July." Meng Chuan said.

Liu Qiyue looked at her husband, saw his expression, and immediately realized it, and asked, "Is it going to cross the catastrophe?"

"Yeah." Meng Chuan nodded, "I'm going to cross the robbery, so I don't have to tell my parents about them."

The family knew that Meng Chuan had to overcome the calamity when he became the primordial **** of the Eight Tribulations, but Meng Chuan did not say the exact time to cross the calamity.

"Good." Liu Qiyue solemnly replied.

Meng Chuan got up, and Liu Qiyue also got up and hugged her husband immediately.

"I'll wait for you." Liu Qiyue said softly.

"it is good."

Meng Chuan let go of his wife with a smile, turned his head and walked towards the quiet room.

Liu Qiyue watched silently, then sat down again, watching the heavy snow that was drifting like feathers.

"The Eighth-Dimensional God's Tribulation." Liu Qiyue knew very well that this might be the most terrifying calamity that her husband had encountered.

"Achuan, you will succeed, I know." Liu Qiyue silently looked forward to it.

In the quiet room.

Meng Chuan dispersed all the primordial avatars, only the real body was sitting here, sitting cross-legged.

"Come." Meng Chuan sensed.

In the dark, the tribulation came, that invisible and terrifying force bombarded Meng Chuan Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen trembled instantly, unable to resist it.

Meng Chuan only felt that his consciousness was booming, and he lost his perception of himself.

The vague consciousness, only felt engulfed by this terrifying force, followed abruptly tossed it!

Then he traveled through endless time and space to an extremely distant place, which was farther away than Qianyuan Mountain.

That is another world...


"Brother, don't die! Don't die, blame me, blame me..."

"Brother, I will definitely take you back to the Exorcism Division!"

"Brother, we are back, the Exorcist is here!"

"Whether Fang Qi can wake up is up to his fate. His injuries are too serious and he has lost too much blood..."

Meng Chuan's consciousness faintly heard some sounds, although he didn't understand the language, he instinctively understood it.

It's just that the ‘carrier’ of consciousness is extremely weak, which makes his consciousness trance, and occasionally hears words from the outside world.

Gradually, the ‘carrier’ of consciousness gradually stabilized, and Meng Chuan’s consciousness also began to stabilize.

Finally one day.


The memory of a life was completely received by Meng Chuan's consciousness.

"The'Exorcist' of the Exorcist Division of the Dayu Dynasty? The world is already in chaos, and many warlords have joined together? The most terrifying existence in the entire world... the devil?" Meng Chuan fully understood.

This is the mundane world.

The Dayu Dynasty is the largest dynasty in the entire world. It unified the world. After only 1300 years of rule, it was completely decayed. With the rise of firearms, many warlords used firearms to assemble their troops, and the Dayu Dynasty was already shaky. Although people of insight at the top of the imperial court knew that firearms had to be used, it was difficult to execute orders after layers of orders reached the lower level. Full of private pockets, bloated army, and entrenched forces, made the imperial army rotten, and it was no match for the new army of those warlords.

Fang Qi is the original owner of Meng Chuan's flesh.

He was the son of a local rich man "Fang Dalong", he entered the exorcism school when he was young, and is now a silver medal exorcist from a court exorcist division, and he is also a seventh-rank official.

Exorcist, even if the imperial court is no longer decayed, it is very important.

Because demons... are the most terrifying existence in the entire world, the army can't deal with demons. Therefore, in any period of the dynasty, any force paid great attention to exorcists. Only exorcists can deal with demons!


Meng Chuan woke up, opened his eyes, and saw the bright sunshine coming in from the window.

"It's a weak body." Meng Chuan perceives the body. This body feels hard to breathe. "In my memory, the body is still very strong. It should have been lying in bed for too long."

Meng Chuan reluctantly sat up.

I glanced at my right arm, the right arm was empty, only the sleeves were floating.

