Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 168 Counselor

The two women who appeared on the ring were both wearing very little. They only had a set of patent leather tights on their bodies, but they were in different colors.

And they all wore knee-high boots, which completely highlighted their figures. This outfit did not look like they were participating in a life-and-death fight, but more like the WWE before the outbreak of the apocalyptic virus. A kind of equipment worn by real-person combat performers.

However, the costumes worn by the two people on the stage still caused a burst of cheers from the audience.

The audience, whose mental excitement had reached its peak, started shouting.

"Daji, kill the professor opposite. As long as you can win, I will take you under your wing and serve me alone."

"Professor, I just like iceberg beauties like you. Are you interested in changing your career? It would be a pity to die so soon."

But at this moment, Han Feng in the audience stared closely at the professor's face, his brows knitted together, and he was thinking about a question in his mind: "Why does she appear here?"

The professor standing on the ring wearing a rose-red patent leather tight underwear was relatively familiar to Han Feng. He was his university counselor before the end of the world.

Han Feng looked at Professor Ning Xueru, who was wearing rose-red patent leather tight underwear on the ring, and fell into deep thought.

Although Ning Xueru is the counselor of Han Feng's class, her actual age is not very old, only 28 years old. As soon as she graduated from graduate school, she successfully stayed in school and became the counselor of Han Feng's class.

Although Ning Xueru has always been unsmiling, which earned her the title of Iceberg Beauty, almost all the boys in the class admired this female counselor who was only a few years older than them.

After all, a teacher who is as beautiful as an iceberg will definitely make those little boys who have not been nourished by love treat them like goddesses.

"According to the host's introduction, Ning Xueru also won a fight, which means that she also has at least one life in her hands. What kind of power can make a college counselor become a woman who can easily kill people? Where are the fighters?”

Just when Han Feng was thinking about the reason for Ning Xueru's change, the host off the court announced that the fighting match had officially begun.

"The professor in rose-red clothes took the initiative to attack, and kicked Daji directly with her long legs."

"How could Daji, who had already won a match, be hit by such a simple attack? She dodged the professor's attack and took a big step forward. The professor is now within her attack range."

"Daji took action, swinging her fist directly towards the professor's face. If the professor was hit, her delicate face would definitely be damaged."

As the host explained, the battle between Daji and the professor in the ring had reached a fever pitch.

Both sides were hit several times by the other side, but both of them seemed to have quite a lot of fighting experience. Although they were hit several times by the other side, they both avoided the weak points on their bodies. Only parts such as arms and thighs were attacked.

As for the spectators outside the field, after seeing two scantily clad women fighting in the ring, panting, the dark side in their hearts was completely released.

"Professor, take off the clothes on the other side. Daji's figure looks very promising. Hurry up and let us take a look at Daji's figure."

"Daji, pulled the professor's hair and scratched her face. I like to hear the professor's painful cry. This is simply the most beautiful sound."

The roars of the audience did not affect the two people in the ring. They continued to carry out semi-exploratory attacks against each other. No one dared to use excessive force to avoid being caught by the other party. .

Their attack method obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the audience, who expressed their dissatisfaction with boos.

The host who was responsible for the commentary off the field also had a look of dissatisfaction on his face after he noticed that the two people on the ring were standing on the ring and testing each other in circles.

"Daji and Professor, listen carefully. If you fight with this attitude again, you will both be judged as the losers and both of you will be punished."

After hearing the dissatisfied voice of the host, the expressions of the two people on the ring changed and they increased their attack intensity almost at the same time.

Facing Daji, who was rushing towards her with all his strength, Ning Xueru took a step back, her calves slightly bent, and her body half-crouched, making a defensive posture.


Although she had taken a defensive posture, Daji's attack still hit her shoulder, leaving her upper body numb.

However, Ning Xueru, who was hit by the fist, had a cold light flash in her eyes, kicked her calf, raised her knees high, and hit Daji's towering chest with a knee strike.


After Daji was hit in the chest by a powerful and heavy knee, she immediately retreated backwards, a mouthful of blood spurting out from her mouth. She was obviously seriously injured.

"Damn it, we can't put it off any longer."

Daji, who spit out a mouthful of blood, also felt the crisis. The severe pain in her chest kept coming, letting her know that her sternum seemed to be broken. If the battle continued, she would definitely die.

Thinking of this, she turned around and rushed towards Ning Xueru again without any hesitation.

While rushing towards Ning Xueru, she actually pulled off her bra and threw it towards Ning Xueru, hoping to confuse the other person's sight.

"Wow, I didn't expect Daji's figure to be so amazing."

"It's just that it would be a shame if she was killed like this."

When the audience saw Daji throw out her bra and block Ning Xueru's sight, they howled like wolves.

"That's all you have!"

Ning Xueru looked at the bra flying towards her face, with a sneer on her face, and continued to attack without changing her expression.

The bra thrown by Daji had no effect, and Ning Xueru's foot kicked Daji hard in the abdomen again.


After another muffled sound, Daji's body flew out again.

But just when Ning Xueru was about to walk up to Daji who had fallen to the ground, break her neck and finish her off.

The host's voice suddenly sounded: "It seems that the outcome of this game has been decided. The professor will be the final winner. The loser tonight will receive cruel punishment."

As the host's voice sounded, the iron cage next to the ring was opened again. A group of black market members armed with live ammunition stepped onto the ring and used their weapons to push back Ning Xueru. At the same time, eight strong men carefully Carrying an iron cage covered with black cloth onto the ring.

After the host off the field noticed that the cage was being carried onto the ring, he immediately shouted loudly: "The most exciting moment tonight has arrived. Everyone present must not blink and watch this once-in-a-lifetime scene together."

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