Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other

Chapter 868: Fried Ma Huale (Everyone can try it)

  Chapter 868 Fried twist (everyone can try it)

  Even if he has an idea, just to be on the safe side, Joey still needs to consult Yue Xie for advice.

   "You can try, but this is not the way."

   Seeing the two pale in pain, Yue Xi was also anxious.

   This anxiety made me feel uncomfortable in my stomach.

   This pregnant person has a lot of things to do.

  Qing Dai and the others have been listening, and Yuexi said that the method Qiaoyi said is feasible, so they immediately went to prepare.

   "Sit down and rest quickly. Don't worry."

  Qiao Yi saw Yue Xi frowned slightly, and his body was slightly arched, so he hurried over to help Yue Xi sit down.

"Wife master, they are about to give birth, so don't take them running around or eating anything. Although it is not fatal and will not cause any danger at the moment, it will consume quite a lot of energy. After giving birth, where do they have the strength to give birth?"

  After sitting down, Yue Xi felt a little more comfortable, and then looked at Joey.

   "I didn't think so much, I just wanted to take them out for a walk."

  Joy looked like a child who made a mistake, with his head down and a wry smile.

  She didn't expect this to happen.

   After eating pancakes, she felt uncomfortable in her stomach. She really didn't expect it.

"I know you are kind, but can you think about them first? It's not long before the birth, and now they are quite fragile. And it's the most taboo to be scared at this time. It's okay at home. Everyone is careful. Outside you can Guarantee that they won't be scared? It's a blessing that they haven't been scared outside."

  Yue Xi wondered, why did the wife-lord become more and more like a child?

  Now I do things without considering the consequences at all.

  He used to be a very careful person.

  Yue Xi is very tired now, why has the wife changed so much?

   Has he changed or the wife has changed?

   "Don't worry, I won't take them anywhere until after giving birth this time. You calm down first, I know I made a mistake, and I promise not to do it again next time."

  At this moment, Joey almost raised three fingers to swear to the sky.

   "Hmm. I'm trusting you for now."

  So what if you don’t believe it? Now Yue Xi has nothing to do with Joey.

  In the eyes of the eldest brother, it is good to have a wife, so I never say anything about the wife.

  In the eyes of the second brother, the head of the wife is heaven, and she is right no matter what.

  Others depend on the elder brother and the second elder brother for everything, so they don't say anything about the wife.

  He didn't want to talk about the wife, but you really don't have a long memory if you don't mention her.


  Joy nodded, this time she really has a long memory.

  After Qing Dai and the others fetched the things, Qiao Yi was busy for a while, and the stomach pains of the two finally stopped, but there was still a dull pain.

   "Drink more hot water, everything should be fine in a while."

   After kneading for two sticks of incense, Qiao Yi finally spoke.

  Fortunately, they didn't eat much, otherwise the stomach pain would probably not be relieved for a while.


   At this time, the two of them were already feeling sleepy, and they just answered in a daze when they heard what Qiao Yi said.

   "I will also take a break, so you can do whatever you want."

  Yue Xi said something, then took off his shoes and got on the kang, brought a big pillow, pressed it under his stomach, and then lay down.

  Joe went out of the house and went directly to the kitchen.

  I took some very finely ground top-grade yellow noodles and white noodles, mixed them with warm water mixed with malt syrup, then put some milk, twisted them into a batter with chopsticks, and then put it in a warm place to leaven.

   After finishing these, Joey took a new big basin and started cracking eggs.

  Joy is going to fry twists today, and then make pancakes tomorrow after the dough is ready.

Fried twist is actually very simple, prepare eggs, white sugar, if there is no white sugar, use maltose or brown sugar instead, yeast, milk, warm water, there is no yeast in this world, so Qiao Yi uses old noodles (old noodles are things like the yeast that made dough in ancient times) ) instead, an appropriate amount of cooked oil.

  First take a basin and crack some eggs. The number of eggs depends on how many twists you want to fry.

  Joy planned to fry more eggs once, so he cracked fifty eggs.

   Then use chopsticks to stir the eggs evenly.

  Under normal circumstances, five eggs and half a catty to a catty of noodles, these fifty eggs, Qiao Yi plans to put ten catties of noodles.

  Use a small amount of warm water to dissolve the old noodles, then pour them into the basin, then pour a small amount of warm water mixed with malt syrup into the basin, and finally pour all the eggs into the basin.

   Now the inside of the basin is like a hodgepodge, the noodles need to be kneaded into flocs, and then kneaded into a smooth dough.

  Because there are a lot of things mixed, it needs to be kneaded for a while.

   As much water is lacking during the kneading period, replace it with as much milk, and put it into the basin in turn.

  After the dough is kneaded, rub a layer of cooked oil on the entire dough, and then you can cover it and let it rest.

  The fermentation environment for old noodles is around 40 degrees, so Qiao Yi directly boiled hot water in order to ferment quickly. When the temperature was almost the same, he even put the basin on the warm water in the pot. After that, watch the water temperature, don't cook the noodles.

  Wake up is the most critical step, but it is also the easiest step.

   At a suitable temperature, it is almost enough to wake up for an hour.

  During this period, Joey made some crushed sesame and peanuts, and prepared to put them in the twists to make stuffed twists.

   Peanuts and sesame seeds are fried, then crushed, and some white sugar is added. There is no white sugar in this one, so brown sugar can only be used instead.

  After the noodles wake up, brush a layer of oil on the panel, and then start cutting the woken noodles into equal-sized, egg-sized pieces, and rub them into strips.

   After rubbing the strips, twist them into a twist and put them aside and wait for a while to fry.

  If you want to put stuffing inside, roll the strips of noodles into dough pieces, put sesame seeds and peanuts in the middle, then wrap the stuffing, and then twist it into a twist shape.

  One-third of the twists are ordinary twists, and two-thirds of the twists have fillings. After they are all ready, the servants in the kitchen here have already turned the fire on, and the oil temperature has also come up.

  The temperature of the fried doughnuts should not be too high, otherwise the doughnuts will be mushy before they are cooked, and the fried doughnuts will not look good.

  The oil temperature only needs to be about 70% hot.

   After a while, the twists in the four big pots came out of the pot.

   Qiaoyi generously gave one to each of the people in the kitchen, and then ordered them to deliver the twist to the dining table.

   It won’t take long for dinner, and the twist is delicious when it’s hot, so we just eat it together.

   After giving the order, he went straight to the room and called everyone to eat twist.

   "My wife, I'm so sleepy, let me sleep for a while."

  Mu Chen pulled off the quilt, covered his head and continued to sleep.

  As for Baili Mingxi and Yue Xi, they had already woken up after hearing the sound.

  Maybe it's because she fell asleep a bit, and because she lay down for a long time, Yue Xi woke up twice and didn't get up.

  Seeing this, Qiao Yi hurried over to help Yue Xi up.

   It has been an hour and a half since Joey went to the kitchen to make food, which means he has slept for three hours.

   Sleep time is not short, if you continue to sleep like this, you will not be able to fall asleep at night.

   "Mu Chen, get up quickly, I fried twisted doughnuts, and this time I put stuffing inside, it's even more delicious than the fried doughnuts before."

  Seeing that Mu Chen couldn't get up, Qiaoyi helped Yue Xi and Baili Mingxi up, then came to Mu Chen's ear and said in a seductive voice.

  (end of this chapter)

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