"Broken right arm?" Meng Chuan is not surprised. The last exorcism in his memory. In order to save the exorcist junior Li Feng, he lost an arm. At the time, he fleeed in panic with the junior, and then completely lost. Consciousness. The original owner of the flesh body should have died at that time, and he himself occupied this flesh body.

This house is also very familiar. It is where Fang Qi usually lives. As an exorcist, the residence arranged by the court is quite good.

Meng Chuan saw a huge mirror at a glance. The mirror clearly reflected the outside world. This huge mirror alone was worth a hundred taels of silver, which was definitely a luxury item.

Meng Chuan walked over and looked at himself in the mirror.

A pale youth with a broken arm.

"Fang Qi, nineteen years old, silver medal exorcist." Meng Chuan whispered softly, "Break off one arm, 90% of his strength has been abolished."

Exorcist, need seal.

There is a big difference between two-handed knot printing and one-handed knot printing. One-handed knot printing may only play 10% of the strength.

"Are all exorcists in this world mundane?" Meng Chuan had a headache. As a silver medal exorcist from the court's exorcist division, he naturally knew a lot of secret information.

Exorcists are also commonplace. Even if there is no disease and no disaster, their life span is the same as that of a normal person. If a normal person can live to a hundred years old, he will be auspicious in the world. If he can live to the age of fifty or sixty, he should be very content.

Meng Chuan picked up a long stick in the house, supported it with one hand, slowly walked out of the house and out of the small courtyard.

This small courtyard is also part of the Exorcism Division.

"Fang Qi, you are awake."

"Fang Yinzhang!"

On the road ahead, two officials from the Exorcism Division walked side by side, seeing Meng Chuan beaming with joy.

Meng Chuan nodded slightly.

"Fang Qi woke up."

"Fang Qi has been in a coma for more than half a month, but he has come back to life." The entire Exorcist Division knew that Fang Qi had regained consciousness this day.

"Fang Qi." An old man with white eyebrows in official uniform said, "It's a happy event that you can wake up. Now you have broken your arm, and your strength has fallen too much. You are not suitable for continuing to be an exorcist. You have two One choice, one, when you return to your hometown, you will still be a seventh-grade official and will arrange a leisurely errand for you."

The Exorcism Division has branches throughout the dynasty, and it is not difficult to arrange an errand for the elderly in the hometown branch.

Many exorcists died during the exorcism, and some survived but became disabled. The Exorcist Division has always ensured that every exorcist...even if he is disabled, he can survive the rest of his life. After all, even the most powerful exorcist may become a useless person because of dealing with powerful demons. To protect these useless people is to protect the future self.

"The second choice is the exorcism house." The white-browed old man said, "in the exorcism house, act as an instructor and teach the young guys there."

"I choose the second one." Meng Chuan said.

The old man with white eyebrows nodded slightly: "As your silver medal exorcist, you can directly act as an orthodox enactment when you enter the exorcist house. It is from the sixth rank, but you have also increased by half. By the way, the magic weapon of the exorcist division, remember Handover."

"Yes." Meng Chuan nodded. In addition to the magical items purchased privately, the magical items given to him by the Exorcist Department still have to be returned.


"Fang Qi," the broken-arm exorcist, served as an instructor in the Beijing Exorcist Academy, and it was also spread among the exorcist circles.

The capital of the Dayu Dynasty, exorcism house.

"Brother, you can find a fat and lack, and enjoy your blessing, and even find a few concubine rooms to inherit your family from generations. You have to stay in the capital, which is a land of right and wrong." Li Feng is a very thin teenager. At the age of seven, he is quite talented. He has just been promoted to a silver medal exorcist this year. He and Fang Qi were good brothers who slept in the same room when they were in the exorcist house. Compared with Fang Qi, his experience and strength are still somewhat lacking. Fang Qi was disabled because of a mistake in dealing with the devil the previous time.

"I don't want to go back temporarily." Meng Chuan smiled.

