Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 528 Invasion of Robots

"Is it the combat readiness duty room in the Fucheng safety zone? I am stationed at the observation point in Jin County. Just now, a large group of silver-white robots flew over our heads at high speed."

"At the same time, a large number of zombies and mutated beasts broke into Jiangyou Province from the ground. Judging from the direction they were heading, they should have gone directly to Fucheng."

After the Tianqi organization occupied the entire Jiangyou Province, it immediately deployed a complete defense system.

Members of the Apocalypse Organization are stationed at various key points leading to Jiangyou Province. Once a foreign enemy invades the Jiangyou Province controlled by the Apocalypse Organization, the combat readiness duty room located in the Fucheng Safety Zone will immediately know the news of the invasion.

When the combat readiness duty room learned that a large number of robots were heading straight for the Fucheng safety zone, the air raid siren that originally sounded in the Fucheng safety zone stopped, and then a passionate battle march sounded throughout the Fucheng safety zone.

This was an alternative plan that Han Feng had discussed long ago. If the silver-white robot really came towards the safety zone of Fucheng, then the constant sound of air raid sirens would turn into a battle march.

"The robots sent by the Hell's Angel-class battleship are indeed heading towards the Fucheng safety zone."

Han Feng, who was sitting in the Unimog RV, had a solemn look on his face after hearing the passionate battle march.

But behind his solemn look, there was also a hint of relief.

If it is impossible to determine which safe zone the robot crowd is heading towards, then the entire military force of the Apocalypse organization can only maintain combat readiness until reports of attacks in other safe zones are received.

But now that it has been confirmed that the robot crowd is coming towards the Fucheng safety zone, there is nothing more to say, except for fighting.

As for the ordinary soldiers, they were all stunned when they heard the air defense siren suddenly turned into a battle march.

But those officers at the grassroots level know that as long as the battle march is played, it means that the destination of the robot crowd is the Fucheng safety zone.

"Before the battle, check the weapons and ammunition in your hands one last time to see if they are loaded, whether the tank's first cannonball is ready to be fired at any time, and whether the 'Annihilator' light energy cannon has been fully charged and can be fired at any time."

The grassroots officers took advantage of the last moment to make final battle confirmations to the troops, and the air in the entire Fucheng safety zone seemed to solidify.

Only the heavy breathing of the soldiers echoed throughout the Fucheng safety zone.

After the Apocalypse organization completed all the preparations to deal with the incoming robot wave and the zombie wave swarmed by the robots.

The outermost area of ​​Fucheng's safety zone began to shake slightly, and a shrill whistle sounded in the sky.

The robot crowd, as well as the zombies and beasts swarmed by the robot crowd, have reached the outskirts of Fucheng.


Han Feng looked at the sky in the distance. A large group of silver-white robots, which reflected countless halos under the sunlight, had appeared in the sky above the suburbs of Fucheng.

And underneath those mechanical crowds, there was billowing smoke and dust.

In the smoke and dust, inside the slightly billowing smoke, two ferocious-looking bodies are occasionally exposed. The creatures in the smoke and dust are obviously zombies and mutant beasts wrapped in robots.

"Heavy artillery unit, fire rapidly in the direction of the smoke, three rounds!"

"At the same time, the anti-aircraft missile troops turned on their radars and all locked onto the silver-white robot for me."

"The 'Annihilator' light energy cannon is ready to hit the silver-white robot hit by the anti-aircraft missile!"

Fortunately, the Apocalypse organization sent a large number of evolvers to Yaodu to support the ruins underground in Yaodu, and participated in the annihilation of the robots inside the Hells Angel-class battleship.

Some ordinary soldiers also participated in the operation to eliminate the robots in Jiangyou Province, so now most of the soldiers in the Fucheng safety zone have been exposed to robots.

The entire Fucheng safety zone can make the right decision at the first time.

"Boom-er-!" "Boom-er--!"

When the shells fired by the heavy artillery passed through the sky over the Fucheng safety zone with a sharp whistling sound, the battle officially broke out.


With the explosion of the cannonball, the orange-red fire that rose up, and the zombies that were blown away by the cannonball, and the various stumps that flew out, the Apocalypse organization's first round of firepower destroyed many zombies.

But now is not the time to be happy. The first round of firepower struck by the Apocalypse organization killed most of the ordinary zombies.

Only a handful of bronze-level mutated zombies happened to be standing at the center of the shell explosion and were eliminated on the spot.


The zombies and mutated beasts that were attacked by the heavy artillery roared one after another, and the speed under their feet accelerated slightly.

On the ground, when the explosion flames rose, anti-aircraft missiles spewed orange-red flames from their tails, flying straight towards the robot in the sky.

Dozens of anti-aircraft missiles trailing flames gave the entire Fucheng safety zone a strange beauty.

But now the soldiers of Tianqi organization naturally have no time to appreciate this strange beauty.

Their eyes were fixed on the orange-red fireballs exploding in the sky.


Sighs came out from the mouths of the soldiers operating anti-aircraft missiles.

Neither the shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles nor the vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missiles were able to shoot down a single robot.

The only role of the anti-aircraft missile is to interrupt the rapid forward movement of some robots, creating opportunities for the fully charged 'Annihilator' light energy cannon behind them!

Although the 'Anhabiter' light energy cannon is powerful, the entire light energy cannon still uses a direct-aiming attack method, and it can hit ground targets and slow-moving targets.

But if you want to attack a robot attacking from the air at high speed, it is a bit weak.

All the anti-aircraft missiles knocked the silver-white robot to a standstill in the air for a few seconds, but it created the best opportunity for the 'Anihilator' light energy cannon to attack.

More than twenty pure white energy beams flew out from the ground, directed at the silver-white robots temporarily suspended in the air.

About 75% of the light beams fired from the ground towards the silver-white robot 'Anherer' hit the robot suspended in the air.


As a burst of green smoke emerged from the robot's body, a large hole suddenly appeared in the location where the dozen or so robots were hit by the 'Annihilator' light energy cannon.

These dozen robots fell straight from the sky after their fatal parts were penetrated.

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