Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 566 Surrender

"The area blocks the beam launch. Don't let the Dark Angel-class rescue ship escape. The fleet commander issued an order to capture them alive!"

On a frigate belonging to the Lankong Guard Task Force, the captain on the ship looked at the Dark Angel-class rescue ship ahead that had entered attack range, and immediately issued an attack order.

Following the captain's order, the frigate's left and right sides blocked the arc-shaped launch slot of the beam launcher and directly fired two light blue beams.

These two light blue beams hit the tail of the Dark Angel-class rescue ship without any bias.

However, the Dark Angel-class rescue ship controlled by Sirens was not a vegetarian. The moment the rescue ship's engine was hit by the area blocking beam, a red light lit up at the rear of the battleship.

"Hmph, when I was avoiding the interstellar checkpoint, those guys used this trick, and now they actually want to use it against me."

Sirens, who was sitting in the command seat of the Dark Angel-class rescue ship, discovered from the short-range radar that the incoming area was blocking the beam. When the blocking beam hit the battleship engine and forced the battleship engine to shut down, he directly controlled the engine. , allowing the engine to be forced to overload.

When the engine is forced to overload, the energy fluctuations erupted can neutralize the area blocking beam.

"Damn, it seems that the guy operating the battleship is a veteran. He can actually force the battleship engine to overload and interfere with the regional blocking beam at the moment it hits the battleship's engine."

The captain of the frigate had a serious expression on his face after seeing that the attack from the ship was completely in vain. He could only watch as the Dark Angel-class rescue ship, after overloading its engine, broke away from their ship. Attack area.

But even the battleship is out of the attack range of the frigate.

The captain on the frigate was not worried at all that the Dark Angel-class rescue ship could escape through this.

Now the entire area has been blocked by the Lan Kong Guard's task force.

No matter which direction the Dark Angel-class rescue ship flees, it will encounter a large number of frigates to block it.

At the outermost edge of this star field, a fleet composed of large ships such as cruisers and battleships has begun to slowly shrink the encirclement, preparing to lock the Dark Angel-class rescue ship in this area.

"Captain! The probability of us encountering an Arashi Guards ship is too high now. The opponent has completed the siege of us. It is expected that in another hour, we will be blocked from all routes and have nowhere to escape."

At this moment, Anka on the Dark Angel-class rescue ship felt from the frequency of their encounters with the Lankong Guards that there was not much time left for them.

"I also know that in another hour, all our ways will be blocked!"

Sirens, who was sitting in the command seat, already knew their final outcome.

The high-spiritedness with which he had just massacred the Western Security Zone was completely gone.

I saw that the veins on his body had completely popped out, and his face was pale white.

If there were only ten Arashi Guard ships pursuing Serens at this moment, then he could rely on his skillful skills to find a gap in the encirclement and successfully escape to heaven.

But in the current reality, there are hundreds of warships of various types, forming a huge and layered encirclement, tightly trapping the Dark Angel-class rescue ship.

Sirens, who is still running around, is like a moth trapped in a spider web. Although he is struggling with all his strength, the final outcome is already determined.

The cat-and-mouse battle between Sirens and Balot continued for another half hour.

After Sirens discovered that their ship would encounter six frigates, two cruisers, and one battleship at the same time, he knew that his end had come.

Sitting in the command seat of the Dark Angel-class rescue ship, he slumped down and put down the palms that were constantly moving flexibly to operate the ship, and said in a heavy tone to Anka sitting in front:

"Turn on the full-band radio and I will personally issue a declaration of surrender."

Anka saw the light gradually losing in Sirens' eyes, and sighed slightly in his heart.

After Sirens surrendered to the Lan Kong Guards, even if the Lan Kong Guards followed the procedures, they seized the Dark Angel-class rescue ship and imprisoned Sirens on charges of illegal trespassing.

So regardless of whether Sirens can return to the Deep Black Civilization, his journey as captain has come to an end.

No clan would allow a captain who abandoned his ship to continue serving as captain of the ship after returning to the clan.

He will have all his tattoos removed and become the lowest member of the clan again.

"Captain! The Dark Angel-class rescue ship has turned on the full-frequency broadcast!"

Balotza, who was sitting on the flagship of the task force, after hearing the report from the fleet intelligence officer, his expression did not change at all and he said directly:

"Put in the full-frequency broadcast. I want to hear what the captain of the rescue ship wants to say."

A burst of interstellar common language with a strange tone sounded inside the battleship.

"I am Sirens, captain of the Deep Black Civilization and the Dark Angel-class rescue ship of the Fengya Clan. Members of the Lan Kong Guards. I am very sorry for accidentally entering the galaxy controlled by the Lan Kong Civilization. I hereby express my sincere The identity of the captain of the Dark Angel-class rescue ship is announced, and our ship officially declares its surrender. I hope you can treat us like interstellar prisoners of war."

After Balot heard the other party's announcement of surrender from the all-channel broadcast, his face finally showed a hint of joy, and he immediately ordered the fleet intelligence officer to turn on the full-frequency broadcast.

"I am Fleet Commander Balot of the Arashi Kong Fleet. Since you agree to surrender, immediately turn off the ship's engine, turn off the ship's radar, take the safety cabin, and leave the ship!"

The operation proposed by Balot is the consistent practice after the victory of Lan Kong Civilization.

Because the members of the Lankong Civilization are too large, they are generally unable to board the ships of other interstellar civilizations for arrest.

Once this happens, they can only let members of other interstellar civilizations take the initiative to get out of the ship.

Sirens in the Dark Angel-class battleship naturally heard Balot's order. After he sighed slightly, he asked Anka to switch the full-frequency broadcast to the ship's broadcast.

"I am Captain Sirens. Now our ship has officially surrendered to the Lan Kong Civilization. Now all crew members should put down all the work at hand, enter the safety cabin, leave the ship, and wait for the capture and containment of the Lan Kong Civilization ship."

After Sirens' voice sounded throughout the rescue ship, the crew members inside the rescue ship sighed.

Then they put down what they were doing and lined up towards the safety cabin of the rescue ship located in the middle of the ship.

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