"Don't want to go back?" Li Feng said, "I heard that your father has found the sixth room. You don't want to see him?" He also knows his brother's situation.

"Don't ask so much, you go back and practice well, you have to be more proficient in the method of Jie Yin, last time I was able to save you, next time I can't save you." Meng Chuan said.

"Yeah." Li Feng nodded, watching the senior man's complexion, he was relieved, and then walked away on the snow.

Meng Chuan watched Li Feng leave, and walked towards the Jingshu Building of the Exorcist Academy.

"I came to the Exorcist Academy for this Jingshulou." Meng Chuan secretly said that the books in the Jingshulou and the students of the Exorcist Academy can borrow and read at will. As a teaching instruction, they can naturally read it at will.

When he was a student, Fang Qi only learned a few key books, and read some of them by analogy.

Now that Meng Chuan is here, he is more greedy to read. The Jingshu Building of the Beijing Exorcist Academy of the Dayu Dynasty ranks among the top three in the world, with more than 100,000 exorcism books. Although the students are allowed to borrow, the birth of a powerful exorcist... is still very difficult.

There are more than 100,000 exorcism books, most of which can be thrown aside with one scan, but there are still over a thousand books worth reading carefully. Meng Chuan is now mundane and slow to read.

"Devils are divided into three levels, trickery, great demon, and source demon."

"Exorcists are divided into ordinary exorcists, exorcists, and exorcists."

"Ordinary exorcists use magic weapons, and they need three or five combined forces to deal with a demon. Fang Qi...before...belongs to an ordinary exorcist. When he was dealing with a demon, he lost his arm because of the salvation of the younger brother. "

Fang Qi is already a real exorcist.

You must also be careful, and you must not relax with your companions. A single mistake can kill a companion.

"The exorcist uses magical tools to deal with a demon alone. It is already very rare. It is at least the fifth rank in the Imperial Exorcist Division. However, a group of exorcists can work together...only then is it possible to deal with a big demon!"

"The Exorcist Heavenly Master represents the highest realm of the exorcist. The Imperial Exorcist Division has only one Exorcist Heavenly Master. In the entire world...the Exorcist Heavenly Masters are very few in number, and the Exorcist Heavenly Masters cooperate with magical instruments and other foreign objects. You can deal with a big monster one-on-one."

"As for Origin Demon?"

"The nine source demons in the world are all sealed, and they have lived for at least thousands of years. Every source demon in history breaks the seal, it will shake the world, and all the creatures will be charred, and all exorcism forces in the world will join forces to ban them. Exorcism. No matter how many people there are, they have never killed a source demon, and the source demon is immortal." Meng Chuan frowned secretly.

In this world, exorcists use the spirit to communicate with external objects such as the seal, talisman, and magical instruments, leveraging the power of heaven and earth to deal with demons. Oneself is still mundane.

"I'm crossing the robbery this time..."

"That power in the dark, throwing my consciousness here, only dropped a message."

"Become the strongest in this world!"

Meng Chuan looked at the book in front of him, "But I can be sure that this world can't absorb the power of the outside world at all."

Meng Chuan's spiritual will is at the level of the Eight Tribulations Realm of the Primordial God, how powerful is it?

But now his mind and will rely on this body, which carries the soul! The soul is too powerful, it will crush the body. Meng Chuan could feel that his soul was very weak. Although the will of his soul changed its essence, it was unable to absorb a trace of external power at all.

The power of heaven and earth, the power of the stars, the power of the moon, the power of the sun...

All power is imprisoned.

Obviously, the soul of this flesh body is extremely hungry and thirsty, but it grows rapidly because it does not have enough energy supply. There is no way to ask for it, the only way to absorb energy... is to eat!

Eat, the little nourishment you have taken, to supply the body and the soul. And this world is just mundane food, and you can’t get beyond the mundane if you eat these.

"Just relying on eating, even my mind and will control the soul, can not absorb external forces, it should be a rule-level prohibition." Meng Chuan understands this.

"Common, become the strongest in this world?" Meng Chuan thought, and continued reading.

Meng Chuan teaches in the Exorcism Institute and spends his free time reading and exercising.

Ordinary, natural body can be exercised.

Meng Chuan knew too many ways to exercise the body with qi and blood. As he tried, he gradually figured out a set of ‘common aerobics’, which is the most suitable exercise method based on his broken-arm body. He also buys a lot of meat, eats a lot of meat every day, enough meat... not only makes the body fast and strong, but the soul can also absorb nutrients and grow.

It takes half an hour to eat meat every day. It takes four hours to exercise the'common aerobics' every day. On average, half an hour of one class a day is enough for teaching... Besides being exhausted from daily exercise, I have to hurry up to read books.

As a mundane, he has limited time, even if he tries his best, it is difficult for him to survive the catastrophe. Slack? I'm afraid it will definitely fail.

Except for sleeping, he didn't waste any time.

Just this kind of character, persistence... In the ordinary, there is very little that can be done.

In two years, the physical body has been exercised to the limit of the mundane.

"Oh, the mundane body, the soul limit it can carry, is too weak." Meng Chuan picked up a hundred catties of stone lock in his left hand and threw it at will, throwing it five or six meters high, and then reached out to catch it.

It seems pretty good.

But a random demon, pure power is more than ten times stronger than himself. Not to mention the great demon that can destroy the city.

"Such a physical body is the limit of the mundane in this world?" Meng Chuan sighed secretly, the mundane has a limit. Strength, speed, everything has its limits, which are insurmountable. I estimate that I have three thousand catties of strength, which is the limit of ordinary strength, of course, I have to consider the cause of the broken arm.

"After the physical body reaches the limit, the soul that can be carried will also reach the limit. There is no way to become stronger. This is the basis on which I can rely." Meng Chuan knew this.

"The exorcist communicates with the spirit seals, talisman, magical instruments and other objects... The spirit is derived from the soul, and my soul limit is so high." Meng Chuan thought, "And the ordinary flesh, starting at the age of thirty, It’s just slipped from the peak, and I’m old at the age of fifty, and it’s not bad to be alive at the age of eighty or ninety."

"So I'd better be thirty years old, and I'll be successful. The more I drag it back, the older my body and the weaker my soul... The more difficult it will be to become the strongest in the world."

Meng Chuan also understands.

The strongest in the world is naturally not compared with human beings, but compared with all the creatures in this world.


Meng Chuan's third year of teaching.

"The rebels have entered the capital!" There was a chaos in the capital, the war was burning throughout the city, the palace was in chaos, and the royal family fled early.

A young man with a broken arm in a cloth-clothes came out of the palace with a suitcase on his back. A rioter came across him, but he didn't seem to see him.

Meng Chuan's soul is the carrying limit of this mundane physical body. Although he has not yet become the original spirit, Meng Chuan can also perform some simple illusions. At least psychedelic people can still do it. Of course, when the will is strong enough, the illusion cast by his current soul may be seen through. Or in front of a large number of people... he can't psychedelic too many people at the same time.

"These three books of exorcism, the royal family actually ignored them, just escaped with gold and silver jewelry." Meng Chuan sighed secretly.

He had been eyeing these three exorcism books long ago, and they were all classics handed over by the three exorcism forces that forced the three exorcism forces when the Dayu Dynasty was at its most prosperous.

The palace has a deposit, and the headquarters of the Exorcism Division also has a deposit.

Meng Chuan didn't go to the Exorcist Division, because in his opinion, the palace at this moment was easier to succeed.

"The capital was broken, and the Dayu Dynasty was completely over." Meng Chuan also left the capital on this day and embarked on the road home.


The largest city in the south, Binhai City.

"Fang Qi, his father, sold all the fields and moved to this big city?" The one-armed Meng Chuan walked in Binhai City with his bags on his back. Binhai City is close to the sea and the trade is prosperous. It is clear that there is chaos today, but Binhai City has Controlled by several forces, they have maintained a rare peace, and the wealthy businessmen from all sides have fled here with their families. Under the chaos of war, Binhai City has become the most prosperous city in the entire world.

Meng Chuan was teaching in the Exorcism Institute, and he received a letter from Fang Qi’s father, "Fang Dalong", stating that he had moved to Binhai City and gave him the address.

"That's it."

Meng Chuan finally found the address.

"What, just gave you a bag of silver last night, you are gone?" There was a roar from the house, and the roar was very familiar to Meng Chuan, the voice in his memory, his physical father-Fang Dalong!

Meng Chuan stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and an honest old man looked out and said, "Who is it."

Upon seeing this, the honest old man immediately showed his joy: "Master!"

"Master, the eldest master is back, the eldest master is back." The honest old man repeatedly shouted.

"Uncle San Mao." Meng Chuan smiled.

One of the two big dog legs around Fang Dalong is'Wang Sanmao'. Uncle Sanmao is strong, courageous, and loyal. When Fang Dalong was young, Wang Sanmao followed him, and even the women in the family... The brothers snatched it from their relatives. In the last years of the dynasty, the power of the government did not go to the countryside, and the chaos in the countryside relied on fists to speak up, and snatching relatives became a custom.

Being able to grab and occupy, means that the strength is strong enough, and it will be considered a good marriage.

"Qi'er is back?" The loud voice shook the whole house, and a big man with two muskets stuck in his waist ran out, with a big Chinese character face, full of hair, eyes like tigers, and a reckless anger.

Fang Dalong, relying on his guns and hands, became the rich man of a party, and even sent his son to the exorcism courtyard in the capital.

Meng Chuan looked at this big man, Fang Dalong was forty-one this year, and he was not too old.

Fang Dalong saw the plainly dressed young man standing in front of him. When he left, he was still a young man with red lips and white teeth, but now he had a broken arm.

"Qi'er." Fang Dalong hugged his son, teardrops rolling down one by one, "It's all Daddy's fault, Daddy's fault, you shouldn't be allowed to go to the Exorcism Institute."

"It's the child's recklessness." Meng Chuan said.

He remembered that when Fang Dalong sent his son to the exorcism house, he repeatedly told: "Qi'er, go to the exorcism house, learn the skills of exorcism, and come back when you finish. Don't really go to the exorcism house."

But Fang Qi, who was young and energetic, apparently regardless of his father's instructions in the capital, joined the Exorcist Division with high spirits.

When the father and son hugged each other, all the women and children came to the front yard.

"This is the young master?"

"How can I be disabled?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the young master is a court official."

"The court is gone, what officials. Now that the army is in turmoil, the family is already nervous with money, and there is another young master." The women muttered, some of which looked even worse. When Fang Qi went to the capital, there was also a reason why he did not want to deal with these aunts.

Fang Dalong hugged his son tightly for a long time before putting it down, while Meng Chuan looked at the women and even some children in the yard.

Fang Dalong was a little embarrassed when he saw this, and said with a smile: "You know your second aunt and others. There are a few you don't know. I will introduce you. This is your sixth aunt, this is your eighth aunt, and this is your eleventh. Auntie..."

"How many did you marry?" Meng Chuan asked.

"You are in the capital, I don't want to bother you, so I didn't say it." Fang Dalong smiled honestly, "When I was in the country, I married Lao Qi, and then moved to the city... Nowadays, your father is in chaos. I married another six rooms in the city. But your twelve aunts just married me for half a month and voted for someone else! She is really blind, and she regrets it!"

Meng Chuan did not speak.

Seeing the appearance of the eldest son, Fang Dalong said with a smile: "Apart from the disappointments, Qi'er, your coming back is the biggest happy event. Will you come back this time?"

"I won't leave for now," Meng Chuan said.

Fang Dalong breathed a sigh of relief.

Those aunts have a lot of faces but they are a bit ugly.

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